Yiyang PEI
SIT Appointments
- Associate Professor– Present
- Deputy Head, Future Communications Translation Lab (FCTLab)–
- Assistant Professor–
- PhD, Electrical and Electronic EngineeringNanyang Technological University , Singapore
- BEng (1st Class), Electrical and Electronic EngineeringNanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Exemplary Reviewer, IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
- A*STAR Graduate Scholarship, Singapore–
- Agilent Technologies Book Prize, NTU, Singapore
- Defence Science &Technology Agency Gold Medal, NTU, Singapore
- Bronze Prize - Best Undergraduate Project Award, NTU, Singapore
- NTU President Research Scholarship, NTU, Singapore–
- MOE PRC Undergraduate Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Singapore–
Professional Memberships
- Voting member, IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks–
- Editorial Assistant, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Series on Cognitive Radio–
- Member, IEEE Communications Society, 2009 to 2014–
Past Projects
- S. W. Oh, Y. Ma, E. C. Y. Peh and Y. Pei, “Embedded broadcast GLDB for the TVWS system”–
Application Number: 10201503084S, Filling date: May 12, 2015
- E. C. Y. Peh, S. W. Oh, Y. Ma, Y. Pei and M.-H. Tao, “A GLDB based system for radio environment mapping”–
Application Number: 10201502512T, Filling date: Apr. 24, 2015
- M.-H. Tao, S. W. Oh, Y. Ma, E. C. Y. Peh and Y. Pei, “GLDB-Assisted coverage hole detection system for cellular networks”–
Application Number: 10201405485Y, Filing date: Sep 4, 2014
Journal Papers
Y. Pei, and Y.-C. Liang, “Cooperative spectrum sharing with bi-directional secondary transmissions,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 64, no. 1, 108-117, Jan. 2015.
E.C. Y. Peh, S. W. Oh, Y. Ma, M.-H. Tao, and Y. Pei “Pricing Model for TV White Spaces Channels with Different Priorities,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 4, no. 4, 401-404, Apr. 2015.
Y. Pei, and Y.-C. Liang, “Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Communication Overlaying Two-Way Cellular Networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 3611-3621, Jul. 2013. (Highly-Cited Paper by ISI Essential Science Indicator on Web of Science)
Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, K. C. Teh, and K. H. Li, “Energy-efficient design of sequential channel sensing in cognitive radio networks: Optimal sensing strategy, power allocation, and sensing order,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1648–1659, Sep. 2011.
Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, K. C. Teh, and K. H. Li, “Secure communication in multiantenna cognitive radio networks with imperfect channel state information,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1683–1693, Apr. 2011.
Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, L. Zhang, K. C. Teh, and K. H. Li, “Secure communication over MISO cognitive radio channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1494–1502, Apr. 2010.
Y. Pei, Y.-C. Liang, K. C. Teh, and K. H. Li, “How much time is needed for wideband spectrum sensing?” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 5466–5471, Nov. 2009.
Y. Pei, A. T. Hoang, and Y. C. Liang, “Sensing-throughput tradeoff in cognitive radio networks: How frequently should spectrum sensing be carried out?” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC’07), Sep. 2007, pp. 1–5.