Chek Tien TAN
Part researcher, part educator, mostly tinkerer in Immersive Technologies with Human-Computer Interaction and Machine Learning.
SIT Appointments
- Centre Director, Research Centre for Immersification– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- Deputy Programme Director - DigiPen RTIS, BSGD, BAGD, BFA–
- Ph.D in Computer ScienceNational University of Singapore , Singapore
- Bachelor of Computing in Computer Engineering (Hons)National University of Singapore , Singapore
- SIT Teaching Excellence Award–
- Honorary Associate, University of Technology Sydney–
- SIGCHI Best Paper Honorable Mention for CHI Play 2015 paper on Exploring Gameplay Experiences on the Oculus Rift, 2014
- Nominated for UTS Medal for Excellence in Teaching and Research Integration
- NUS Venture Support (NVS) Seed Funding for Technological Startup–
Professional Memberships
- Member, ACM Special Interest Group for Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI)
- Member, IEEE
- Member, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
- Member, ACM Special Interest Group for Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH)
Corporate Experience
- IMDA PIXEL MentorPresent
- Doctoral Consortium Chair, ISMAR–
- Workshops Co-chair, OzCHI–
- Demos Chair, SIGGRAPH Asia MGIA–
- Posters & Demos Chair, ACM Creativity & Cognition (C&C)–
- Program Chair, Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment (IE)–
- Panel Chair, Sydney International Animation Festival (SIAF) 2011, 2013.–
- Academic Advisory Board, Sydney International Animation Festival (SIAF).–
- General Conference Chair, GAMEON-ASIA, EUROSIS–
- Information Technology Analyst, Singhealth Private Limited–
Research Interests
Human-computer Interaction
Gamification Design
Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality Technologies
Current Projects
- Virtual lab-based evaluation of mobility environment to improve first/last mile connections– Present
Lead PI, LTA Sustainable Singapore Blueprint (SSB) Grant
- Project Kampong Lorong Buangkok: Preserving Singapore mainland’s last kampong– Present
Collaborator, SIT Ignition Grant
- Exploring Virtual Reality to Improve Chemical Engineering Learning Outcomes– Present
Co-PI, MOE Tertiary Education Research Fund (TRF)
- VRSafe: A Virtual Reality Safety Training Platform for Cyclists and PMD Users in Singapore– Present
Lead PI, SIT Seed Grant
- How computer gaming affects the brain health of post-stroke patients?– Present
Co-PI, SIT Ignition Grant
- Virtual Reality Mobility Training (VRMT)– Present
Co-PI, SIT Ignition Grant
Past Projects
- Gamified Micro-learning Platform: an Early Intervention for at-risk Freshmen–
Co-PI, MOE Tertiary Education Research Fund (TRF)
- Immersive Training for Bioreactor Operations–
- Adaptable Game Mechanics for Game-based Learning Project–
Co-PI, UTS ARC Linkage Seed Grant
- Constructing Design Patterns for Gamification of Healthy Eating Project–
Lead PI, UTS DECRA Seed Fund
- Improving Student Motivations for Flipped Learning through Gamification Project–
Lead PI, UTS Teaching & Learning Grant
- Automatic Playtesting–
Lead PI, UTS Early Career Researcher Grant
- Embodied Interfaces For Creative Expression in Dance Performance–
Co-PI, UTS FEIT Industry and Innovation Grant
- Facial Expressions Serious Game Engine–
Lead PI, UTS HCTD Seed Fund
Journal Papers
Beena Ahmed, Penelope Monroe, Adam Hair, Chek Tien Tan, Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna, and Kirrie J. Ballard. “Speech-driven mobile games for speech therapy: User experiences and feasibility”. In: Interna- tional Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 0.0 (2018). PMID: 30301384, pp. 1–15.
Kirrie Ballard, Nicole M Etter, Songjia Shen, Penelope Monroe, and Chek Tien Tan. “Use of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Software in App-Based Treatment in Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia”. In:American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (2018).
Chen Si, Yusuf Pisan, Chek Tien Tan, and Songjia Shen. “An initial Understanding of How Game Users Explore Virtual Environments”. In: Entertainment Computing 19 (2016), 13–24.
Jaime Garcia, Yusuf Pisan, Chek Tien Tan, and K. F. Navarro. Assessing the Kinects Capabilities to Perform a Time-based Clinical Test for Fall Risk Assessment in Older People". In: Entertainment Computing ICEC (2014).
Sander Bakkes, Chek Tien Tan, and Yusuf Pisan. “Personalised Gaming". In: Journal. Creative Technologies 3 (2013), 5.
Chek Tien Tan, Junbin Huang, and Yusuf Pisan. “Initial Perceptions of a Touch-based Tablet Handwriting Serious Game from a Players Perspective". In: Entertainment Computing ICEC 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8215 (2013), 172-175.
Chek Tien Tan and Ho-lun Cheng. “Tactical Agent Personality". In: International Journal of Computer Games Technology 2011 (Jan. 2011), 1-16.
Chek Tien Tan, Jeannie Lee, Bernard Loo, Songjia Shen, Simon Lui. Exploring Gamification and VR to Improve Chemical Engineering Learning Outcomes. In Proc. Clute International Conference in Technology in Education (ICTE), pp. 369-1, 2018.
Florian Mueller, Chek Tien Tan, Richard Byrne and Matt Jones. “13 Game Lenses for Designing Diverse Interactive Jogging Systems”. In: Proceedings of CHI PLAY 2017. ACM Press, 2017.
Wenlong Zhang, Chek Tien Tan, and Tim Chen. “A Safe Low-cost HMD for Underwater VR Experiences”. In: Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 MGIA. ACM Press, 2016, 12:1–12:2.
Chek Tien Tan, Richard Byrne, Simon Lui, Weilong Liu, and Florian Mueller. “JoggAR : a mixed modality AR approach for technology-augmented jogging". In: Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 MGIA. ACM Press, 2015.
Chek Tien Tan, Tuck Wah Leong, Songjia Shen, Christopher Dubravs, and Chen Si. “Exploring Gameplay Experiences on the Oculus Rift". In: Proc. CHI PLAY 2015 **BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION**. ACM Press, 2015.
Chek Tien Tan, Pejman Mirza-babaei, Veronica Zammitto, Alessandro Canossa, Genevieve Conley, and Gunter Wallner. “Tool Design Jam : Designing Tools for Games User Research". In: Proc. CHI PLAY 2015. ACM Press, 2015.
Chek Tien Tan, Andrew Johnston, Andrew Bluff, Samuel Ferguson, and Kirrie J. Ballard. “Retrogaming as Visual Feedback for Speech Therapy". In: Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 MGIA. ACM Press, 2014.
Paris Mavromoustakos Blom, Sander Bakkes, Chek Tien Tan, Shimon Whiteson, Diederik Roijers, Roberto Valenti, and Theo Gevers. “Towards Personalised Gaming via Facial Expression Recognition". In: Proc. Tenth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment. Palo: AAAI Press, 2014.
Jaime Garcia, Yusuf Pisan, Chek Tien Tan, and Karla Felix Navarro. “Step Kinnection: A Hybrid Clinical Test for Fall Risk Assessment in Older Adults". In: Proc. CHI'14 Ext. Abstracts. ACM Press, 2014, pp. 471-474.
Chek Tien Tan, Sander Bakkes, and Yusuf Pisan. “Correlation between Facial Expressions and the Game Experience Questionnaire". In: Entertainment Computing ICEC 2014. 1. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 2-4.
Natalie Harrold, Chek Tien Tan, Daniel Rosser, and Tuck Wah Leong. “CopyMe : A Portable Real-Time Feedback Expression Recognition Game for Children". In: Proc. CHI'14 Ext. Abstracts. ACM Press, 2014, pp. 1195-1200.
Chek Tien Tan, Tuck Wah Leong, and Songjia Shen. “Combining Think-aloud and Physiological Data to Understand Video Game Experiences". In: Proc. CHI'14. ACM Press, 2014, pp. 381-390.
Chek Tien Tan, Hemanta Sapkota, Daniel Rosser, and Yusuf Pisan. “Initial Perceptions of a Casual Game to Crowdsource Facial Expressions in the Wild". In: Proc. Foundations of Digital Games 2014 WIP. Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games, 2014, p. 11.
Chek Tien Tan, Sander Bakkes, and Yusuf Pisan. “Inferring Player Experiences Using Facial Expressions Analysis". In: Proc. the 10th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment. ACM Press, 2014.
Chek Tien Tan, Hemanta Sapkota, and Daniel Rosser. “BeFaced: a Casual Game to Crowdsource Facial Expressions in the Wild". In: Proc. CHI'14 Ext. Abstracts. ACM Press, 2014, pp. 491-494.
Chek Tien Tan, Natalie Harrold, and Daniel Rosser. “Designing CopyMe: an expression mimicking serious game". In: Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 MGIA. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, 2013, p. 73.
Chek Tien Tan, Daniel Rosser, and Natalie Harrold. “Crowdsourcing facial expressions using popular gameplay". In: Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Technical Briefs. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, 2013, p. 26.
Yusuf Pisan and Chek Tien Tan. “Use of Student-designed Authorware for E-mediated Science and Technology Learning". In: Proc. the 7th International Conference on Computer Science & Education. Melbourne, Australia: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, 2012, pp. 1633-1637.
Chek Tien Tan and Ho-lun Cheng. “An Automated Model-Based Adaptive Architecture in Modern Games". In: Proc. The Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment. AAAI Press, 2010, p. 13.
Chek Tien Tan and Ho-lun Cheng. “A combined tactical and strategic hierarchical learning framework in multi-agent games". In: Proc. the 2008 ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Video games - Sandbox'08. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2008, pp. 115-122.
Chek Tien Tan and Sam Ferguson. “The Role of Emotions in Art Evaluation". In: Interactive Experience in the Digital Age - Evaluating New Art Practice. Ed. by Linda Candy and Ernest Edmonds. 1st ed. Sydney, Australia: Springer, 2014. Chap. 10, pp. 139-152.
Teaching Modules
Information and Communications Technology (Software Engineering), BEng (Hons)
- ICT2101 - Introduction to Software Engineering
- ICT3104 - Software Management
- ICT2105 - Mobile Application Development
Information and Communications Technology (Information Security), BEng (Hons)
- ICT2201 - Introduction to Software Engineering
Computer Science and Game Design, BS
- CS280 - Data Structures and Algorithms
Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation, BSc (Hons)
- CS280 - Data Structures and Algorithms