Hiong Yap GAN
SIT Appointments
- Head, NAMIC Hub@SIT– Present
- Head, Rapid Product Innovation and Development (RaPID) Centre–
- Programme Director, BEng (Hons) & MEngTech in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land)–
- Programme Director, SIT-NU Joint BEng (Hons) in Marine Engineering / Naval Architecture / Offshore Engineering–
- Programme Director, NU BEng (Hons) in Marine Engineering / Naval Architecture / Offshore Engineering–
- Deputy Programme Director, NU BEng (Hons) in Marine Engineering / Naval Architecture / Offshore Engineering–
- Postdoctoral Fellow (RLE)Massachusetts Institute of Technology , United States
- PhD (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)Nanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Bachelor of Engineering (1st Class Hons), Mechanical & Production EngineeringNanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Nominee for the SIT Teaching Excellence Award AY2019–
- SIT Teaching Excellence Award AY2018–
- Nominee for the SIT Teaching Excellence Award AY2016–
Professional Memberships
- Senior Member, The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)Present
Past Projects
- Stress Corrosion Cracking Detection and Mitigation in NEL–
Co-Principal Investigator (20%) of UMGC grant project, “Stress Corrosion Cracking Detection and Mitigation in NEL”, which was granted ~SGD$900k.
- Design and Development of a Metal Dust Filtration System for Rolling Stock Underframe Components and Trackside Area–
Principal Investigator of UMGC grant project, “Design and Development of a Metal Dust Filtration System for Rolling Stock Underframe Components and Trackside Area (Rolling Stock and P/Way maintenance)”, which was granted ~SGD$630k.
- Wear Evaluation of Cold Spray Repair Process–
Co-Principal Investigator (10%) of the SIT Ignition Grant project, “Wear Evaluation of Cold Spray Repair Process”, which was granted SGD$100k.
- Integrated Rehabilitation Parallel Bars and Staircases–
Co-Principal Investigator (5%) of the SIT Ignition Grant project, “Integrated Rehabilitation Parallel Bars and Staircases”, which was granted ~SGD$100k
- A Study of Corrosive Environment in Tunnels and Prediction of Component Life Time–
Co-Principal Investigator (37%) of Land Transport Innovation Fund project, “A Study of Corrosive Environment in Tunnels and Prediction of Component Lifetime”, which was granted SGD$1,128,000.
- Electrokinetic Flow in Normal Dental Enamel–
Principal Investigator of Colgate Research Grant project, "Electrokinetic Flow in Normal Dental Enamel", which was granted ~SGD$150k by Colgate Palmolive USA
Journal Papers
S.M. Goh*, L.T. Tan, H.Y. Gan, Y.L. Foo, K.H. Goh, H.S. Lee, “Accelerated corrosion test and field test of steel and zinc coupons at buffer areas and cross passages in a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) tunnel”, Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, (2023). DOI: 10.1080/1478422X.2022.2163335
Tay NB, Gan HY*, de Sousa FB, Shen L, Nóbrega DF, Peng C, Kilpatrick-Liverman L, Wang W, Lavender S, Pilch S , and Han J.*, "Improved mineralization of dental enamel by electrokinetic delivery of F− and Ca2+ ions", Scientific Reports. 13(1):516 (2023). [IF:4.996]
S.M. Goh*, L.T. Tan, H.Y. Gan, Y.L. Foo, K.H. Goh, H.S. Lee, “Monitoring of Atmospheric Corrosion in a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Tunnel”, Urban Rail Transit, 8, 184–197 (2022). [IF:2.12]
L. Shen, F.B. de Sousa, N.B. Tay, L.S. Teo, Vivian K. Lin, J. Han, K. L. LaTonya, W. Wang, S. Lavender, S. Pilch, H.Y. Gan*, “Deformation Behavior Of Normal Human Enamel: A Study By Nanoindentation”, J. Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 108, pp. 103799 (2020). [IF: 3.484]
C. Peng, F.B. de Sousa, H.Y. Gan, H.J. Kwon, S. Park, L. Kilpatrick-Liverman, W. Wang, S. Lavender, S. Pilch, J. Han*, “Enhanced Delivery of F−, Ca2+, K+, and Na+ Ions into Enamel by Electrokinetic Flows”, Journal of Dental Research, 98 (4), pp. 430–436 (2019). [IF: 5.125]
C. Peng, S. Park, F.B. de Sousa, H.Y. Gan, S. Lee, W. Wang, S. Lavender, S. Pilch, J. Han*, “Enhanced teeth whitening by nanofluidic transport of hydrogen peroxide into enamel with electrokinetic flows”, Dental Materials, 35 (11). pp.1637-1643 (2019). [IF:4.440]
H.Y. Gan, F.B. Sousa, H.L. Carlo, P.P. Maciel, M.S. Macena, and J. Han*, “Enhanced Transport of Materials into Enamel Nanopores via Electrokinetic Flow”, Journal of Dental Research, 94 (4), pp. 615-621 (2015). [IF: 5.125]
Hiong Yap Gan and Yee Cheong Lam*, “Experimental Observations of Flow Instabilities and Rapid Mixing of Two Dissimilar Viscoelastic Liquids”, AIP Advances, 2, pp. 042146 (2012). [IF:1.579]
Han Wei Hou, Hiong Yap Gan, Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat, Leon D. Li, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han*, “A Microfluidics Approach Towards High-Throughput Pathogen Removal from Blood Using Margination”, Biomicrofluidics, 6, pp. 024115 (2012). [IF:2.531]
H Y Gan, Xuechuan Shan, T Eriksson and Y C Lam*, “Reduction of Droplet Volume by Controlling Actuating Waveforms in Inkjet Printing for Micro-Pattern Formation”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19, pp. 055010 (2009). [IF:2.141]
Y.C. Lam*, H.Y. Gan, N.T. Nguyen and H. Lie, “Micromixer Based on Viscoelastic Flow Instability at Low Reynolds Number”, Biomicrofluidics, 3, pp. 014106 (2009). [IF:2.531]
H.Y. Gan, Y.C. Lam*, N.T. Nguyen, K.C. Tam and C. Yang, “Efficient Mixing of Viscoelastic Fluids in a Microchannel at Low Reynolds Number”, Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, 3, pp. 101 (2007). [IF:2.437]
Hiong Yap Gan, Yee Cheong Lam* & Nam-Trung Nguyen, “A Polymer-Based Device for Efficient Mixing of Viscoelastic Fluids”, Applied Physics Letters, 88, pp. 224103 (2006). [IF:3.521]
Hiong Yap Gan, Chun Yang, Stephen Y.M. Wan, Gnian Cher Lim and Yee Cheong Lam*, “Study of Electroosmosis-Driven Two-Liquid Displacement Flow in a Microcapillary”, Journal of Physics, 34, pp. 283–290 (2006).
L.T. Tan, S. M. Goh, H. Y. Gan and Y. L. Foo, “A study of Atmospheric Corrosive Environment in the North East Line Tunnel”, WCCM 2019, Dec 2nd – 5th, Singapore (2019)
Chia Hao Gen, JJ Chong, Edwin Foo, Gan Hiong Yap, and Michael Lau, “Safety Vision System to Aid Collision Prevention for Indoor Mobile Robots”, I-ROS 2019 Assuring Safety for Physically Assistive Robots Workshop, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Systems, Nov 3rd – 8th Macau, China (2019).
HiongYap Gan, “Development of Wireless Sensor Networks for Corrosion Monitoring in Tunnel Environment”, IES Railway Technology Seminar: Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance, July 28th Singapore (2017). (Invited Talk)
H.Y. Gan, F.B. Sousa, H.L. Carlo, P.P. Maciel, M.S. Macena, and J. Han, “Enhanced Transport of Materials into Enamel Nanopores”, International Workshop on Extended-Nano Fluidics (IWENF), Japan. (2015). (Invited Paper)
Hiong Yap Gan, Sang Van Pham, Sung Hee Ko, Jacob White, Jongyoon Han, “Controlling ion concentration polarization for higher efficiency in electrochemical system”, in Electrolyte Systems and Interfacial Processes in Energy Storage and Conversion, ENFL 247th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, pp. 223 (2014).
Hiong Yap Gan and Yee Cheong Lam, “Multiple-Stream Flow and Mixing of Dissimilar Polymeric Solutions in Abrupt Microfluidic Contraction/Expansion Geometries”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8251, 82510K (2012).
Jiayan Tai, Hiong Yap Gan and Yee Cheong Lam, “Viscoelastic Turbulence for a 3-Stream Flow Through a Sudden Contraction-Expansion Microchannel”, The 2nd Conference on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, and Asian-Pacific International Symposium on Lab on Chip (2011).
Hou Wei Hou, HiongYap Gan, Ali A.S. Bhagat, Daliang Li, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, “Pathogen and Inflammatory Components Removal from Blood Using Cell Margination”, Proceedings of MicroTAS conference, pp. 1912-1914 (2011).
HiongYap Gan, Frederico Barbosa Sousa and Jongyoon Han, “Electrokinetic Transport in Dental Enamel”, Enamel VIII Conference (2011).
Hiong Yap Gan, Cheng Hwee Chua, Soon Mei Chan and Boon Keng Lok, “Performance Characterization of Flexible Printed Supercapacitors”, 11th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, pp. 301-304 (2009).
Budiman salam, Hiong Yap Gan, B. K. Lok and C.W. Lu Albert, ""Optimizing Manufacturing Process of Printed Electronics"", 11th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, pp. 163-167 (2009).
Jiayan Tai, Hiong Yap Gan, Yen Nan Liang and Boon Keng Lok, “Control of Droplet Formation in Inkjet Printing Using Ohnesorge Number”, Proceeding of the 10th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, pp. 761-766 (2008).
Y. C. Lam, H.Y. Gan and N.T. Nguyen, “Mixing of Viscoelastic Fluids in a Microchannel”, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, pp. 658-661 (2007).
Y.C. Lam, H.Y. Gan, N.T. Nguyen, K.C. Tam and C. Yang, “Viscoelastically Induced Mixing at Low Reynolds Number”, The Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology, C-10 (2006).
D.G Yan, H.Y. Gan, C. Yang, N.T. Nguyen, X.Y. Huang, and Y.C. Lam, “Use Micro-PIV to Measure Transient Electroosmotic Flow and Zeta Potential of Channel Wall”, Proceedings of the MicroTAS conference, Vol. 1, pp. 89-91 (2006).
H.Y. Gan, C. Yang Charles, Stephen Y.M. Wan, G.C. Lim & Y.C. Lam, “Theoretical and Experimental Study of Electroosmosis-Driven Two-Fluid Displacement in a Microcapillary”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6112, pp. 155-166 (2006).
H.Y. Gan and Y.C. Lam, "Viscoelasticity", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, pp. 3433-3442, Springer (2015).
Y.C. Lam and H.Y. Gan, "Chaotic Mixing Based on Viscoelasticity", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, pp. 397-404, Springer (2015).
Teaching Modules
Engineering Systems, BEng (Hons)
- SIE3006 - Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM)
- SIE3010 - Statistical Process Control
- ENG1010 - Engineering Graphics
- ESE3106X - Maintenance Engineering
- ESE2023X - Data Engineering
Aerospace Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- ENG1010 - Engineering Graphics
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- ENG1010 - Engineering Graphics
Mechatronics Systems, BEng (Hons)
- ENG1010 - Engineering Graphics
Aircraft Systems Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- ENG1010 - Engineering Graphics
Mechanical Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- ENG1010 - Engineering Graphics
- PHY250 - Waves, Optics & Thermodynamics
- SIT3014 - Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- MEC2103 - Concurrent Design and Manufacture
- MEC3103 - Prodcut Design Engineering 1
- MNO1106 - Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
- CE1601/02 - CAD and Technical Drawing
- SIE1010 - Engineering Design Graphics
- SIE2007 - Land Transport Discovery Course
- SIE2008 - Marine Transport Discovery Course
- SIE2009 - Aerospace Engineering Discovery Course
- SIE3002 - Group Design Project II
- SIE4001 - Capstone Project
- ASE1316 - Engineering Design Graphics