Class of 2020: Resilience Amid Tough Times

Passion is a strong motivator for success. It's okay if you're struggling in your studies or job search. You just need to keep on trying and hold on to that passion,

The DNA of Learning

With a diploma from a leading polytechnic and four years of interior design experience under her belt, Athirah Nurin Syakirah Binte Saleh had a successful start to her career by anyone's standards.

Class of 2020: Industry-Ready to Make an Impact

In this fourth instalment of the 'Class of 2020' mini series, we feature three graduates from Design and Specialised Businesses who actively pursued every opportunity to apply what they have learnt and concretise their career directions.

Class of 2020: SITizens Stepping Up at a Time Most Needed

In the third article of this mini series, 'Class of 2020', we follow the stories of two graduates from the pioneer cohort of our Allied Health programmes.

Class of 2020: Making Headway in Technology and Innovation

In the second article of this mini series, 'Class of 2020', we highlight projects spearheaded by three of our Infocomm Technology graduates that have received accolades from SIT faculty and industry partners

Class of 2020: SITizens Overcome Odds

The Class of 2020 has displayed an admirable resilience, having had to adjust to online learning and examinations in the final year of their studies.

Understanding Crowdlending Diffusion and Investor Behaviour in Asia

Originally one of the five categories of crowdfunding, Crowdlending came into its own sometime around 2005 as a popular option for businesses to raise funds – by attracting investors to co-finance ventures through lending money in return for interests.

SIT Celebrates the Graduation of its Class of 2020

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is hosting its Graduation Ceremony from 23 to 27 February 2021, in celebration of the achievements of the university’s Class of 2020.

Transforming Everyday Work at Four Seasons Catering with Lean Thinking

Transforming Everyday Work at Four Seasons Catering with Lean Thinking Every day, it would take the team at Four Seasons Catering three hours to prepare and organise their ...

Into the Unknown

While most people would be content with having just one university degree, Sarah Tan wanted two. Having graduated and worked for nearly six years at Singapore Airlines, she was ...