SIT’s Singapore Biodesign Faculty Fellows Turn Research into Medical Solutions

Under the Singapore Biodesign Faculty Fellowship, faculty members are equipped with biodesign knowledge in healthcare innovation to improve patients' lives.

Staying Relevant in the Workplace Through Competency-based Upskilling

28 May 2024

SIT Launches First-of-its-kind Centre for AI in Collaboration with NVIDIA

2 Apr 2024

SITizens of Tomorrow in an AI-driven World

1 Mar 2024

Infocomm Technology (ICT) is a powerful enabler for modern life and one of the most important drivers for technological innovation.

It is pervasive; found anywhere you find people. It is transformative; revolutionising social interaction, health, business, governance, and security. It is increasingly essential to all that we do, and it is wildly innovative, encouraging novel ideas and new ways of working. All of these factors drive ever-shortening development times and sustain a rich and varied ecosystem that surrounds ICT.