Information and Digital Technology

  1. Applied Artificial Intelligence
    Applied Artificial Intelligence
  2. applied-computing
    Applied Computing (Fintech)
  3. applied-computing
    Applied Computing (via the Competency‑based Stackable Micro‑credential Pathway)
  4. BICT
    Business and Infocomm Technology
  5. computer engineering
    Computer Engineering
  6. Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game Development
    Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game Development
  7. Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
    Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
  8. Computing Science
    Computing Science
  9. Digital Art and Animation
    Digital Art and Animation
  10. Info-security
    Information and Communications Technology (Information Security)
  11. Information and Communications Technology (Software Engineering)
    Information and Communications Technology (Software Engineering)
  12. User Experience and Game Design
    User Experience and Game Design