Returning NSmen

Thank you for your service and contribution to our nation. Academic places offered to NSmen will be deferred till after the completion of your full-time national service.

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs)

Singapore Citizens and PRs who are required to fulfil their National Service may apply within the stipulated application period. Successful applicants will have a place reserved until they complete their full-time National Service.

Returning NSmen (RNS) 

Starting from AY2025, there will not be any separate confirmation exercise for Returning National Servicemen – your reserved offer at SIT is confirmed by default.

In the event that there are changes to your NS or study status that warrant a need for disruption, deferment or withdrawal, please email to for assistance.

Please refer to the Guide for Returning NSmen for more information on matriculation, scholarship application and more.

  1. chevron--up
    Applying to Bring Forward Matriculation Year

    Please email us at to inform us that you are able to commence your degree study ahead of the original matriculation year. In your email, please provide us with an official letter from your NS unit stating the reasons supporting the request. We will review and if approved, amend your matriculation year in our records to the preceding year.

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    Applying to Disrupt from NS

    SIT commences its new term in early September every year. For NSFs whose ORD falls after the term commencement but wish to begin classes on time, they can apply for disruption from NS so that they can start together with the rest of the cohort.

    You will be able to download a copy of the disruption letter (from Feb onwards). The letter will show your programme commencement and completion dates, which you can submit to your NS unit to apply for disruption. Upon receiving MINDEF's reply, please promptly submit MINDEF's official approval letter to SIT Admissions and Financial Aid via email to

    If your disruption application is unsuccessful, please provide SIT with an official letter from your NS unit stating your enlistment date and ORD. We will review and amend your matriculation year in our records to the following year.

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    Applying to Defer Enrolment

    Only successful male applicants serving full-time National Service (NS) in Singapore will be allowed deferment upon the acceptance of their SIT offers as they are required to complete their NS obligations before pursuing their tertiary education.

    Offers which are not accepted by the stipulated closing date would be deemed to have lapsed.

    Applicants currently working to serve existing contractual obligations (such as bonds or employment agreements) should only apply for admission when they are ready to commence their studies that same year.

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    Applying for Change of Programme

    Starting from AY2025, there will not be any separate confirmation exercise for Returning National Servicemen (RNS) – The reserved offer at SIT is confirmed by default.

    If the RNS is successful in his new application, his new offer will supersede the reserved programme. If his new application is unsuccessful, he would still have retained his place in the reserved programme, based on his initial acceptance.

    To apply for a different programme, the RNS can access the SIT application portal during the admissions period from mid-January to mid-March during his enrolment year.

    Please note that SIT has transited to a new application portal from AY25 onwards. The RNS must click on ‘Forgot your password?’ to reset their password before submitting a new application. The username is the email address that you had used for application.

    Should the RNS wish to retain his place in the reserved programme after successfully applying for another programme, please email Admissions and Financial Aid Division at All requests are reviewed based on a case-by-case basis.


  1. chevron--up
    I have accepted an offer from SIT. As I will be serving NS and enrolling in 2 years’ time, what should I do next?

    Starting from AY2025, there will not be any separate confirmation exercise for Returning National Servicemen – your reserved offer at SIT is confirmed by default.

    In the event that there are changes to your NS or study status that warrant a need for disruption, deferment or withdrawal, please email to for assistance.

  2. chevron--up
    I already have a place reserved for me after my NS in another Autonomous University (NUS/NTU/SMU/SUSS/SUTD). Can I still apply to SIT?

    Yes, NSFs who have been offered a place at another university can still apply to SIT.

  3. chevron--up
    My ORD (Operationally Ready Date) is shortly after SIT term commencement, can I choose not to disrupt NS and commence my studies at SIT in the following year instead?

    Please email us at to inform us that you do not wish to disrupt NS and provide us with an official letter from your NS unit stating your enlistment date and ORD. We will review and amend your matriculation year in our records to the following year.