Academic Policies
The SIT Academic Policies apply to undergraduate, postgraduate, and other credit-bearing programmes offered by SIT and those jointly offered by SIT with Overseas University (OU) partners. These policies are in accordance to the university’s education philosophy to produce work-ready graduates imbued with the SITizen-DNA.
Academic Governance
Academic governance, management and excellence is the responsibility of the Deputy President (Academic) & Provost, who acts as the Chief Academic Officer of SIT. Several academic committees to assist the Provost in executing various academic decisions.
The key academic committees are the:
- Board of Studies (BOS) provides oversight, guidance and policies in line with SIT’s prevailing academic policies on the programmes and academic programme structures, curricula and policies governing the conduct of these programmes. BOS is the highest academic decision-making committee in SIT.
- Board of Examiners, which reports to the BOS, provide oversight, guidance and policies pertaining to the administration of examinations and ensure that such oversight, guidance and policies are in line with SIT’s prevailing academic policies.
Admissions Policy
Admissions Framework
The general admissions framework for SIT is a 2-tier system, where applicants are shortlisted using a minimum academic threshold, after which they undergo admissions interviews / test evaluations to be assessed for the desired skills, profile and aptitudes. Applicants will then be selected based on overall standing, consisting of both academic and interview/test performances, as well as other key attributes, e.g. demonstrated skills or relevant ‘work experience’.
Applicants with work experience who do not meet SIT’s minimum academic threshold marginally but have particularly impressive work experience and records may be considered under SIT’s aptitude-based admissions process. This allows a ‘second chance’ for candidates who may not have excelled in the polytechnic, junior college or other educational institution, but have since done very well in real-work situations.
All shortlisted applicants must attend an interview. The interview will be used to assist in determining whether the applicant is suitable for the programme based on these broad criteria:
- Aptitude to complete the degree programme
- Likelihood of applicant pursuing a career in the area after graduation
- Attributes/characteristics (e.g. passion, determination, team-spirit, interpersonal skills) necessary to be part of the degree programme as well as to be a professional in the area chosen.
Aside from the mandatory interviews, SIT may impose additional admissions criteria, on top of the GPA, or equivalent to select applicants. These can be based on one or more of the following components:- Particular subject scores, where relevant
- Portfolios of work
- Reasoning or aptitude tests
- Outstanding performance in non-academic areas
Minimum Age for University Admission
The Ministry of Education’s (MOE) policy on the admission of under-aged students (defined as under 18 years of age at expected point of matriculation) into the Autonomous Universities (AUs) is that Singapore Citizens (SCs), Permanent Residents (PRs) and flow-through international students (IS) have to satisfy one of the following requirements to be admitted into our AUs:
- Possess acceptable pre-university qualifications, e.g. ‘A’ Levels, polytechnic diploma, or International Baccalaureate diploma
- Have completed a minimum of 12 years of formal education
However, under the Enlistment Act, males who are liable for National Service (NS) can be called up for full-time NS as soon as they turn 18 years of age. The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) grants deferment from full-time NS to eligible pre-enlistees who wish to pursue full-time studies up to GCE ‘A’ level, polytechnic diploma or an equivalent qualification. Those who commence their university studies before their enlistment will be enlisted at the first opportunity after they turn 18 years of age. They are required to make the necessary arrangements with their university to disrupt their university studies to fulfil their full-time NS obligations.Students with Special Education Needs
SIT adopts an inclusive and fair approach in assessing applicants without denying an opportunity to an applicant due to his/her special education needs. Applicants are encouraged to disclose any special need or assistance they may require upon admission to SIT at the onset, to help ensure that any necessary adjustment can be planned to support their education.
Financial Considerations
SIT is committed to an admissions policy that strives to ensure that students (SCs and PRs) are not denied admission because of financial difficulties. The Admissions and Financial Aid Division administers various financial assistance schemes to help meet the educational expense needs of as many eligible students as possible.
At present, there are very limited financial assistance schemes available for international students. International students are required to furnish a documentary proof of Certification of Finances during matriculation to declare their financial ability to support their educational and living expenses throughout the period of study at SIT.
Conferment of Degree
Criteria for Conferment of Degrees
Students must pass all assessments and requirements as specified in their respective programmes, obtain the total credits required of the programme and attain the required minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at the end of the final trimester of study to be eligible for the conferment of the relevant degree from SIT.
Classification of Degree
Undergraduate students will be awarded a degree classification as follows based on the CGPA attained at the final trimester of their programme (this is not applicable for postgraduate degrees):
Degree Classification CGPA Requirement Honours with Highest Distinction 4.50 ≤ CGPA ≤ 5.00 Honours with Distinction 4.00 ≤ CGPA < 4.50 Honours with Merit 3.50 ≤ CGPA < 4.00 Honours 3.00 ≤ CGPA < 3.50 Pass 2.00 ≤ CGPA < 3.00 -
Integration of Work and Study in Curriculum
Authentic learning through work-study is an integral aspect of the SIT applied learning pedagogy. The integration of classroom knowledge with real-world applications creates an authentic and hands-on learning environment with strong industry orientation. It provides an engaging learning opportunity for students to acquire work-ready skills. All SIT undergraduate degree programmes and joint undergraduate degree programmes incorporate a substantive work-study curriculum component, which involves close collaboration with relevant industries to provide real work experience for the students in their fields of specialisation. SIT’s applied learning pedagogy is underpinned by 2 strong pillars: Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP) and Capstone Projects.
Integrated Work Study Programme
The implementation of work-study in the curriculum can take the form of Industry Attachment/Induction and IWSP. IWSP is an integral and compulsory component for all SIT-conferred and joint degree programmes. It leverages on the expertise of our job-ready students and develops in them a keen response to the expectations of industry. Students will learn how they can bring innovation to industry and bring back their knowledge and experience of industry to their study. In support of its applied learning pedagogy and in response to the needs of industry partners and students, SIT adopts a trimester system to provide flexibility in how we can shape the timing of the IWSP.
Capstone Projects
Capstone projects serve as the culmination and integrative experience of an educational programme. Capstone projects aim to provide students with the opportunity to apply what they have learnt at SIT and to innovate and solve real-world problems pertaining to industry and their fields of study. Undergraduate students are thus encouraged to draw upon their IWSP experiences in the formulation of capstone projects. Examples of capstone projects include (but are not limited to) design projects, research projects and theses.
Student Disciplinary Policy
Students of SIT are expected to hold themselves to the highest standard of integrity at all times. Where a student is alleged to have committed an act of misconduct, SIT may take appropriate disciplinary actions in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Policy. Students may receive appropriate counselling during the course of disciplinary hearings and actions. Students may also appeal against the decision and sanctions imposed by the disciplinary bodies.
Student Grievances Policy
SIT adopts a student-centric approach in its educational philosophy. Whilst students are actively encouraged to resolve grievances directly with the staff or student(s) responsible for causing the grievance, SIT has established a formal grievance resolution channel and process to assist students with their academic or administrative grievances.
Teaching and Learning
Effective learning and teaching involve a partnership between students and the university. SIT aspires to foster a student-centric culture by ascribing the highest importance to providing high-quality learning experiences and outcomes for all students. SIT is committed to providing applied learning experiences that foster the development of the SITizen-DNA.
Assessment has a significant influence on teaching and student’s learning; selection and progression decisions; quality assurance and accountability. SIT is committed to upholding assessment processes that are consistent with its institutional educational goals.
SIT is also committed to providing global experience opportunities for students to enrich their global education through a sustainable partnership of network with world-class partners. It is our endeavour that no students shall be denied access to overseas education opportunities with SIT’s partner due to financial constraints.