Blended Learning
What is it?
Blended learning is an integrated plan utilising the best of what both face-to-face and online learning have to offer to support students in achieving learning outcomes (Cleveland-Innes & Wilton, 2018). The default blended learning model at SIT is the flipped classroom.
The key to getting this right is to design blended lessons in a way that suits both you and your students.
Parts of your lessons may be best delivered face-to-face, while other parts may be better done online.
For SIT academic staff, more resources can be accessed at Blended Learning@SIT.
An example of ‘blending learning’ in practice
Start by using video editing software or our Green Screen Studio to create an online video on basic theories. Send it to your students to watch and learn at home at their own pace.
At the end of the video, they are prompted to take a quiz about the content. The quiz results will help you, and your students, understand how well they have learnt the theories.
You will get a better idea of what to focus on during face-to face classes – are there theories that most students have not grasped, or can you move on to illustrate the theories with real-world examples? You can also identify which students need more attention from you to help them catch up with the rest of the class.
Tips for planning blended lessons
- Dip your toes before plunging straight in – if you are new to this teaching strategy, experiment with it by ‘blending’ part of a module
- Decide which content students can learn on their own through online materials and which should be covered face-to-face
- Think of how you would develop your materials and make both classroom and online learning interesting and engaging (Talk to STLA’s educational developers to get ideas)
- Familiarise yourself with the online learning platform and evaluate if it is suitable for your students and easy to use
- Decide how you will monitor your students’ progress for e-learning
Want to start ‘blending’?
You don't have to do it alone. Explore blended learning with help from the SIT Teaching and Learning Academy (STLA) team. We have the knowledge and resources to support you and make blending your lessons fun and easy.