Yih Tng Ethan Chong
Ethan Chong works in the areas of sustainable development, design strategy, and systems engineering. As the Head of Sustainability (Education and Research) in the Office of the Provost, he develops SIT’s overall strategy for educational programmes in sustainability, while extending and synergizing applied research activities related to sustainability. Dr Chong envisions an industry driven by cutting-edge technologies, and a continuous-learning paradigm founded upon the requirements of the future economy. In SIT, he also supports the industry in developing solutions and manpower through training, consultation, and R&D. Besides being an engineer and educator, Prof Chong - a Public Service Medal recipient - is passionate in developing a highly liveable nation through his work, including as a District Councillor in Singapore.
SIT Appointments
- Head of Sustainability (Education & Research), Provost Office– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- Deputy Cluster Director, Engineering–
- Doctorate of Philosophy (Engineering Design)Nanyang Technological University , Singapore
Professional Certification
- Certified Professional for Requirements EngineeringInternational Requirements Engineering Board (IREB), Germany
Professional Memberships
- The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)– Present
- Editorial Board, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Elsevier– Present
Research Interests
(1) Systems Engineering, (2) Design Strategy & (3) Sustainable Development
R&D projects of interest are within and across the three listed disciplines. Instances of applied research:
- 'Design for Sustainability: Development of Practices and Methodologies for Product Design and Development Businesses', in collaboration with Hewlett Packard (HP Inc.)
- Design and development of a general knowledge and integrated process model for multi-integrated (QMS) Quality Management System in highly regulated industries, in collaboration with Ascelon Pte Ltd
- Design of an 'Industry 4.0 Cyber Physical Digital Twin System for Manufacturing', in collaboration with Venture Corporation Limited
- 'Design of a sustainable indoor ornamental fish farming system' using machine learning & computer vision, in collaboration with Qian Hu Corporation Limited and the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (funded by the 10th Ministry of Education Translational Innovation Fund)
- 'Design of an Agriculture Management System' using sensors and machine learning, in collaboration with Archisen Pte Ltd
- Sustainability studies of waste to-energy systems and a proposal of a sustainability metric, in collaboration with the National Environmental Agency of Singapore (under the ‘Energy and Environmental Sustainability Solutions for Megacities’ project funded by the NRF)
- Design of a ‘Decision Support System for Detecting Maritime Security Threats’ using an intelligent knowledge-based system approach, in collaboration with Future Systems Directorate and Republic of Singapore Navy
Journal Papers
Chong, E. Y. T. (2024) Let’s give learners on all levels the skills for a green future, Campus, Times Higher Education, 20 Jun 2024, link: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/campus/lets-give-learners-all-levels-skills-green-future
Mokhtar, I. A., Chong, E. Y. T., and Jusuf, S. K. (2023) Incorporating sustainable education in the undergraduate curriculum: The experience of a young university in Singapore, European Journal of Sustainable Development, 12(4)
Chong Y.T., Teo K.M. and Tang L.C. (2016) A lifecycle-based sustainability indicator framework for waste-to-energy systems and a proposed metric of sustainability, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 56, 797-809
Fan B., Chen L. and Chong Y.T. (2016) Mining for Spatio-temporal Distribution Rules of Illegal Dumping from Large Dataset, ACM SIGMIS Database 47 (3), 41-53
Chen C.-H., Khoo L.P., Chong Y.T. and Yin X.F. (2013) Knowledge Discovery using Genetic Algorithm for Maritime Situational Awareness, Expert Systems with Applications , 14, 2742-2753
Yin X.F., Khoo L.P. and Chong Y.T. (2013) A Fuzzy c-Means Based Hybrid Evolutionary Approach to the Clustering of Supply Chain, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 66, 768-780
Chen C.-H., Chong Y.T., Chang W. and Yan W. (2012) A Quality–Time–Cost Oriented Strategy for Product Conceptualisation, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 26(1), 16-25
Chong Y.T. and Chen C.-H. (2010) Management and Forecast of Dynamic Customer Needs: An Artificial Immune and Neural System Approach, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 24(1), 96-106
Chong Y.T. and Chen C.-H. (2010) Dynamic Customer Needs as Moving Targets: A Review, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 48(1), 395-406
Chong Y.T., Chen C.-H. and Leong K.F. (2009) Human-centric Product Conceptualization using a Design Space Framework, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 23(2), 149-156
Yan W., Chen C.-H., Chang D. and Chong Y.T. (2009) A Stakeholders-Oriented Innovative Product Conceptualisation Strategy Based on Fuzzy Integrals, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 23(2), 201-209
Chong Y.T., Chen C.-H. and Leong K.F. (2009) A Heuristic-based Approach to Conceptual Design, Research in Engineering Design, 20(2), 97-116
Chen C-H., Chong Y.T. and Yan W. (2007) Recent Patents of Product Design Technologies, Recent Patents on Engineering, 1(2), 195-202
Mokhtar, I. A., Chong, E. Y. T., & Jusuf, S. K. (2023) Incorporating sustainable development and sustainability education in the undergraduate curriculum: The experience of a young university in Singapore, 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development, 6-7 Sep 2023, Rome, Italy
Ladislaus A.J., Chong Y. T., Sharratt P. and Mohan K. (2022) Development of a Simplified Circularity Index for Sustainable Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2022), 15 – 18 November 2022, Singapore, doi:10.3850/978-981-18-6021-8_OR-06-0081
Lin W.D., Low M.Y.H., Chong Y.T. and Teo C.L. (2019) Application of SIRI for Industry 4.0 Maturity Assessment and Analysis, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IEEM), Macau, 15-18 Dec 2019
Ding Z.Q., Loo P.K. and Chong Y.T. (2019) Fish Tracking by Machine Vision for Indoor Farming Systems, Proceedings of the 4th World Engineers Summit 2019, Singapore, 28-29 Aug 2019
Chong Y. T., Loo P. K. and Ding Z.Q. (2019) Knowledge Discovery through the Machine Learning of Farming Parameters and Yield Performance, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IEEM), Macau, 15-18 Dec 2019
Chong.Y.T. and Yue Y.W. (2019) Design of an Infrastructure for Urban Fish Farming, Proceedings of the 4th World Engineers Summit 2019, Singapore, 28-29 Aug 2019
Lin W.D., Low M.Y.H., Chong Y.T. and Teo C.L. (2018) Integrated Cyber Physical Simulation Modelling Environment for Manufacturing 4.0, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, 16-19 Dec 2018
Chong Y.T. (2018) Intelligent Learning and Predictive Gadgets, Aslla Symposium 2018, June 24-27, 2018, Gangneung, Gangwon Province, South Korea
Chong Y. T., Cheong K.H., Tan S., Tsoi M.H., Segar T.R., Loh H.T., and Tan T.S. (2016), Visions and Recommendations for an Inclusive Future Economy of Singapore, New Frontiers: IPS-CFE Conference on the Future Economy of Singapore, IPS Exchange Series, Number 10, pp.74-86, October 2016, Singapore
Chong Y.T. and Teo K.M. (2014) Viewing the sustainability of waste-to-energy systems through an assessment framework, Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), Montreal, Canada, May 31 – Jun 3, 2014
Chong Y.T. (2013) Design for sustainability using indicators, Symposium on the Education of Industry Design, P.R. China, Tianjin, Tianjin University, Oct 25 – 27, 2013
Chen, C.-H., Chong Y.T., Yin X.F., and Khoo L.P. (2012) An Agent-Based Customer Requirements Elicitation and Management System for Product Conceptualization, In Proc. of the 2012 KSID (Korea Society of Industrial Design) Conference, pp. 23-30, Seoul, South Korea, October 5, 2012
Chen, C.-H., Lin M.-C., Tai Y.-Y., Chong Y.T., and Yan W., (2009) Product Concept Innovation Using Fuzzy Integral, In Proc. of the 2009 International Conference on Planning and Design, 14p., Tainan, Taiwan, May 25-29, 2009
Chong Y.T. and Chen C.-H. (2009) An Investigation into Dynamic Customer Requirement using Computational Intelligence, In Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2009, Vol. AIDSS, pp. 113-117, Milan, Italy, May 6-10, 2009
Chong Y.T. and Chen C.-H. (2006) A General Model of Conceptual Design, In Proc. of the 2006 International Design Research Symposium (IDRS), 187-197, 11p, Seoul, Korea, November 10-11, 2006
Chong, Y.T. and Chen C.-H. (2005) A Design Space Framework for Modeling Customer-driven Conceptual Design, In Proc. of the 2005 Pan-Pacific Vocational Design Conference –Design Nexus, pp. 63-75, Yunlin, Taiwan, 29 October 2005
Chong Y.T., Chen C.-H. and Leong K.F. (2005) A Heuristic-based Approach to Customer-driven Conceptual Design, In Proc. of the International Design Congress – IASDR 2005 (2005idc), 14p, Yunlin, Taiwan, November 1-4, 2005
Teaching Modules
Systems Engineering (ElectroMechanical Systems), BEng (Hons)
- SEM2603 - Requirement Engineering & Systems Architecture
- SIE3001 - Group Design Project I
- ENG1010 - Engineering Graphics
- SEM3802 - The Engineer and Society
- SEM2403 - ElectroMechanical Design (5111)
- SEM1402 - Engineering Fabrication (5026)