Hui AN
SIT Appointments
- Associate Professor– Present
- Assistant Professor–
- Lecturer–
- PhD (Mechanical Engineering)National University of Singapore , Singapore
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), First ClassNational University of Singapore , Singapore
- Teaching Excellence Award–
- Teaching Excellence Award–
- Best reviewer of International Journal of Applied Energy
- NUS Research Scholarship–
- Winner of the NUS and Bombardier design competition - “Minimizing Energy Consumption of the Train”
- Dean’s List–
- Undergraduate scholarship from Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore–
Professional Memberships
- Institution of Fire Engineers Singapore– Present
- Institute of Engineers SingaporePresent
- Fire Safety Managers’ Association, SingaporePresent
Research Interests
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Ventilation Systems
Fire Safety
Water Filtration
Heat Transfer
Internal Combustion Engine
Biofuels and Renewable Fuels
Current Projects
- PI for "Understanding the Transmission Risks of SARS CoV-2 and the Fundamental Rethinking of HVAC System Design in the Post-Pandemic World". MOE AcRF Tier 2. Total Project Value: S$779,181. (3 Years)– Present
- Co-PI for “Urban-metabolic Farming-module (UmFm): a novel farming module towards eco-resilient megacity farmscape in 2030”. SFA Research Fund. Total Project Value: S$ 1,401,270. (2 Years)– Present
- PI for “Pollution Dispersion Control in Urban Environment”. HTX Research Grant. Total Project Value: S$504,000. (2 Years)– Present
- Co-PI for “Contamination Studies on Outdoor Environment”. DSO Research Fund. Total Project Value: S$137,400. (1.5 Years)– Present
- Co-PI for “Development of Game-Based Learning Software to Enhance Emergency Preparedness of Private Organizations”. SIT Ignition grant. Total Project Value: S$100,000. (1 Year)– Present
- Co-PI for “COVID-19 Wastewater-based Epidemiology with Monte-Carlo based algorithms”. SIT Ignition grant. Total Project Value: S$100,000. (1 Year)– Present
- Co-PI for “Advancing Super Low Energy (SLE) Through Alternative Cooling Technologies for the Tropics”. BCA SLE Challenge Call. Total Project Value: S$728,546. (2 Years)– Present
Past Projects
- PI for "Aeration diffuser design for membrane bioreactor water filtration application". MOE TIF Grant. Total Project Value: S$264,000. (2 Years)–
- PI for "Optimizing the design of Saccardo nozzles for tunnel ventilation". LTA LTIF Grant. Total Project Value: S$294,000. (2 Years)–
- Co-PI for "CFD Modelling & Simulation for Fuel Cell Car Engine Design". SIT Ignition Grant. Total Project Value: S$100,000. (1 Year)–
- PI for "Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Ultrafiltration Membrane Modules". SIT Innovation Grant. Total Project Value: S$147,500. (1 Year)–
- Co-PI for "Numerical Analysis and Optimisation of a Hollow Fibre Membrane Module". SIT Ignition Grant. Total Project Value: S$100,000. (1 Year)–
Journal Papers
Shuek Jin Yao Lee, Hui An, Peng Cheng Wang, Joo Guan Hang, Simon Ching Man Yu. "Effects of liquid viscosity on bubble formation characteristics in a typical membrane bioreactor", International Communications of Heat and Mass Transfer 120 (2021) 105000
KB Lim, H An, PC Wang, G Liu, SCM Yu, "Theoretical and Computational Analysis on Double-End Submerged Hollow Fibre Membrane Modules" Energies 11(5), 1-25, 2018
J Li, W Yang, H An, D Zhou. “Soot and NO emissions control in a natural gas/diesel fuelled RCCI engine by φ-T map analysis”, Combustion Theory and Modelling 21 (2), 309-328, 2017
KB Lim, PC Wang and H An, “Numerical Investigation on Packing Density and Inlet Configurations of Hollow Fibres and their Effects on Flow Pattern within Ultrafiltration Modules”, Scientific Journal of Environmental Science 5(11), 269-278, 2017
KB Lim, PC Wang, H An and SCM.Yu , “Computational Studies for the Design Parameters of Hollow Fibre Membrane Modules”, Journal of Membrane Science Vol.529, 263-273, 2017
KL Tay, WM Yang, B Mohan, H An, DZ Zhou, WB Yu. Development of a robust and compact kerosene–diesel reaction mechanism for diesel engines. Energy Conversion and Management 108 (2016) 446-458.
J Li, WM Yang, H An, DZ Zhou, M Kraft. Application of Dynamic ϕ–T Map: Analysis on a Natural Gas/Diesel Fueled RCCI Engine. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 138(9), 092803 (2016).
D Zhou, W Yang, H An, J Li, M Kraft. “An enhanced primary reference fuel mechanism considering conventional fuel chemistry in engine simulation”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138 (9), 092804, 2016
DZ Zhou, WM Yang, H An, J Li, C Shu. A numerical study on RCCI engine fueled by biodiesel/methanol. Energy Conversion and Management 89 (2015) 798-807
H An, WM Yang, J Li. Modeling study of oxygenated fuels on diesel combustion: effects of oxygen concentration, cetane number and C/H ratio. Energy Conversion and Management 90 (2015) 261-271
A Maghbouli, WM Yang, H An, J Li, SK Chou. Effects of injection strategies and fuel injector configuration on combustion and emission characteristics of a D.I. diesel engine fueled by bio-diesel. Renewable 76 (2015) 687-698
BW Fan, JF Pan, WM Yang, H An, AK Tang, X Shao, H Xue. Effects of different parameters on the flow field of peripheral ported rotary engines. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 9 (2015) 445-457
J Li, WM Yang, H An, DZ Zhou, WB Yu, JX Wang, L Li. Numerical investigation on the effect of reactivity gradient in an RCCI engine fueled with gasoline and diesel. Energy Conversion and Management 92 (2015) 342-352
WM Yang, H An, J Li, L Duan. Impact of methane addition on the performance of biodiesel fueled diesel engine. Applied Energy 160 (2015) 784-792
H An, WM Yang, J Li. Numerical modeling on a diesel engine fueled by biodiesel-methanol blends. Energy Conversion and Management 93 (2015) 100-108
J Li, WM Yang, H An. Modeling on blend gasoline/diesel fuel combustion in a direct injection diesel engine. Applied Energy (2015) In Press.
DZ Zhou, WM Yang, H An, J Li. Application of CFD-chemical kinetics approach in detecting RCCI engine knocking fuelled with biodiesel/methanol. Applied Energy 145 (2015) 255-264
J Li, WM Yang, H An, D Zhao. Effects of fuel ratio and injection timing on gasoline/biodiesel fueled RCCI engine: A modeling study. Applied Energy 155 (2015) 59-67
H An, WM Yang, J Li. Effects of ethanol addition on biodiesel combustion: A modeling study. Applied Energy 143 (2015) 176-188
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua. A skeletal mechanism for biodiesel blend surrogates combustion. Energy Conversion and Management 81 (2014) 51-59
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua. Numerical investigation on the combustion and emission characteristics of a hydrogen assisted biodiesel combustion in a diesel engine. Fuel 120 (2014) 186-194
J Li, WMYang, H An, A Maghbouli, SK Chou. Effect of piston bowl geometry on combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel fueled diesel engine. Fuel 120 (2014) 66-73
H An, WM Yang, J Li. A skeletal mechanism for multi-component fuel combustion simulations. Fuel 135 (2014) 429-438
J Li, WM Yang, TN Goh, H An, A Maghbouli, SK Chou. Study on reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) engine by means of statistical experimental design. Energy 78 (2014) 777-787
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua. A numerical modeling on the combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled by diesel and biodiesel blend fuels. Applied Energy 130 (2014) 458-465
WM Yang, KJ Chua, JF Pan, DY Jiang, H An. Development of micro-thermophotovoltaic power generator with heat recuperation. Energy Conversion and Management 78 (2014) 81-87
A Maghbouli, WM Yang, H An, S Shafee, J Li, S Mohammadi. Modeling knocking combustion in hydrogen assisted compression ignition diesel engines. Energy 76 (2014) 768-779
WM Yang, H An, SK Chou, S Vedharaji, R Vallinagam, M Balaji, FEA Mohammad, KJ Chua. Emulsion fuel with novel nano-organic additives for diesel engine application. Fuel 104 (2013) 726-731
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua, A numerical study on a hydrogen assisted diesel engine. Internal Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013) 2919-2928
A Maghbouli, S Shafee, SR Khoshbakhti, WM Yang, V Hosseini, H An. A multi-dimensional CFD-chemical kinetics approach in detection and reduction of knocking combustion in diesel-natural gas dual-fuel engines using local heat release analysis, SAE Int. J. Engines 6(2) 2013
WM Yang, H An, SK Chou, KJ Chua, B Mohan, V Sivasankaralingam, V Raman, A Maghbouli, J Li. Impact of emulsion fuel with nano-organic additives on the performance of diesel engine. Applied Energy 112 (2013) 1206-1212
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, SK Chou, KJ Chua. Detailed physical properties prediction of pure methyl esters for biodiesel combustion modeling. Applied Energy 102 (2013) 647-656.
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua. Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel derived from waste cooking oils. Applied Energy 112 (2013) 493-499
A Maghbouli, WM Yang, H An, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua. An advanced combustion model coupled with detailed chemical reaction mechanism for D.I diesel engine simulation. Applied Energy 111 (2013) 758-770
H An, A Li, AP Sasmito, JC Kurnia, SV Jangam, AS Mujumdar. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of micro-reactor performance: Effect of various configurations. Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 85-95.
H An, WM Yang. A new generalized correlation for accurate vapor pressure prediction. Chemical Physics Letters 543 (2012) 188-192.
WM Yang, DY Jiang, SK Chou, KJ Chua, K Karthikeyan, H An. Experimental study on micro modular combustor for micro-thermophotovoltaic system application. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 9576-9583
H An, WM Yang, SK Chou, KJ Chua. Combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled by biodiesel at partial load conditions. Applied Energy 99 (2012) 363-371.
WM Yang, SK Chou, KJ Chua, H An, K Karthikeyan, X Zhao. An advanced micro combustor-radiator with heat recuperation for micro-TPV system application. Applied Energy 97 (2012) 749-753
Guiqin Liu, Hui An, Peng Cheng Wang, Joo Guan Hang, CM Simon, "Bubble Performance Study before and after Detachment in a Membrane Bioreactor", 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TEFC). 2020
Guiqin Liu, Hui An, Peng Cheng Wang, Joo Guan Hang, CM Simon, "Numerical Simulation of Air-Water Slug Flow in the Aeration Diffuser Pipe of a Membrane Bioreactor", 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TEFC). 2020
JT Panisilvam, P.C. Wang, G Liu, H An, "Predicting the dynamic performance of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) in vehicular applications", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
Fernandez, P.C. Wang, H An, GQ Liu, "A voltage drop analysis on a proton exchange membrane fuel cell", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
KB Lim, H An, PC Wang. Evaluation of Optimum Packing Density for Cross-flow Hollow Fibre Membranes of Different Lengths Using CFD. IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology 2016.
KB Lim, PC Wang and H An, “Numerical Investigation on Packing Density and Inlet Configurations of Hollow Fibres and their Effects on Flow Pattern within Ultrafiltration Modules”, I The 2nd International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology, 13-15 September 2016, Singapore
XZ Heng, PC Wang, H An, GQ Liu "Novel Design of Anode Flow Field in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore, 2016
DZ Zhou, WM Yang, H An, J Li, M Kraft. An Enhanced PRF Mechanism Considering Conventional Fuel Chemistry in Engine Simulation. ASME 2015 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference (2015).
WM Yang, H An, J Li, DZ Zhou, M Kraft. Impact of Urea Direct Injection on NOx Emission Formation of Diesel Engines Fueled by Biodiesel. ASME 2015 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference (2015).
J Li, WM Yang, H An, DZ Zhou, M Kraft. Application of Dynamic Φ-T Map: Analysis on a Natural Gas/Diesel Fueled RCCI Engine. ASME 2015 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference (2015).
WM Yang, H An, A Maghbouli, J Li. 3-Dimensional Numerical Modeling on the Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel in Diesel Engines. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 34 (2014) 1460371
WM Yang, H An, J Li, A Maghbouli, KJ Chua. Experimental Study on the Combustion Process and Performance of Diesel Engines Fueled by Emulsion Diesel with Novel Organic Additives. ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conference. (2013) HT2013-17725. pp. V002T05A007.
Teaching Modules
Sustainable Built Environment, BEng (Hons)
- SIE2017 - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) I
- SIE1009 - Heat Exchanger and Heat Pump
- SIE3014 - Fire Safety Management*
- SIE3013 - Fire Engineering Fundamentals
Engineering Systems, BEng (Hons)
- SIE1009 - Heat Exchanger and Heat Pump
- CE2506 - Heat Transfer Phenomena