Chun Yee LIM
SIT Appointments
- Programme Leader, SIT BEng (Hons) Robotics Systems– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- Assistant Professor–
- PhD in Mechanical EngineeringNanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Bachelor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (First Class Honours), Mechatronics SpecializationNanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Best Paper award in International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO) 2017, Singapore
- Best Speaker award in Polymer Replication on Nanoscale (PRN) conference 2015, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- Meinhardt Book Prize, Nanyang Technological University; awarded to the student with the highest aggregate mark for First Year Common Engineering
- ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship, Nanyang Technological University–
Professional Certification
Professional Memberships
- Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES)– Present
Research Interests
Robotics and automation
Quality control for clinical laboratory
Statistical methods and data analytics
Microfluidic applications in inkjet printing, biomedical diagnostics & chemical synthesis
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Current Projects
- Automated Protein Profiling and Functional Characterization Platform– Present
- Embedded Faster Inspection and Monitoring– Present
Past Projects
- Automated Networked Testing System (ANTS)–
- Towards Automated Venipuncture: End Effector Design–
The aim of the project is to develop the enabling technologies to automate venipuncture procedure for drawing blood from peripheral veins on the back of the hand, with a mechanism to alleviate needle pain. The scope of this project will focus on the design of the prototype for the end effector to realize these functions.
- Patent: Method For Preparing A Magnetic Chain Structure–
Duan H., Zhou J., Lam Y.C., Lim C.Y., and Xiong Q.. Method For Preparing A Magnetic Chain Structure; PCT/SG2015/050472, filled on 25 Nov 2015
Journal Papers
Loh, T.P., Markus, C. and Lim, C.Y. (2023). "Impact of analytical imprecision and bias on patient classification". American Journal of Clinical Pathology.
Chuah, T.Y., Lim, C.Y., Tan, R.Z., Pratumvinit, B., Loh, T.P., Vasikaran S., and Markus, C. (2023). "Functional Reference Limits: Describing Physiological Relationships and Determination of Physiological Limits for Enhanced Interpretation of Laboratory Results". Annals of Laboratory Medicine 43(5): 408-417.
Loh, T.P., Lim, C.Y., Sethi, S.K., Tan, R.Z. and Markus, C. (2023). "Advances in Internal Quality Control". Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences.
Lim, C.Y., Markus, C., Greaves, R. and Loh, T.P. (2023). "Difference- and regression-based approaches for detection of bias". Clinical Biochemistry 114: 86-94.
Lim, C.Y., Lee, J.J.S., Choy, W.K., Badrick, T., Markus, C. and Loh, T.P. (2023). "Between and within calibration variation: implications for internal quality control rules". Pathology 55(4): 525-530.
Lim, C.Y., Ow Yang, S., Markus, C. and Loh, T.P. (2023). "Calibration frequency and analytical variability of laboratory measurements". Clinica Chimica Acta 539: 87-89.
Cheng, W.L., Markus, C., Lim, C.Y., Tan, R.Z., Sethi,. S.K. and Loh, T.P. (2023). "Calibration Practices in Clinical Mass Spectrometry: Review and Recommendations". Annals of Laboratory Medicine 43(1): 5-18.
Lim, C.Y., Markus, C. and Loh, T.P. (2022). "Lot-to-lot difference: a new approach to evaluate regression studies". Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 83(1): 58-59.
Loh, T.P., Markus, C., Tan, C.H., Tran, M.T.C., Sethi, S.K. and Lim, C.Y. (2022). "Lot-to-lot variation and verification". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 61(5): 769-776.
Chan, N.A., Loh, T.P. and Lim, C.Y. (2022). "Towards ubiquitous laboratory testing: vending machine laboratory". Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine 8:9.
Koh, N.W.X., Markus, C., Loh, T.P. and Lim, C.Y. (2022). "Lot-to-lot reagent verification: Effect of sample size and replicate measurement on linear regression approaches". Clinica Chimica Acta 534: 29-34.
Koh, N.W.X., Markus, C., Loh, T.P. and Lim, C.Y. (2022). "Comparison of six regression-based lot-to-lot verification approaches". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 60(8): 1175-1185.
Markus, C., Tan R.Z., Lim, C.Y., Rankin W., J Matthews, S., Loh, T.P. and M Hague W. (2022). "Performance of four regression frameworks with varying precision profiles in simulated reference material commutability assessment". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 60(8): 1164-1174.
Lim, C.Y., Chong, W.Z., Horvath, A. and Loh, T.P. (2022). "Setting bias specification for qualitative assays with quantitative cutoff with COVID-19 as a disease model". American Journal of Clinical Pathology 158(4): 480-487.
Lim, C.Y., Markus, C., Tan, R.Z. and Loh, T.P. (2022). "Letter to the Editor: On moving average and internal quality control". Clinical Biochemistry 103: 32-34.
Loh, T.P., Tan R.Z., Lim, C.Y. and Markus, C. (2022). "An Objective Approach to Deriving the Clinical Performance of Autoverification Limits". Annals of Laboratory Medicine 42: 597-601.
Poh, D.K.H, Lim, C.Y., Tan, R.Z., Markus, C. and Loh, T.P. (2021). "Internal quality control: Moving average algorithms outperform Westgard rules". Clinical Biochemistry 98: 63-69.
Lim, C.Y., Markus, C. and Loh, T.P. (2021). "Precision verification: effect of experiment design on false acceptance and false rejection rates". American Journal of Clinical Pathology 156(6): 1058-1067.
Zhou, Q., Loh, T.P., Badrick, T. and Lim, C.Y. (2021). “Impact of combining data form multiple instruments on performance of patient-based real-time quality control”. Biochemia Medica, 31(2): 020705
Loh, T.P., Lord, S.J., Bell, K., Bohn, M.K., Lim, C.Y., Markus, C., Taie, H.F., Adeli, K., Lippi, G., Sandberg, S. and Horvath, A. (2021) "Setting minimum clinical performance specifications for tests based on disease prevalence and minimum acceptable positive and negative predictive values: Practical considerations applied to COVID-19 testing". Clinical Biochemistry 88: 18.
Lim, C.Y., Bohn, M.K., Lippi, G., Ferrari, M., Loh, T.P., Yuen, K-Y., Adeli, K. and Horvath, A.R. (2020) "Staff rostering, split team arrangement, social distancing (physical distancing) and use of personal protective equipment to minimize risk of workplace transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic: a simulation study". Clinical Biochemistry 86: 15.
Lim, C. Y., Badrick, T., and Loh, T.P. (2020). "Patient-based quality control for glucometers: using the moving sum of positive patient results and moving average." Biochemia Medica 30(2): 020709.
Lim, C. Y., Loh, T.P. and Badrick, T. (2020). "Asking why: moving beyond error detection to failure mode and effects analysis". Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine, 5:29.
Lim, A.E., Lim, C. Y., Lam, Y. C. and Lim, Y.H. (2019). "Effect of microchannel junction angle on two-phase liquid-gas Taylor flow." Chemical Engineering Science 202: 417.
Lim, A.E., Lim, C. Y., Lam, Y. C. and Taboryski, R. (2018). "Electroosmotic Flow in Microchannel with Black Silicon Nanostructures." Micromachines 9(5): 229.
Xiong, Q., Lim, C.Y., Ren, J., Zhou, J., Pu, K., Chan-Park, M.B., Mao, H., Lam, Y. C. and Duan,. H. (2018). "Magnetic nanochain integrated microfluidic biochips." Nature Communication 9: 1743.
Lim, C. Y., Lim, A. E. and Lam, Y. C. (2017). "pH Change in Electroosmotic Flow Hysteresis." Analytical Chemistry 89(17): 9394-9399.
Lim, A.E., Lim, C. Y., Lam, Y. C., Taboryski, R. and Wang, S.R. (2017). "Effect of Nanostructure Orientation on Electroosmotic Flow in a Microfluidic Channel." Nanotechnology 28: 255303.
Lim, A. E., Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2016). "Electroosmotic Flow Hysteresis for Dissimilar Anionic Solutions." Analytical Chemistry 88(16): 8064-8073.
Lim, C. Y., Lim, A. E. and Lam, Y. C. (2016). "Ionic Origin of Electro-osmotic Flow Hysteresis." Scientific Reports 6: 22329.
Lim, A. E., Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2015). "Electroosmotic flow hysteresis for dissimilar ionic solutions." Biomicrofluidics 9(2): 024113.
Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2014). "An investigation into a micro-sized droplet impinging on a surface with sharp wettability contrast." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47(42): 425305.
Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2014). "Phase-field simulation of impingement and spreading of micro-sized droplet on heterogeneous surface." Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 17(1): 131-148.
Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2012). "Direction dependence of displacement time for two-fluid electroosmotic flow." Biomicrofluidics 6(1): 012816.
Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2012). "Analysis on micro-mixing enhancement through a constriction under time periodic electroosmotic flow." Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 12(1-4): 127-141.
Lim, C. Y., Lam, Y. C. and Yang, C. (2010). "Mixing enhancement in microfluidic channel with a constriction under periodic electro-osmotic flow." Biomicrofluidics 4(1): 014101.
Abd Talib, A.A.B., Lim, C.Y., Liew, C.K. (2022). Distinguishing Defective Anchor Bolts with Features Extracted from Ultrasonic Signal. 4th Singapore International NDT Conference and Exhibition (SINCE).
Yeo, D. K.M., Liew, C.K., Soh, C.B., Sampath, P., Abdul Rasheed Khan, R., Ting, B. W. A., Abd Talib, A.A.B., Lim, C.Y., Kurbanhusen, M.S. (2022). Detection of Cut Notches and Corrosion on Anchor Bolts, 4th Singapore International NDT Conference and Exhibition (SINCE).
Lam, Y. C., Lim, A. E. and Lim, C. Y. (2018). On governing parameters for electroosmotic flow hysteresis. Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (AHMTC), Melbourne, Australia.
Lim, C. Y., Lim, A. E. and Lam, Y. C. (2017). Observation of pH Change Induced by Electroosmotic Flow Hysteresis. Advances in Microfluidics & Nanofluidics (AMN), Hobart, Australia.
Lim, A. E., Lim, C. Y., Lam, Y. C. and Taboryski R. (2017). Electroosmotic Flow in Microchannel with Black Silicon Nanostructures. International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO), Singapore.
Lim, A. E., Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2016). Electroosmotic Flow Hysteresis for Dissimilar Anionic Solutions. ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transport International Conference, Biopolis, Singapore.
Lim, A. E., Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2016). Effects of Nanostructured Surfaces on Electro-osmotic Flow. Polymer Replication on Nanoscale (PRN), FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.
Lim, C. Y., Lim, A. E. and Lam, Y. C. (2015). Electroosmotic Flow in Nanostructured Microfluidic Channel. Polymer Replication on Nanoscale (PRN), Technical University of Denmark.
Lam, Y. C. and Lim, C. Y. (2014). Fitting Micro-sized Droplet into Thinner Line. Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia.
Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2014). High Speed Imaging of Micro-sized Droplet Jetted on Surface with Wettability Pattern. International Conference on Micro-Manufacturing (ICOMM), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Lim, C. Y., Lim, A. E. and Lam, Y. C. (2014). Hysteresis in Two-fluid Electroosmotic Displacement Flow. International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2013). Simulation of Impingement and Spreading of Micro-droplet on Non-homogeneous Solid Surface. IEEE-Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Suzhou, China.
Lim, C. Y. and Lam, Y. C. (2011). Cross-shaped Micromixer with Constriction under Periodic Electroosmotic Flow. Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (AMN) - Asian-Pacific International Symposium on Lab on Chip, Singapore.
Loh, T.P., Tan, R.Z., Sethi, S.K., Lim, C.Y. and Markus, C. (2023). "Chapter Six: Delta Checks" in Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 115, edited by Makowski, G.S., 173-200. Elsevier.
Teaching Modules
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- MME1171 - Fundamentals of Thermofluid Dynamics
- MME2161 - Lean Manufacturing & Six-Sigma
- MME3153 - Industrial Automation
Mechanical Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- MEC2133 - Automation and Robotics
- MEC2232 - Mechatronics Design
Master of Engineering, MEng
- IDC6633/IMC6633 - Application of Robotics & Automation for Smart Factory
Doctor of Engineering, DEng
- IDC6633/IMC6633 - Application of Robotics & Automation for Smart Factory
- SIE3015 - Automation and Control in Building (4806)
- SIT4008 - Robotics 4N (3811)
- TCE3014 - Fluid Mechanics (15476)