Desmond Y.R. CHONG
SIT Appointments
- Visiting Senior Academician, SingHealth (Singapore Health Services)– Present
- Visiting Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- Virtual Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand–
- Deputy Programme Director - SIT-UofG BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering–
- Deputy Programme Director - UofG BEng (Hons) in Aeronautical Engineering–
- Deputy Programme Director - UofG BEng (Hons) Aerospace Systems–
- Assistant Professor–
- Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering / Biomechanics)Imperial College London , United Kingdom
- Master of Engineering in Mechanical EngineeringNanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical EngineeringNanyang Technological University , Singapore
- ASME Dedicated Service Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Singapore Biodesign Faculty Fellowship, A*STAR
- 1st A*STAR Singapore Biodesign and Fogarty Innovation – The BOLT Initiative, Finalist
- Teaching Excellence Award, SIT
- A’Design Award, “Differently Abled and Seniors’ Assistance Design” Category, Bronze
- 6th APAC Eldercare Innovation Awards, Finalist
- Award from Students: Gold Award, 11th Scientific Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore) – BES-SEC (Society of Engineers for the Community) Students’ Design Award, 2017
- Award from Students: • Gold Award for poster presentation, 11th Scientific Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore), undergraduate category, 2017
- Award from Students: Bronze Award for Design category, iCreate 2017 Global Student Innovation Challenge for Assistive Technology (gSIC-AT), Kobe, Japan, 2017
- Best Poster Award – First Prize, 2nd Asian Materials Education Symposium, Singapore
- Innovative Teaching Award, Faculty of Engineering, NUS
- Media coverage on The Straits Times pB8, “Solving problems from ground up – Pilot programme trains NUS High School students to find answers to real-life challenges”, 3rd May 2012
- Media coverage on Lianhe Zaobao p23 (联合早报), “NUS engineering students to design rehabilitation equipment to benefit patients” (工程系学生医院上课将设计复健器材造福病人), 24th Nov 2012
- Medical Research Scientist Award, National Medical Research Council, Ministry of Health, Singapore
- Postgraduate Training Initiative Scholarship, National Science and Technology Board, Singapore
Professional Memberships
- Senior Member, The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)– Present
- ASME Singapore Section Executive Committee – Chair (2017/18, 2011/12), Chair-Elect (2016/17, 2010/11), Honorary Secretary (2009/10), Honorary Treasurer (2015/16, 2004/05), Special Projects (2005/06), Young Engineers Chair (2003/04), Member (2002-current– Present
- Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)– Present
- Chair, International Regions, ASME Member Development & Engagement (MDE) Sector, 2019 to 2022–
- International Representative, ASME Group Engagement Committee, 2017 to 2019–
- District Leader, ASME District G (Asia Pacific region)–
Corporate Experience
- Senior Lecturer, National University of Singapore–
- Industry Development Manager, Institute of Materials Research & Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR–
- R&D Manager, United Test & Assembly Center (UTAC)–
- R&D Engineer, Motorola Electronics Singapore–
Research Interests
Expertise in Mechanics (solid mechanics, biomechanics and computational mechanics) and Engineering Design
Research strengths and interests
- Computational simulation and finite element analysis
- Experimentation and data acquisition
- Engineering / Medical devices design
- User-centric product design
- Orthopaedic implant design
- Rehabilitation engineering
- Gait and human motion analyses (3D motion capture and EMG)
Past Projects
- Technical PI: “Developing a digital board reminder for the management of community-dwelling individuals at risk of pressure injuries”–
SIT CLASIC Project Grant
- PI: “FOCUSS – FOot Care for U @ SIT & SKH – Design and development of a full contact insole for plantar pressure measurements in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers”–
SIT Ignition Grant
- PI: “Design and biomechanical analysis of novel biodegradable Magnesium implants for foot/ankle fractures”–
A*STAR Industry Alignment Fund - Industry Collaboration Projects (IAF-ICP)
- Co-PI: “Evaluation of an automated device for the measurement of ankle contractures in patients with ankle spasticity”–
GAH Project Fund – Allied Health Innovation Challenge 2021, SingHealth
- Co-PI: “HEALS: A cost-effective, ergonomic solution for lower limb immobilization after foot and ankle injuries”–
Academic Clinical Programme (ACP) Funding, SingHealth
- Co-PI: “MOTIVATE: Multi-mOdal Training program to promote physical activity After sTrokE”–
SIT Ignition Grant
- Co-PI: “Gait Analysis in Osteoarthritis”–
Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) - Rehabilitation Research Grant
- PI: “Reliability and stress analysis of permanent way and rolling stock”–
SIT Strategic Initiative Applied Research Fund
- PI: “Reliability analysis and inspection of the train coupler and brackets”–
Land Transport Authority and SBS Transit
- PI: “Design of a portable universal muscle strengthening and rehabilitation device for the elderly and post-stroke patients”–
SIT Community Innovation Fund
- PI: “Finite element analysis of bone and implant stresses in the use of 3D printed orthopaedic implants”–
National University Hospital
- Co-PI: “Hand hygiene reminder and monitoring system”–
SIT Ignition and Innovation Grant
- PI: “A measure on the use of quiz-based learning environment in enhancing student learning in engineering modules”–
SIT Advancement of Learning and Teaching (SALT) Grant
- Co-PI: “Arm skate rehab device for post-stroke exercise”–
SIT Ignition Grant
- Co-PI: “Design and development of an interpositional knee spacer for knee osteoarthritis”–
SingHealth Foundation Research Grant
- Co-PI: “Risk of periprosthetic tibial fracture after unicompartmental knee replacement: A biomechanical study for the Asian population”–
NUHS Clinician Scientist Program
- PI: “Design innovation in next-generation joint implants for more active and younger patients”–
Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 1, Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore
- Technical PI: “Harvesting corticocancellous bone graft from the proximal tibia as an alternative to the iliac crest – a biomechanical and computational study”–
National Medical Research Council (NMRC) Grant
Journal Papers
M Nouman, DYR Chong, S Srewaradachpisal, S Chatpun, “The effect of customized insole pads on plantar pressure distribution towards diabetic foot with neuropathy: Material and design study using finite element analysis approach”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 1, 399, 2023. (This article belongs to the Section Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app13010399)
T Sun, DYR Chong, B Shao, Z Liu, “A deep dive into the static force transmission of the human masticatory system and its biomechanical effects on the temporomandibular joint”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 230, 107336, 2023. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2023.107336)
ISM Moideen, CT Lim, RCH Yeow, DYR Chong, “Polka dot cementless talar component in enhancing total ankle replacement fixation: A parametric study using the finite element analysis approach”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 141, 105142, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.105142)
J Shu, A Li, B Shao, DYR Chong, J Yao, Z Liu, “Descriptions of the dynamic joint space of the temporomandibular joint”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 226, 107149, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.107149)
ACT Choh, A Yew, SJ Yeo, DYR Chong*, SL Chia, “Finite element analysis of tibio-femoral contact mechanics of a customised knee spacer”, Biosurface and Biotribology, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 121-128, 2022. *Corresponding author (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/bsb2.12035)
MYA Muslim, MR Draman, AM Merican, DYR Chong, “Changes in the tibial strain following proximal fibular osteotomy: A biomechanical cadaveric study”, Orthopedics, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp 314-319, 2022. (DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20220511-05. Epub ahead of print 2022 May 17. PMID: 35576486.)
M Nouman, T Dissaneewate, DYR Chong, S Chatpun, “Effects of custom-made insole materials on frictional stress and contact pressure in diabetic foot with neuropathy: Results from a finite element analysis”, Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 8, 3412, 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app11083412)
M Nouman, T Dissaneewate, DYR Chong, S Chatpun, “Effects of thickness and length of custom made insole on plantar pressure for diabetic foot with neuropathy: A finite element approach”, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2021.
M Nouman, DYR Chong, S Chatpun, “Finite element approach towards selection of appropriate materials to redistribute peak plantar pressure in diabetic foot with neuropathy”, PSU Medical Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp 43-54, 2021.
L Yan, JL Lim, JW Lee, CSH Tia, GK O'Neill, DYR Chong, “Finite element analysis of bone and implant stresses for customized 3D printed orthopaedic implants in fracture fixation”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp 921-931, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-019-02104-9)
JH Shu, YL Zhang, DYR Chong, Z Liu, “Effects on loads in temporomandibular joints for patients with mandibular asymmetry before and after orthognathic surgeries under the unilateral molar clenching”, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp 533-541, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-019-01227-0)
ISM Moideen, CT Lim, RCH Yeow, DYR Chong, “Finite element analysis of bone-prosthesis interface micromotion for cementless talar component fixation through critical loading conditions”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 3, e3310, 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.3310)
DQK Ng, CT Lim, AK Ramruttun, KJ Tan, W Wang, DYR Chong, “Biomechanical analysis of proximal tibia bone grafting and the effect of the size of osteotomy using a validated finite element model”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp 1823-1832, 2019. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-019-01988-x)
ACT Choh, DYR Chong, “Biomechanical analysis of the placement of fixation lag screw in different intertrochanteric hip fracture angles”, Biosurface and Biotribology, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp 52-56, 2019. (DOI: 10.1049/bsbt.2018.0035)
JH Shu, J Yao, YL Zhang, DYR Chong, Z Liu, “The influence of bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy on the stress distributions in the temporomandibular joints of the patients with facial asymmetry under symmetric occlusions”, Medicine, Vol. 97, No. 25, e11204, 2018. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000011204)
FC Han, CJ Pearce, DQK Ng, AK Ramruttun, DYR Chong, D Murphy, CT Lim, BCS Lee, “A double button adjustable loop device is biomechanically equivalent to tension band wire in the fixation of transverse patellar fractures—A cadaveric study”, Injury, No. 2, pp 270-276, 2017. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.injury.2016.11.013)
DYR Chong, UN Hansen, AA Amis, “Cementless MIS Mini-Keel Prosthesis Reduces Interface Micromotion versus Standard Stemmed Tibial Components”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.16, No. 5, 1650070, 2016. (DOI: 10.1142/S0219519416500706)
CT Lim, DQK Ng, KJ Tan, AK Ramruttun, W Wang, DYR Chong, “A Biomechanical Study of Proximal Tibia Bone Grafting Through the Lateral Approach”, Injury, Vol. 47, No. 11, pp 2407–2414, 2016. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.injury.2016.09.017)
T Prachgosin, DYR Chong, W Leelasamran, P Smithmaitrie, S Chatpun, “Medial Longitudinal Arch Biomechanics Evaluation During Gait in Subjects with Flexible Flatfoot”, Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2015, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp 121-130, 2015. (DOI: 10.5277/ABB-00296-2015-02)
DYR Chong, UN Hansen, R van der Venne, N Verdonschot, AA Amis, “The Influence of Tibial Component Fixation Techniques on Resorption of Supporting Bone Stock after Total Knee Replacement”, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp 948–954, 2011.
DYR Chong, UN Hansen, AA Amis, “The Influence of Tibial Prosthesis Design Features on Stresses Related to Aseptic Loosening and Stress-Shielding”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp 55–72, 2011.
DYR Chong, UN Hansen, AA Amis, “Analysis of Bone-Prosthesis Interface Micromotion for Cementless Tibial Prosthesis Fixation and the Influence of Loading Conditions”, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp 1074-1080, 2010.
DYR Chong, FX Che, LH Xu, HJ Toh, John HL Pang, BS Xiong, BK Lim, “Evaluation on Influencing Factors of Board-level Drop Reliability for Chip Scale Packages (Fine-pitch Ball Grid Array)”, IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp 66-75, February 2008.
DYR Chong, BK Lim, Kenneth J Rebibis, SJ Pan, Krishnamoorthi S, R Kapoor, Anthony YS Sun, HB Tan, “Exposed Die-Top Encapsulation Molding for an Improved High Performance Flip Chip BGA Package”, IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Vol.29, No. 4, pp 674-682, November 2006.
DYR Chong, FX Che, JHL Pang , K Ng, JYN Tan, PTH Low, “Drop Impact Reliability Testing for Lead-Free and Lead-Based Soldered IC Packages”, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 46, Issue 7, pp. 1160-1171, July 2006. (ranked number 1 for TOP25 Hottest Articles in Microelectronics Reliability, Jul-Sep 06)
John HL Pang, DYR Chong, “Flip Chip on Board Solder Joints Reliability Analysis Using 2-D and 3-D FEA Models”, IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp 499-506, November 2001.
John HL Pang, DYR Chong, TH Low, “Thermal Cycling Analysis of Flip Chip Solder Joints”, IEEE Transactions on Component & Packaging Technologies, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp 705-712, December 2001.
GL Foo, L Zhang, DYR Chong, “Which is better for anterior cruciate ligament supplementary fixation: Suture anchor or staple? A biomechanical study”, 14th Biennial ISAKOS Congress, Boston, USA, 18-21 June 2023.
ISM Moideen, JW Lee, YS Ong, CT Lim, DYR Chong, “Fixation analysis of bone-prosthesis interface micromotion of a cementless talar component”, Proceedings of the 2023 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Colorado, USA, 4-8 June, 2023.
DYR Chong, CY Lim, XJ Tan, VJY Lee, TT Yeh, BTC Soon, “Universal muscle strengthening and rehabilitation device – A perception study on the acceptability in conditions of cardiopulmonary, post-stroke and musculoskeletal clinical settings”, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics 2022, Taipei, Taiwan, 10-14 July 2022.
MYA Muslim, MR Draman, AM Merican, DYR Chong, “Biomechanical analysis of the tibial strain following proximal fibular osteotomy: An in-vitro cadaveric study”, IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (IUPESM WC2022), 12-17 June 2022, Singapore.
N Hohsoh, T Sanghan, DYR Chong, S Chatpun, “The differences of knee muscle activities between healthy male and female elderlies during walking: Pilot study”, Proceedings of the 7th RSU International Research Conference on Science and Technology, Thailand, 29 April 2022.
ISM Moideen, YS Ong, CT Lim, RCH Yeow, DYR Chong, “Biomechanical analysis of bone-prosthesis interface micromotion for cementless talar component fixation in preventing aseptic loosening failure”, 17th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, 9-12 December 2019.
CT Lim, FC Han, YH Ng, LH Gan, DYR Chong, “A biomechanical study of the proximal tibia after Unicompartmental Knee Replacement”, 63rd Annual Congress of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, Seoul, South Korea, 17-19 October 2019.
ISM Moideen, CT Lim, JH Tan, RCH Yeow, DYR Chong, “Biomechanical analysis on primary stability of the talar component in the total ankle replacement”, 63rd Annual Congress of the Korean Orthopaedic Association, Seoul, South Korea, 17-19 October 2019.
DYR Chong, “Biosolid and orthopaedic mechanics”, 1st International Biomechanics & Clinical Tissue Engineering Symposium, Singapore, 23-24 October 2018. (invited speaker)
M Lee, DYR Chong, “Differences in the mechanics of elite ten-pin bowlers when performing under varying levels of anxieties”, 36th International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS) Conference 2018, ISBS Proceedings Archive, Vol. 36, Issue 1, Auckland, New Zealand, 10-14 September 2018.
YY Pang, M Goh, DYR Chong, “Development of a portable universal muscle strengthening and rehabilitation device for the elderly and post-stroke patients”, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 8-12 July 2018.
YY Pang, ZR Kong, DYR Chong, “Universal muscle strengthening and rehabilitation device for the elderly and post-stroke patients”, 11th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Kobe, Japan, 22-24 Aug 2017.
YY Pang, ZR Kong, DYR Chong, “Design of a low-cost and portable universal muscle strengthening and rehabilitation device for the elderly and post-stroke patients”, Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore) 11th Scientific Meeting, 20 May 2017.
(awarded BES-SEC Students’ Design Competition – Gold Award)
FC Han, CT Lim, D Murphy, CJ Pearce, BCS Lee, AK Ramruttun, DQK Ng, DYR Chong, “A double button adjustable loop device is biomechanically equivalent to tension band wire in the fixation of transverse patellar fractures – A cadaveric study”, 18th EFORT Congress, Vienna, Austria, 31 May – 2 Jun 2017
YY Pang, ZR Kong, DYR Chong, “Universal muscle strengthening and rehabilitation device for the elderly and post-stroke patients”, 11th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Kobe, Japan, 22-24 Aug 2017.
(Bronze Award for Design category at Global Student Innovation Challenge for Assistive Technology)
AMB Abdullah, DYR Chong, “Development of a wearable device to measure posture deviations and posture rehabilitation in people with Parkinson’s Disease”, Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore) 11th Scientific Meeting, 20 May 2017.
(awarded Best Undergraduate Poster Presentation – Gold Award)
AMB Abdullah, DYR Chong, “Development of a wearable device to measure posture deviations and posture rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease patients”, 11th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Kobe, Japan, 22-24 Aug 2017
ASM Goh, JH Choo, DYR Chong, “The Scooter as a Vehicle to Teach Materials”, 2nd Asian Materials Education Symposium, Singapore, 8-9 December 2016
XL Wu, JYM Choi, RCH Yeow, DYR Chong, “The Study of the Effect of Hip Abductor Strengthening Exercises on Biomechanics of Subjects with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome”, 16th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, 7-10 December 2016
CT Lim, D Ng, FC Han, W Wang, KJ Tan, AK Ramruttun, DYR Chong, “Fatigue Strength of the Proximal Tibia Donor Site after Extensive Bone Grafting”, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orlando, USA, 1-5 March 2016.
C Wong, GL Foo, JH Choo, DYR Chong, “Pre-surgical Planning of Bone Fracture Fixation Using 3D Printing Technology”, 16th EFORT Congress (European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology), Prague, Czech Republic, 27-29 May 2015.
DQK Ng, CT Lim, W Wang, KJ Tan, DYR Chong, “A Validated FE Model for Proximal Tibia Bone Grafting: The Study of the Effect of Window Size on Tibia Stability and Mechanics”, 61st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, USA, 28-31 March 2015.
CK Chan, JC Teoh, LC Hernandez-Barraza, DYR Chong, CH Yeow, “Effects of Additional Constant and Impromptu Cognitive Loadings on Lower Extremity Gait Performance”, 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Glasgow, UK, 12-16 July 2015.
HL Koh, ZY Li, AHK Chan, EL Tay, DYR Chong, “A Study on the Kinematics of Human Subjects in Using A New Backward Fall Compensatory Response Training Device”, Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore) 9th Scientific Meeting, 16 May 2015. (awarded First Runner-up (Merit) for poster presentation, undergraduate category)
K Junitra, NA Azman, SZ Sarker, FM Lim, PY Lee, DYR Chong, “Development of a Plantar Pressure Measuring Device for Gait Correction for Diabetic Patients with Neuropathy”, Singapore Rehabilitation Conference 2015, 26-27 March 2015.
ACT Choh, JCK Ng, AKS Yew, SL Chia, DYR Chong, “The Study of Contact Pressure of a Customized Knee Spacer Using Finite Element Analysis”, 7th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 52. Singapore, 6-8 July 2015.
CT Lim, DQK Ng, W Wang, KJ Tan, DYR Chong, “Optimizing Bone Grafting Procedures in Proximal Tibial Bone Grafting - A Biomechanical Study”, 61st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, USA, 28-31 March 2015.
DYR Chong, JH Choo, EK Soh, YS Ng, MP Tham, “An Engineering in Medicine Programme - Opening Engineering Students’ Mind Through a Living Laboratory Education”, Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, USA, 23-26 June 2013, P6879.
DYR Chong, SJ Yeo NO Nivbrant, B Nivbrant, NN Lo, “Is Fixation Performance of MIS Mini-keel Tibial Prosthesis Comparable to Standard Stemmed Prosthesis – A Randomised Clinical Study with RSA”, 59th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, USA, 26-29 January 2013.
EK Soh, A Kaur, MP Tham, DYR Chong, “Engineers in Hospital: An Immersive and Multidisciplinary Pedagogical Approach for Better Solutions”, Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, USA, 23-26 June 2013, P8128.
EX Ng, C Monkhouse, P Wong, G Meyer, Y Aloni, DYR Chong, “Assessment of the Impact of Positive Heels (Plantarflexion) and Negative Heels (Dorsiflexion) Shoes on Human Walking Gait”, The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 43, Singapore, 4-7 December 2013.
DYR Chong, “Biomechanics in Orthopaedic and Sports Applications”, Proceedings 2011 International Conference of Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics, 25-26 November 2011. (invited speaker)
DYR Chong, UN Hansen, SJ Yeo, SY Poh, SWY Cai, NN Lo, AA Amis, “Bone Remodelling Predictions in the Proximal Tibia after Implantation of the MIS Mini-Keel Tibial Prostheses”, 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Nevada, USA, 22-25th February 2009.
DYR Chong, AA Amis, UN Hansen, “Is Fixation Performance of MIS Mini-keel Tibial Prosthesis Mechanically Comparable to Standard Stemmed Prosthesis? A Finite Element Modelling Study”, 54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, USA, 2-5th March 2008.
D.Y.R. Chong, F.X. Che, L.H. Xu, H.J. Toh, J.H.L. Pang, B.S. Xiong, B.K. Lim, “Performance Assessment on Board-level Drop Reliability for Chip Scale Packages (Fine-pitch BGA)”, 56th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, California, USA, 30th May to 2nd June, 2006.
D.Y.R. Chong, K. Ng, J.Y.N. Tan, P.T.H. Low, J.H.L. Pang, F.X. Che, B.S. Xiong, L.H. Xu, “Drop Impact Reliability Testing for Lead-Free and Leaded Soldered IC Packages”, 55th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, Florida, USA, 31st May to 3rd June, 2005.
S.J. Pan, D.Y.R. Chong, A.Y.S. Sun, “Heat Spreader Impact on Electrical Performance of a 4-Layer PBGA Package”, 54th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, Nevada, USA, 1st to 4th June, 2004.
D.Y.R. Chong, K. Ng, J.Y.N. Tan, P.T.H. Low, J.H.L. Pang, F.X. Che, “Drop Test Reliability Assessment of Leaded & Lead-Free Solder Joints for IC Packages”, 6th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, Singapore, 8-10th Dec, 2004.
D.Y.R. Chong, W.E. Lee, J.H.L. Pang, T.H. Low, B.K. Lim, “Mechanical Characterization in Failure Strength of Silicon Dice”, Inter Society Conference on Thermal Phenomena (ITherm 2004), Las Vegas, USA, 1st to 4th June, 2004.
D.Y.R. Chong, B.K. Lim, Kenneth J. Rebibis, S.J. Pan, Krishnamoorthi S., R. Kapoor, Anthony Y.S. Sun, H.B. Tan, “Development of a New Improved High Performance Flip Chip BGA Package”, 54th Electronic Components & Technology Conference, Nevada, USA, 1st to 4th June, 2004.
D.Y.R. Chong, K.Y. Goh, R. Kapoor, A.Y.S. Sun, “Reliability Analyses for New Improved High Performance Flip Chip BGA Packages”, 5th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, Singapore, 10-12th Dec, 2003.
D.Y.R. Chong, C.K. Wang, K.C. Fong, “Finite Element Parametric Analysis on Fine-Pitch BGA (FBGA) Packages”, Proceedings of ASME International InterPack’03 Conference, Hawaii, USA, 6th to 11th July, 2003.
D.Y.R. Chong, R. Kapoor, Y.S. Sun, “Reliability Assessment of a High Performance Flip-Chip BGA Package (organic substrate based) using Finite Element Analysis”, 53rd Electronic Components & Technology Conference, Louisiana, USA, 27th to 30th May, 2003.