Leslie LOO
SIT Appointments
- Director of Programmes, Food, Chemical and Biotechnology– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- Cluster Director, Chemical Engineering and Food Technology–
- Programme Director - SIT MEngTech in Chemical Engineering–
- Deputy Cluster Director, Chemical Engineering and Food Technology Cluster–
- PhD (Chemical Engineering)Massachusetts Institute of Technology , United States
- BSc (Chemical Engineering)Rice University , United States
- Teaching Excellence Award
- Nanyang Award – Excellence in Teaching
Professional Certification
- Professional EngineerProfessional Engineers Board (Singapore)
Professional Memberships
- Phi Beta Kappa - Member
- Phi Lambda Upsilon - Member
- Tau Beta Pi - Member
Research Interests
Polymer and polymer nanocomposites
Mechanical properties, molecular structure and dynamics
Past Projects
- AcRF Tier 1 Grant “Development of novel biodegradable green nanocomposites with enhanced properties”–
(Mar 2011 – Feb 2014) PI: $198369
- AcRF Tier 2 Grant “Investigation of surface properties of polymer nanocomposites”–
(Dec 2005 – Apr 2009) PI: $561191
Journal Papers
Zhang XG*, Loo LS (2012) “Variable temperature Fourier transform infrared studies of matrix-nanofiller interactions in amorphous polyamide/layered silicate nanocomposites,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 126, E371-379
Zhang XG*, Bhuvana S#, Loo LS (2012) “Characterization of layered silicate dispersion in polymer nanocomposites using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 125, E175-E180
Zhou Q*, Pramoda KP, Lee J-M, Wang K, Loo LS (2011) “Role of interface in dispersion and surface energetics of polymer nanocomposites containing hydrophilic POSS and layered silicates,” Journal of Colloid And Interface Science 355, 222-230
Zhou Q*, Wang K, Loo LS (2011) “Investigation of surface properties of plasma-modified polyamide 6 and polyamide 6/layered silicate nanocomposites,” Journal of Materials Science 46, 3084-3093
Chen Jiahui*, Loo LS, Wang K (2011) “Enhanced mechanical properties of novel chitosan nanocomposite fibers,” Carbohydrate Polymers 86, 1151-1156
Zhou Q*, Wang K, Loo LS, (2009). “Synthesis of novel hybrid films of a layered silicate and alkylammonium cations on rough polymeric surfaces by Langmuir–Blodgett method,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 340, 249-253
Zhang XG*, Loo LS, (2009). “Study of Glass Transition and Reinforcement Mechanism in Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposite,” Macromolecules 42, 5196-5207
Zhang XG*, Loo LS, (2009). “Synthesis and thermal oxidative degradation of a novel amorphous polyamide/nanoclay nanocomposite,” Polymer 50, 2643-2654
Zhang XG*, Loo LS, (2008). “Morphology and Mechanical Properties of a Novel Amorphous Polyamide/Nanoclay Nanocomposite,” Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 46, 2605-2617
Loo LS, Gleason KK, (2004). “Investigation of polymer and nanoclay orientation distribution in nylon 6/montmorillonite nanocomposite,” Polymer 45, 5933-5939
Loo LS, Gleason KK, (2003). “Fourier Transform Infrared Investigation of the Deformation Behavior of Montmorillonite in Nylon 6/nanoclay Nanocomposite,” Macromolecules 36, 2587-2590
Loo LS, Gleason KK, (2003). “Insights into structure and mechanical behavior of α and γ crystal forms of nylon 6 at low strain by infrared studies,” Macromolecules 36, 6114-6126
Loo LS, Cohen RE and Gleason KK, (2000). “Chain Mobility in the Amorphous Region of Nylon 6 under Active Uniaxial Deformation Observed by Deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,” Science 288, 116