Singapore Concrete Institute Book Prize

The Singapore Concrete Institute Book Prize is established at SIT to recognise and encourage academic excellence among students pursuing the Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering degree programme.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

The candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Pursuing a full-time Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering degree programme at SIT
  • Achieved the highest GPA in the Capstone Project, Civil Engineering Materials, Special Topics in Civil Engineering, and Structural Design modules
  • The prize will be shared equally in the event that more than one student achieves the highest score

Benefits of the Award

Cash Prize of S$1,500

About the Donor

This book prize has been made possible with a gift from Singapore Concrete Institute. The Singapore Concrete Institute was formed in July 1978. It is a non-profit organisation dedicated to advance concrete technology and its applications, foster collaboration with academia and industry partners, and share best practices.