SIT Appointments
- Senior Lecturer– Present
- Master's of Arts in Language Education / TESOLOhio State University , United States
- Bachelor of Arts in Slavic Languages and LiteraturesOhio State University , United States
- NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2010, 2012)–
- CELC/NUS Commendation for Teaching Excellence (2008, 2010, 2012, 2013)–
Professional Memberships
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Research Interests
Academic Writing in English
Integrated Language Skills
Professional Communication
Task-based Learning
Computer Assisted Language Learning
E-Portfolios/Peer Feedback
Pedagogical Blogging
Journal Papers
Blackstone, B., & Jaidev, R. (2015). Significant task-based learning: Empowering students with position search skills in a university in Singapore. In M. Thomas & H. Reinders (Eds.). Contemporary Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia. London: Bloomsbury.
Blackstone, B. (February 2014). Bonding in and beyond the classroom: A teaching and learning journey. English Language Teaching World Online: Voices from the Classroom (ELTWO), 5.
Blackstone, B. (July 2013). In their own words: An interview with Bill Grabe & Fredricke Stoller. English Language Teaching World Online: Voices from the Classroom (ELTWO), 4.
Harwood, C., & Blackstone, B. (February 2012). Using facebook to extend learning into students' digital lives. English Language Teaching World Online: Voices from the Classroom (ELTWO), 3.
Blackstone, B., & Wilkinson, M. (2011). Pedagogical blogging: A transformational methodology for post-secondary education. In C. Ho & A. Leong (Eds.), New Medias, New Literacies: Innovative Technologies, Integrated Experiences. London: Continuum.
Blackstone, B. (2009). Pedagogical blogging: Implementation in a professional communication course. English Language Teaching World Online: Voices from the Classroom (ELTWO), 1.
Blackstone, B., Spiri, J., & Naganuma, N. (2007). Blogging in English teaching and learning: Pedagogical uses and student responses. Reflections on English Language Teaching,Volume 6(2).
Blackstone, B., & Cook, M. (27 February, 2015). Validating Peer Feedback: Student Attitudes on Learning Guild Knowledge and Evaluative Skills. 11th CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Blackstone, B., & Chan, P. (17 January, 2014). Looking Out, Looking In: Teacher Development in Southeast Asia. 34th Thai TESOL Conference. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Blackstone, B., & Aryadoust, V. (28 November, 2014). The Reliability of Automated Machines in Predicting the Quality of Blog Posts Based on Limited Linguistic Features. ALTAANZ Conference. Brisbane, Australia.
Blackstone, B., Guangwei, H., Kratoska, P., Renandya, W., & Wong, J. (27 May, 2013). A Behind-The-Scenes Look at Publishing in an ELT Journal Today. Colloquium organized/presented at the 4th Symposium of the Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore.
Blackstone, B., & Jaidev, R. (28 May, 2013). Building Communicative Readiness: Empowering University Students for the Global Workplace. 4th Symposium of the Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore.
Blackstone, B. (24 February, 2013). Entry To The Global Workplace: An Integrated Skills Project for University Students. 9th CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Blackstone, B., Chan, P., Deng, X., Lee, K., & Wong, S. (28 May, 2013). A Journey in Capability Building: Perspectives and Reflections. Colloquium organized/presented at the 4th Symposium of the Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore.
Harwood, C., & Blackstone, B. (25 February, 2012). Using Facebook to Extend Learning into Students' Digital Lives. 8th CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Chan, P., Blackstone, B., Liamsithisack, L., Souphanthong, B., & Phoonsavat, T. (7 June, 2012). Using Scaffolding to Build Vocabulary for Writing: A Study of Teaching English in a Laotian Teacher Training College (TTC). 21st MELTA International Conference. Kuching, Malaysia.
Blackstone, B. (13 August, 2011.) Encouraging Peer Learning through Blogging and Facebook in a University Communication Course. 2nd Asian EFL Journal and TESOL Asia International Conference. Cebu, Philippines.
Blackstone, B., & Harwood, C. (2011). Pedagogical blogging in university courses. In R. Jaidev, M.L.C. Sadorra, J.C. Wong, M.C. Lee, & B. Paredes-Lorente (Eds.), Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives: Reflections and Practice in ELT (Selected papers from the Third CELC Symposium for English Language Teachers). Centre for English Language Communication/National University of Singapore: Singapore.
Ho, G., & Blackstone, B. (12 March, 2011). Blog-based Comments for Enhancing Learning in Higher Education: Social Interaction within Distinct Communities of Practice. 2nd International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. Bangkok, Thailand.
Blackstone, B., & Ho, G. A. L. (8 December, 2011). Classroom without Walls: Student Blogging to Enhance Communities of Practice. International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning/National University of Singapore.
Blackstone, B., & Harwood, C. (26 February, 2011). Electronic Communities of Practice: Extending the Classroom into the Blogosphere.7th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tupas, R., Lee, K.C, Blackstone, B., Goh, K.P. (6 August, 2010). Frameworking from the Ground: The Practice of ELT Materials Writing in Southeast Asian Contexts. Asia TEFL Conference. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Blackstone, B., Hoskins, C., & Naganuma, N. (2006). Multicultural learning through traditional story-telling. ACCU International Exchange Programme under UNESCO/Japan Funds-in-Trust for the Promotion of International Cooperation and Mutual Understanding: Tokyo, Japan.
Blackstone, B., Hoskins, C., Spiri, J., & Johnson, I. (2006). Student-generated research in the university EAP classroom. In K. Bradford-Watts, C. Ikeguchi, & M. Swanson (Eds.), JALT 2005 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT.
Blackstone, B., & Harwood, C. (2012). Pedagogical blogging: Enhancing motivation and opportunities for learning within two university-level communities of practice. In M. K. Kabilan, T. W. Keong, & H. P. Widodo (Eds.). ICT and ELT Research and Practices in South East Asia. Penang, Malaysia: USM Publishers.
Jaidev, R., & Blackstone, B. (forthcoming). Facilitating workplace communicative competencies: An inquiry-based proposal project. H. Widodo & W. Renandya (Eds.). English Language Teaching Today: Building a Closer Link between Theory and Practice. Berlin: Springer.