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Class of 2020: Reflections on the SIT Journey

“As we embrace the new norm, I would like to remind everyone not to tunnel-vision into just furthering your career. "

Class of 2020: Pursuing their Passion for the Sciences

My interest in science started when I was around 6 or 7, when I was inspired by my elder siblings, who were studying physics and biology. They would always talk about their science experiments in school, which got me intrigued in science as well

Class of 2020: Civil Engineering Pioneer Graduates Carve their own Paths

Class of 2020

Class of 2020: Resilience Amid Tough Times

Passion is a strong motivator for success. It's okay if you're struggling in your studies or job search. You just need to keep on trying and hold on to that passion,

Class of 2020: Industry-Ready to Make an Impact

In this fourth instalment of the 'Class of 2020' mini series, we feature three graduates from Design and Specialised Businesses who actively pursued every opportunity to apply what they have learnt and concretise their career directions.

Class of 2020: SITizens Stepping Up at a Time Most Needed

In the third article of this mini series, 'Class of 2020', we follow the stories of two graduates from the pioneer cohort of our Allied Health programmes.

Class of 2020: Making Headway in Technology and Innovation

In the second article of this mini series, 'Class of 2020', we highlight projects spearheaded by three of our Infocomm Technology graduates that have received accolades from SIT faculty and industry partners

Class of 2020: SITizens Overcome Odds

The Class of 2020 has displayed an admirable resilience, having had to adjust to online learning and examinations in the final year of their studies.


SIT prepares students for job market at Career Nexus 2016

SIT prepares students for job market at Career Nexus 2016