Kuan Tak TAN
SIT Appointments
- Programme Leader, Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- Assistant Professor–
- PhD (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)Nanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Bachelor of Engineering, First Class Honours (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)Nanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Nanyang Technological University Research Scholarship
- Best Paper Award, International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA 2022)
Professional Certification
- Singapore Certified Energy ManagerNational Environmental Agency and The Institution of Engineers, Singapore
- Chartered EngineerEngineering Council, United Kingdom
- Specialist Adult Educator (Curriculum Development)Institute for Adult Learning Singapore
Professional Memberships
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Present
- Member, IEEE Power & Energy Society Chapter CommitteePresent
- Member, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)Present
- Senior Member, Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES)Present
Corporate Experience
- Engineer, SP PowerGrid
Research Interests
Smart grids and microgrids
Power distribution systems and protection
Renewable energy systems
Advanced electrification for transportation and buildings
Condition monitoring systems for electrical power systems equipment and assets
Current Projects
- FSSD Proj 1-2: Electric Harbour Craft Onboard Microgrid, Propulsion, and Energy Management System Modelling and Validation– Present
funded by Singapore Maritime Institute under the Maritime Transformation Programme
- PhD Students– Present
1. Andy Chua Yi Zhuang, Design of GaN-based Single-Stage Inverters for Renewable Energy Applications, PhD, 2024
- Post-doctoral Supervision– Present
Past Projects
- Comprehensive Online Condition Monitoring System for Distribution Network Component–
- Micro-grid Digital Twin Development for Effective Energy Management and Deployment–
- Optimization of Energy Management in Multiple Micro-grids System Based on Predictive Control and Artificial Intelligence–
- IoT Based Electrical Asset Management System for Shipyards–
- Smart Nano-grid Architecture Design and Control–
- Flexible Horticulture LED Lighting Blocks for Urban Farming–
- Development of Heat Pump Water Heater for Use in Singapore’s High-Rise Residential Units–
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Smart Grid in Singapore–
Journal Papers
H. Jiang, R. Tjandra, C. B. Soh, S. Cao, D. C. L. Soh, K. T. Tan, K. J. Tseng, and B. Sivaneasan "Digital Twin of Microgrid for Predictive Power Control to Buildings," Sustainability, vol. 16, no. 2: 508, Jan. 2024.
S. Gao, R. Z. Lee, Z. Huang, C. Xiang, M. Yu, K. T. Tan, and T. H. Lee, “A Hybrid Approach for Home Energy Management with Imitation Learning and Online Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 4527 - 4539, Mar. 2024.
S. Gao, C. Xiang, M. Yu, K. T. Tan, and T. H. Lee, “Online Optimal Power Scheduling of a Microgrid via Imitation Learning,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 861-876, Mar. 2022.
B. F. Wang, V. R. K. Kanamarlapudi, L. Xian, X. Y. Peng, K. T. Tan, and P. L. So, “Model Predictive Voltage Control for Single-Inductor Multiple-Output DC–DC Converter with Reduced Cross Regulation,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 4187-4197, Jul. 2016
K. T. Tan, B. Sivaneasan, X. Y. Peng, and P. L. So, “Control and Operation of a DC Grid-Based Wind Power Generation System in a Microgrid,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 496-505, Jun. 2016
Y. Wang, K. T. Tan, X. Y. Peng, and P. L. So, “Coordinated Control of Distributed Energy-Storage Systems for Voltage Regulation in Distribution Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1132-1141, Jun. 2016
B. Sivaneasan, K. Nandha Kumar, K. T. Tan, and P. L. So, “Preemptive Demand Response for Buildings,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 346-356, Apr. 2015
K. T. Tan, P. L. So, Y. C. Chu, and M. Z. Q. Chen, “Coordinated Control and Energy Management Of Distributed Generation Inverters in a Microgrid,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.704-713, Apr. 2013
K. T. Tan, P. L. So, Y. C. Chu, and M. Z. Q. Chen, “A Flexible AC Distribution System Device for a Microgrid,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 601-610, Sep. 2013
K. T. Tan, X. Y . Peng, Y. C. Chu, and M. Z. Q. Chen, “Centralized Control for Parallel Operation of Distributed Generation Inverters in Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1977-1987, Dec. 2012.
B. Sivaneasan, K. T. Tan, and D. S. Kumar "Enhancing Cyber Security Education for Engineering Adult Learners Through Virtual Labs," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Dec. 2024.
D. S. Kumar, Anurag Sharma, Binita Sen, B. Sivaneasan, S. Chanda, and K. T. Tan, "Design and Development of a Virtual High-Voltage Laboratory for Effective Applied Learning," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Dec. 2024.
Andy Chua Yi Zhuang, Sze Sing Lee, Anurag Sharma, Mohamed Dahidah, and Kuan Tak Tan, "A Single-Stage Single-Phase Boost Inverter with Common Ground and Continuous Input Current," in Proc. IEEE Industrial Electronics and Applications Conference (IEACon), Nov. 2024.
H. Jiang, Y. S. Tan, F. Wei, S. Cao, C. B. Soh, K. T. Tan, and B. Sivaneasan, "Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Implementation in Single-stage Solar Energy Conversion System for Transient Analysis," in Proc. 7th International Conference on Green Energy and Applications (ICGEA), pp. 13-17, 2023.
Y. Liu, S. Gao, C. Xiang, M. Yu, and K. T. Tan, "Distributed Optimal Energy Management of a Microgrid Community," in Proc. IEEE 17th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), 2022, pp. 832-837.
D. R. Thinesh, B. Sivaneasan, K. T. Tan, and P. M. Mohan, "IIoT based Electrical Asset Management System: A LoRaWan Deployment Study at Shipyard," in Proc. IEEE International Conference in Power Engineering Application (ICPEA), 2022.
T. John, Y. Wang, K. T. Tan, and P. L. So, “Coordinated operation of a microgrid with a distribution network device,” in Proc. IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, 2015, pp. 1-6
T. John, Y. Wang, K. T. Tan, and P. L. So, “Model predictive control of distributed generation inverter in a microgrid,” in Proc. IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, 2014, pp. 657-662
X. Y. Peng, P. L. So, and K. T. Tan, “An analysis on system frequency of a smart grid network with large-scale PV power generation,” in Proc. IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2014, pp. 1-6
J. S. Ren, K. T. Tan, B. Sivaneasan, and P. L. So, “Energy management of a multi-agent based multi-microgrid system,” in Proc. IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2014, pp. 1-6
Y. Wang, K. T. Tan, and P. L. So, “Coordinated control of battery energy storage system in a microgrid,” in Proc. IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2013, pp. 1-6
B. F. Wang, K. T. Tan, P. L. So, “Low cross regulation SIMO DC/DC converter with model predictive voltage control,” in Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2013, pp. 1-5
K. T. Tan, P. L. So, Y. C. Chu, and M. Z. Q. Chen “Smart distribution network device for microgrid applications,” in Proc. IEEE 15th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, 2012, pp. 842-847
K. H. Kwan, K. T. Tan, and P. L. So, “An unified power quality conditioner for load sharing and power quality improvement,” in Proc. Symposium Asia-Pacific Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2012, pp. 963-967
K. T. Tan, P. L. So, Y. C. Chu, and K. H. Kwan, “Modeling, control and simulation of a photovoltaic power system for grid-connected and stand-alone application,” in Proc. IEEE 9th International Power Engineering Conference, 2010, pp. 608-613
K. T. Tan, P. L. So, and Y. C. Chu, “Control of parallel inverter-interfaced distributed generation systems in microgrid for islanded operation,” in Proc. IEEE 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, 2008, pp. 1-5
R. Tjandra, H. Jiang, Z. Eryan, Y. Muhammad Isa, C. B. Soh, E. Feng, D. Soh, S. Cao, and K. T, Tan, "Early Identification of Battery End-of-Life Using Machine Learning" in Proc. 13th International Conference on Green Energy and Applications, pp. 13-17, 2023.
B. Sivaneasan, N. K. Kandasamy, K. T. Tan, and D. R. Thinesh. Chapter on “Energy Storage in EVs and Mitigating Impact of EV Charging on Power Grid, CRC Press, Aug. 2023
K. Nandha Kumar, B. Sivaneasan, K. T. Tan, J. S. Ren, and P. L. So. Chapter on “Electric Vehicles as Energy Storage: V2G Capacity Estimation” in the book titled Energy Storage for Smart Grids: Planning and Operation for Renewable and Variable Energy Resources (VERs), Elsevier, Oct. 2014