Chin Chin OOI
SIT Appointments
- Associate Professor– Present
- Assistant Professor–
- PhD (Medical Imaging)Monash University , Australia
- Master in Medical UltrasoundMonash University , Australia
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Medical Imaging)Charles Sturt University , Australia
- Research Grant for project “Sonographic alterations in morphological and mechanical properties of mid Achilles tendons in marathon runners before and after a marathon running”, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR)
- SGH Formal Education Award for PhD study, Monash University, Australia
- SGH Research Grant (project Grant ID: SRG #24/2010, SRG #04/2011) for project “Diagnostic Criteria of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using High Resolution Ultrasonography: Correlation with Nerve Conduction Studies”
- Courage Fund Bursary Award for “Master of Medical Ultrasound” study, Monash University, Australia
Professional Memberships
- Academic Chair, Singapore Society of Radiographers– Present
- Member, Australian Sonographers Association– Present
- Member, Medical Ultrasound Society Singapore– Present
Current Projects
- Shear wave elastography of liver fibrosis and spleen stiffness in patients with chronic liver disease: comparison with FibroScan using liver biopsy as gold standardPresent
- Defining the site of triggering in trigger finger (Co-investigator)Present
- Evaluation of Achilles tendon stiffness: comparison between shear-wave elastography and the MyotonPro (Co-investigator)Present
- Vascular activity in rotator cuff tendinopathy: clinical evaluation with conventional Doppler ultrasonography and Superb Micro-vascular ImagingPresent
- Transvaginal sonoelastography in the diagnosis of myometrial and cervical stroma invasion in women with endometrial cancer (study team member)Present
Journal Papers
Chauhan S, Mah VC, Ooi CC, Abu Bakar R, Rakkunedeth A, Lo RHG. Quantitative Study on the Effect of Pathology on Respiration Induced Kidney Movement. Ultrasound Med Bio. 2016 Apr. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2016.01.015.
Counsel P, Comin J, Ooi CC, Davenport M, Marks P, Brown A, Connell D. Ultrasound guided radiofrequency denervation of the medial calcaneal nerve. Clin J Sport Med. 2016 Feb. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000312.
Ooi CC, Schneider M, Malliaras P, Jones D, Saunders S, McMahon A, Connell D. Sonoelastography of the Achilles tendon: prevalence and prognostic value among asymptomatic elite Australian Rules football players. Clin J Sport Med. 2015 Oct. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0000000000000265.
Docking S, Ooi CC, Connell D. “Tendinopathy: Is imaging telling us the entire story?”. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2015 Sept. Invited review. 2015 Nov;45(11):842-52.
Ooi CC, Richards PJ, Maffulli N, Ede D, Schneider ME, Connell D, Morrissey D, Malliaras P. A soft patellar tendon on elastography is associated with pain and functional deficit in athletes at high risk of patellar tendinopathy. J. Sci. Med. Sport. 2015. 19(5):373-8
Drew M, Trease L, JP Caneiro, Hooper I, Ooi CC, Counsel P, Connell D, Rice A, Knight E, Hoy G, Lovell G. Normative MRI, ultrasound and muscle functional MRI findings in the forearms of asymptomatic elite rowers". J. Sci. Med. Sport 2015 Feb. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2015.02.002.
Ooi CC, Schneider ME, Malliaras P, Counsel P, Connell D. Prevalence of morphological and mechanical stiffness alterations of mid Achilles tendons in asymptomatic marathon runners before and after a competition. Skeletal Radiol 2015. 44(8):1119-27
Ooi CC, Png MA, Tan BHA, Chin YHA, Abu Bakar R, Goh SY, Mohan PC, Yap TJR, Wong SK. Diagnostic Criteria of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using High Resolution Ultrasonography: Correlation with Nerve Conduction Studies. Skeletal Radiol 2014. 43(10):1387-94.
Ooi CC, Schneider ME, Malliaras P, Chadwick M, Connell DA. Diagnostic performance of Axial-strain sonoelastography in confirming clinically diagnosed Achilles tendinopathy: Comparison with conventional B-mode US and Color Doppler imaging. Ultrasound Med Bio 2014. 41(1):15-25
Ooi CC, Malliaras P, Schneider ME, Connell DA. “Soft, hard or just right?” Applications and limitations of axial-strain sonoelastography and shear-wave elastography in the assessment of tendon injuries. Skeletal Radiol 2014; 43(1):1-12
Ooi CC, Cheah FK, Wong SK. Castleman’s Disease of the Kidney: Sonographic Findings. J Clin Ultrasound 2014. 438-42
Hegde A, Gopinathan A, Abu Bakar R, Ooi CC, Koh YY, Lo RHG. A method in the madness in the ultrasound evaluation of thyroid nodules. Singapore Med J 2012; 53 (11):1-8
Ooi CC, Lee HE Sally, Soh BL Pauline. A survey on the research awareness and readiness among radiographers in Singapore General Hospital (SGH). Radiography 2012; 18 (4): 264-269
Ooi CC, Low SCA, Schneider-Kolsky M, Lombardo P, Lim SY, Abu Bakar R, Lo RHG. Diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in differentiating benign and malignant focal liver lesions: A retrospective study. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol 2010; 54(5): 421–430
Leow MQ, Cao T, Lee HE Sally, Cui SL, Tay SC, Ooi CC. Ultrasonography in acupuncture – potential uses for education and research. Acupunct. Med. In press
101st Annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, USA Real-time sonoelastography evaluation of the Achilles tendon following ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma injection for the treatment of refractory Achilles tendinopathy. 29 Nov – 4 Dec 2015 (Oral paper)
Asia Pacific (APAC) Philips Healthcare, Ramathibodi University Hospital, Thailand
Ultrasound elastography: musculo-skeletal applications. 21 – 22 Nov 2015 (Invited speaker)21th Annual National Conference of the Australian Sonographers Association (ASA), Adelaide, Australia. Diagnostic performance of Axial-strain sonoelastography in confirming clinically diagnosed Achilles tendinopathy: comparison with B-mode ultrasound and Color Doppler imaging. 23-25 May 2014 (Oral paper)
Combined Scientific Meeting, Imaging and Radiation in Personalized Medicine. Melbourne, Australia. Diagnostic performance of Axial-strain sonoelastography in confirming clinically diagnosed Achilles tendinopathy: comparison with B-mode ultrasound and Color Doppler imaging. doi.10.1594/ranzcr2014/R-0273. 4-7 Sept 2014 (Electronic poster)
41st Annual meeting of the International Skeletal Society (ISS). Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
The prevalence and prognostic value of asymptomatic abnormalities on Achilles tendon ultrasound and axial-strain sonoelastography. 15-18 Oct 2014 (Oral paper)