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Game On: SITizen Levels Up from Game Development to Academia
Meet SITizen Howard Sin, an alumnus of the Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation programme by SIT and DigiPen (Singapore). After countless nights of burning the ...

Driven by a Desire to Care for Singapore’s Elderly
Meet #SITizen Dhanya Davita Devarajoo from the Nursing degree programme, jointly offered by the Singapore Institute of Technology and University of Glasgow. During Dhanya Davita ...

Class of 2020: Industry-Ready to Make an Impact
In this fourth instalment of the 'Class of 2020' mini series, we feature three graduates from Design and Specialised Businesses who actively pursued every opportunity to apply what they have learnt and concretise their career directions.

Class of 2020: Making Headway in Technology and Innovation
In the second article of this mini series, 'Class of 2020', we highlight projects spearheaded by three of our Infocomm Technology graduates that have received accolades from SIT faculty and industry partners