Giving to SIT

Create Opportunities, Shape the Future

Commemorate your graduation with a gift today!

Calling the Class of 2024, celebrate your year of graduation and help your juniors go further forward by making a gift of $24!

Find Out More

What You Can Support

Student Excellence

Encourage and enable our students to excel in academics, leadership, or community building through bond-free scholarships and performance awards. Your support will inspire them to push boundaries and reach greater heights.

The generosity of our donors makes it possible for our SIT students to be nurtured through bond-free scholarships and performance awards (such as Book Prizes, Gold Medals, and Outstanding Student Awards).

To find out more, contact us at:
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support sit

Student Financial Aid

Thanks to our donors, students at SIT are being enabled to realise their dreams of becoming degreed professionals with reduced financial hindrances. Student financial aid instruments such as bursaries, study grants, or emergency grants level the playing field for financially hamstrung students, allowing them to reap the full benefits of available learning opportunities and make the most of their studies.

Join our donors who have made possible these Bursaries/Study Grants and Emergency Funds to nurture students at SIT.

Click here for more information on the Student Relief Fund @ SIT (COVID-19).

To find out more, contact us at:
 6592 2009

support financial aid

Applied Research and Academic Initiatives

Applied Research at SIT serves to strengthen applied learning and drive industry innovation and transformation.  Our applied research encompasses translational research and innovation that bridges knowledge discovery and application. To support applied research and academic initiatives at SIT is to support our young university in tackling challenges of national importance – such as those in  Community Health Transformation, Sustainable Food Innovation, Energy Resilience, and Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering & Maintenance.

To find out more, contact us at:
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Support Applied Research and Academic Initiatives

Professorships and Fellowships

Your generous giving to support a Professorship/Fellowship will allow SIT to appoint talented faculty members who are thought leaders in their respective fields and provide our students with transformative learning experiences.

To find out more, contact us at:
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Support Professorships and Fellowships

SIT’s Future Campus at Punggol

Scheduled for completion in 2024, our permanent campus is designed as a key element of our nation’s new Punggol Digital District (PDD). The District itself will be the first in Singapore to adopt an integrated master plan, bringing together JTC Corporation (JTC)’s business park buildings, SIT and some community facilities that will be open to Punggol residents.

SIT’s future campus in Punggol will be a smart and green campus that is fully integrated with the surrounding community, as well as the innovative industry cluster to be built by JTC – so that our students and faculty will have easy access to both industry and community, and vice versa.

To find out more on gift opportunities available to support our future campus in Punggol, please contact:

Alan Poh
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The view of SIT’s future campus in Punggol from Coney Island. The smart and green campus is designed to be a living lab and faces the waterfront. 

Legacy Giving

Making a legacy gift is an inspiring way of giving future generations of SIT students the opportunity to achieve their dreams and aspirations. At SIT, legacy or planned gifts will support the SIT Bursary to nurture financially disadvantaged students, generating an impact for years to come.

To create a legacy gift to support the SIT Bursary, you may wish to consider making SIT a beneficiary of your CPF monies.

For more information, please visit

For more details on Legacy Giving, please contact:
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Alumni Giving

Once a SITizen, Always a SITizen! SIT alumni and graduating students, join your fellow SITizens who are giving to the SIT Bursary. Your generosity will nurture those of your juniors who are most in need of financial aid. Support the following causes to make a difference!

One SITizen Fund

Attention all SIT alumni! Give to the One SITizen Fund, and you will fuel your deserving juniors as they pursue their aspirations and transform their lives. Do it today!

To find out more, contact SIT Alumni Giving at:

One SITizen Fund

Class Giving 2024

A shout-out to the graduating Class of 2024! Let’s celebrate your year of graduation by supporting your juniors with a gift of $24 (or more!) The Class of 2024’s combined giving will send a strong and encouraging message of support not just to your fellow SITizens, but also to SIT’s donors and friends.

To find out more, contact SIT Alumni Giving at:


Faculty & Staff Giving

Since 2015, SIT’s faculty and staff have been supporting our students beyond what they already do in their daily work. Through the Faculty & Staff Giving initiative, their generous collective giving has made possible critical student-centric initiatives such as the SIT Bursary, one of the most accessible financial aid instruments at our university, as well as AdventureLearn, a holistic student development platform.

Each year, generous giving by SIT faculty and staff has nurtured our young SITizens, enabling them to make the most of their education at SIT with fewer financial hindrances. To find out more about Faculty & Staff Giving, please click here. For staff, giving forms are available here.

For more details on Faculty & Staff Giving, please contact:

Eileen Wee
 6592 1003

Faculty & Staff Giving

Here are some snapshots of the roadshows from previous years:

FSG Roadshow 2022
FSG Roadshow 2022
FSG Roadshow 2022
FSG Roadshow 2022
FSG Roadshow 2022
FSG Roadshow 2022

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Revenue contributors in Singapore will receive a 2.5 times tax deduction for gifts made in calendar years 2022-2026. Tax deductibility can be utilised over a period of five years. To find out more, contact us at:

Catch up on the latest happenings at SIT with these byte-sized stories.

Rooting for Resilience: SIT Launches Mangrove Conservatory with Seed Funding Support from the Foundation of Rotary Clubs Singapore

Gift from the Foundation of Rotary Clubs Singapore will help build the Mangrove Conservatory at SIT Punggol Campus, which combines community outreach, education, and applied research to improve Singapore’s climate resilience with mangrove conservation.

Mapletree Challenge 2024: Championing Sustainability and Innovation

Nurturing entrepreneurial young minds since 2018, The Mapletree Challenge returns for its fifth edition to inspire SITizens in making a difference through sustainable innovations.

Let Our Hearts take our SITizens Further Forward!

Big hearts and full bellies maketh the 2024 Faculty and Staff Giving Roadshow! a Bright Future for the Digital Era

Endowed gift from AM Family Capital Foundation supports SIT’s S.E.E.D.-Digital space that is designed to promote digital literacy, cultivate skills development, and nurture a sense of community and collaboration

A Towering Gift

SIT’s administrative building, the tallest in its future campus in Punggol, is named the Kwek Leng Beng University Tower, in recognition of a $24 million endowed gift from Mr Kwek Leng Beng and City Developments Limited