We aim to be a leader in innovative university education in the ICT space by integrating learning, industry and community.  

Our industry component is ensured by our faculty engaging with industry on applied research projects, often with the active involvement of students. Our students also spend substantial time in the industry during their IWSP (Integrated Work Study Programme) which lasts between 8 and 12 months, and for industry modules such as ITP (integrative team project).

Meanwhile, we engage many industry experts to teach parts of our specialised modules to ensure that students (and staff) always know exactly what is happening in the industry, but also so that they can see what they are learning from an industry perspective.

Our teaching pedagogy, backed up by extensive educational training and the best teaching resources, is cutting edge and gives weight to our aim of being the premier university of applied learning. Graduates from SIT earn excellent salaries and are typically highly employable. For these reasons we are a popular choice for students, and we would hope to be their go-to resource for lifelong learning, as they navigate their future careers, with our range of industry training courses and higher degrees at masters and doctorate levels.

Explore ICT Programmes

The current programmes taught by the ICT cluster are:

    1. Applied Artificial Intelligence
      Applied Artificial Intelligence
    2. applied-computing
      Applied Computing (Fintech)
    3. BICT
      Business and Infocomm Technology
    4. computer engineering
      Computer Engineering
    5. Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game Development
      Computer Science in Interactive Media and Game Development
    6. Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
      Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
    7. Computing Science
      Computing Science
    8. Digital Art and Animation
      Digital Art and Animation
    9. Info-security
      Information and Communications Technology (Information Security)
    10. Information and Communications Technology (Software Engineering)
      Information and Communications Technology (Software Engineering)
    11. User Experience and Game Design
      User Experience and Game Design
    1. Doctor of Engineering
      Doctor of Engineering
    2. Master of Engineering
      Master of Engineering