The Leadership Training Roadmap is a carefully curated series of programmes designed for incoming student leaders who have taken up leadership roles within clubs and committees. This comprehensive roadmap aims to provide these new leaders with the fundamental skills and knowledge required to excel in their positions.
Since the start of the term, I have set my team's sights on achieving the most that we can as a university-level environmental group. A strong passion to serve the community and the environment, paired with an amazing team was more than enough reason to do our best.Muhammad Danish Bin RahmadChemical Engineering, Year 2 | President of Action for Environmental Conservation (AEC) | Winner of Outstanding Student Group – Special Interest & Student Chapters
As the Vice President, I was responsible for organising events and initiatives that rally students from across the university to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for our migrant brothers in Singapore. Through these experiences, I learned the value of teamwork to achieve common goals, and effective communication to inspire and motivate others. Moreover, my experiences as a student leader have also taught me important skills such as time management, problem-solving and adaptability, which will be useful for any career and for life in general.Eugene TanDiagnostic Radiography, Year 4 | Vice President of SIT Integrates | Winner of Outstanding Male Student Leader
The experience of working with others pushed me to go beyond my comfort zone. Instead of working in silo, I learnt how to tailor my communication approach to be able to work with others. In university, there is no judgement in failing, and you have nothing to lose. So, take this opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. Most importantly, enjoy the process!Teoh Mei TingSustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services), Year 3 | President of IES Student Chapter | Winner of SITizen-DNA - Thinking Tinkerers’ award
Vanguard and Student Leaders facilitating group activities at the recent Local Leadership Development Programme.
Student Leaders sharing about different DISC personality traits at Local Leadership Development Programme.
New Leaders Briefing, an event where new student leaders are briefed on new initiatives, guidelines and are able to meet their Staff ICs in person.
Mr Bernard Nee (Deputy President, Industry & Community) engaging in a dialogue session with the newly appointed 2023 Student Leaders at the New Leaders Briefing.
Student Leaders marking out their group goals for Overseas Leadership Development Programme.
Student Leaders strategising before a competitive group activity.
Student Leaders working as a team to assemble their water raft for the upcoming water expedition at the Overseas Leadership Development Programme.
Student Leaders embarking on their water expedition, using the raft they built themselves to head towards their next checkpoint.