CDL Millennium & Copthorne Gold Medal

The CDL Millennium & Copthorne Gold Medal is established at SIT to encourage and recognise academic excellence among students pursuing the Bachelor of Hospitality Business with Honours degree programme. 

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

The candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Pursuing a full-time Bachelor of Hospitality Business with Honours degree at SIT 
  • Top student of the graduating cohort
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities
  • Made significant contributions beyond academic studies to the Institute or the community

Benefits of the Award

The award is valued at S$5,792 and comprises a gold medal and remaining cash value (after deducting the value of the gold medal).

About the Donor

This award is made possible by a gift from Mr Kwek Leng Beng, Executive Chairman of Hong Leong Group Singapore. Mr Kwek is also Executive Chairman of City Developments Limited (CDL) and Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Limited, and Chairman and Managing Director of Hong Leong Finance Limited.