The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) has appointed four new members to its Board of Trustees. The new members are:
- Mr Chan Hian Lim, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Corporate, Industry and Technology), Singapore Food Agency (appointed on 16 September 2021).
- Ms Neo Gim Huay, Managing Director, Climate Change Strategy, Temasek International Pte Ltd (appointed on 16 September 2021).
- Ms Susan Soh, Co-Head of Asia Pacific, Schroder Investment Management (Singapore) Ltd. (appointed on 16 September 2021).
- Ms Lim Wan Yong, Second Permanent Secretary (Education), Ministry of Education (appointed on 4 October 2021).

(From left to right): Mr Chan Hian Lim, Ms Neo Gim Huay, Ms Susan Soh, and Ms Lim Wan Yong
As part of Board renewal, Prof Heng Chye Kiang, Ms Melissa Khoo, Mr TK Udairam have stepped down from the SIT Board of Trustees on the conclusion of their respective terms of appointment. Prof Heng is the Provost Chair Professor, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore; Ms Khoo is the Deputy Secretary (Policy), Ministry of Education; and Mr Udairam is the Chief Operating Officer, Sheares Healthcare Management Pte Ltd.
Mr Ng Yat Chung, Chairman, Board of Trustees, SIT said, "We are very pleased to welcome the four new members to our Board of Trustees. With their rich experience and expertise, they will bring relevant insights to help shape SIT’s education and applied research missions as Singapore’s premier University of Applied Learning.”
“At the same time, I would like to thank the three Board Trustees who have stepped down for their dedicated service and contributions to SIT during their term. They have provided sound guidance that has helped chart the university’s growth,” said Mr Ng.
The SIT Board of Trustees comprises 19 eminent business leaders, academics, entrepreneurs, and professionals from the public and private sectors. The Board works closely with the management and stakeholders of the university to shape its mission, chart major directions, and guide significant initiatives to produce a strong and enduring impact for the university.
The full list of Trustees can be found here.
The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is Singapore’s University of Applied Learning, offering applied degree programmes targeted at growth sectors of the economy. With a mission to nurture and develop individuals who impact society in meaningful ways, SIT aims to be a leader in innovative learning by integrating learning, industry, and community.
The university’s unique pedagogy integrates work and study by incorporating applied research for students to work on real industry problems and creating solutions that meet industry needs. SIT also advocates the work-learn continuum, which places an emphasis on upskilling and lifelong learning.
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