Innovation Hub
The Innovation Hub (InnoHub) provides an integrated end-to-end innovation infrastructure to support industry partners in their innovation journeys.
The centre encompasses the following four synergistic innovation centres:
Our Aim
Aligned with the university’s strategic applied research programmes, InnoHub aims to:
- Support companies in moving up the innovation value chain;
- Enable the university’s academic staff to remain current and relevant to the industry; and
- Develop our graduates as a talent pipeline of innovators and value creators for the industry.
Value to Industry
InnoHub is a one-stop centre for companies interested in moving up the innovation value chain by bringing together innovation experts from different disciplines and domain expertise to solve industry challenges.
InnoHub can help you to:
- Accelerate your business transformation by connecting with experts with deep industry know-how and capabilities.
- Create value by embracing design innovation thinking through a multi-disciplinary approach.
- Develop prototypes rapidly with small batch production, before scaling up for manufacturing.
- Improve the way things are currently being manufactured, maintained, and replaced.
Upgraded Bird Deterrent Device Set to Take Flight – Thanks to Mastermark and SIT
Keeping the Smartest Birds at Bay through Innovative Solutions
Applied learning university in Singapore supports companies’ innovation journeys from scratch to hatch
Our Team
John Yong
Head, InnoHub
Associate Vice President (Innovation)
Lim Kok Hwa
Director, Professional Officers Division
Associate Professor,
Food, Chemical and Biotechnology
Jeffrey Koh
Head, DF@SIT
Associate Professor,
Business, Communication and Design
Gan Hiong Yap
Associate Professor, Engineering
Daniel Mok
Head, RaPID Centre
Principal Professional Officer
Raymond Keh
Principal Professional Officer
Past Events
InnoHub participated in the Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH) 2022, organised by Enterprise Singapore and supported by the National Research Foundation.
At the event, InnoHub showcased the capabilities of our four Innovation Centres, namely the Design Factory@SIT (DF@SIT), Rapid Product Innovation & Development Centre (RaPID), National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster Hub@SIT (NAMIC Hub@SIT), and SIT-Polytechnic Innovation Centre of Excellence (SPICE).