Assistant Professor
Ming Shan Zhao
Assistant Professor
PhD (Structural Engineering), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
SIT Appointments
- Assistant Professor– Present
- Senior Professional Officer–
- Professional Officer–
- PhD (Structural Engineering)Nanyang Technological University , Singapore
- BEng (Civil Engineering)Tianjin University , China
Research Interests
High performance structural steel, steel-concrete composite construction and low carbon construction materials.
Has been awarded a total research grant of SGD$1.9M as a Co-PI.
Journal Papers
- Qiao, W., Wang, Y., Zhu, R., Li, R., Zhao, M., Experimental study on the axial bearing capacity of built-up cold-formed thin-walled steel multi-limb-section columns, Steel and Composite Structures, 2021, 40(6), pp. 781–794
- C. Chen, S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and T.C. Fung, Experimental study of welding effects on grade S690Q high stength steel butt joint, Steel and Composte Structurs, vol. 39, No.4, 401-417, 2021.
- Chiew, S.P., Chen, C., Zhao, M.S., Lee, C.K., Fung, T.C., Post-welding behaviour of S690Q high strength steel butt joints, Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2021, 43(1), pp. 64–71
- C. Chen, SP Chiew, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee, T.C. Fung, Influence of cooling rate on tensile behaviour of S690Q high strength steel butt joint, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 173, 106258, 2020.
- C. Chen, S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and TC Fung. Welding effect on tensile strength of grade S690Q steel butt joint. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 153, 153-168, 2019.
- M.S. Zhao, C.K Lee, T.C. Fung and S.P. Chiew. Impact of welding on the strength of high performance steel T-stub joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 131, 110-121, 2017.
- X.Z. Zhang, S. Liu, M.S. Zhao and S.P. Chiew. Residual stress of cold-formed thick-walled steel rectangular hollow sections, Steel and composite structures, vol. 22, No. 4, 837-853, 2016.
- X.Z. Zhang, S. Liu, M.S. Zhao and S.P. Chiew. Comparative experimental study of hot-formed, hot-finished and cold-formed rectrangular hollow sections, Case studies in structural engineering, vol. 6, 115-129, 2016.
- C. Chen, X.Z. Zhang, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee, T.C. Fung and S.P. Chiew. Effects of welding on the tensile performance of high strength steel T-stub joints. Structures 9, 70-78, 2017.
- M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and S.P. Chiew. Tensile Behavior of High Performance Structural Steel T-stub Joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol.122, 316-325, 2016.
- M.S. Zhao, S.P. Chiew, and C. K. Lee. Post weld heat treatment for high strength steel welded connections, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 122, 167-177, 2016.
- W. Qiao, A. Qi, M.S. Zhao and D. Wong. Study on the mechanical behaviors of cable-supported ribbed beam composite slab structure during construction phase, Steel and Composite Structures, vol. 21, 177-194, 2016.
- Chiew, S.P., M.S. Zhao and C.K. Lee. Fatigue performance of high strength steel built-up box T-joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 106(0): 296-310, 2015.
- S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao and C.K. Lee. Mechanical properties of heat-treated high strength steel under fire/post-fire conditions, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 98, pp. 12-19, 2014.
- Jiang, J. and M. Zhao. Influence of residual stress on stress concentration factor for high strength steel welded joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 72(0): 20-28, 2014.
- Z.H. Chen, W.T. Qiao and M.S. Zhao. Test study on basic static characteristics of cable supported barrel vault structure, International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, Vol.8(No.2), 199-211, 2012.
- C. Yan, M.S. Zhao, L. Zhang, J.P. Yu and Q.L. Feng, Theoretical analysis and experimental study on the application of geosynthetics in rescuing piping emergencies, Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources, vol.29 (No. 6), 44-48, 2009.
- S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao. Strain compatibility in high strength reinforced concrete structures. 2020 SEAISI E-Forum on Sustainable Construction Sector, 2020
- C. Chen, S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and T.C. Fung. Numerical study on the influence of welding on S690Q high strength steel butt joints. 17th International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS17), 09-12 December 2019, Singapore.
- S.P. Chiew, C. Chen, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and T.C. Fung. Experimental study of welding effects on S690Q high strength steel butt joints. Nordic Steel 2019, 18-20 September 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- S.P. Chiew, C. Chen, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and T.C. Fung. Post-welding behvaiour of S690Q high strength steel butt joints. International Symposium on Advances in Steel and Composite Steel-Concrete Structures 2019, 7 April 2019, Chongqing, China
- C. Chen, S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and T.C. Fung. Effect of heat input on the strength of S690Q butt weld joints, First Workshop of High Performance Steel Structures Research Council, 15-16 May 2018, Delft, Netherlands.
- S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao. Material selection and compliance with structural Eurocodes, 13th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures, February 2018, Perth, Australia.
- C. Chen, M.S. Zhao, T.C. Fung, S.P. Chiew and C.K. Lee. Influence of welding on mechanical properties of high strength steel butt joints, Eurosteel 2017, September 13-15, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- S.P. Chiew and M.S. Zhao. Material selection and compliance with structural Eurocodes, Australasian Structural Engineering Conference 2016. Brisbane, Australia, 23-25 November 2016.
- X.Z. Zhang, M.S. Zhao, S.P. Chiew, C.K. Lee and T.C. Fung. Influence of welding on the strength of high performance steels. Australasian Structural Engineering Conference 2016. Brisbane, Australia, 23-25 November 2016.
- M.S. Zhao, C. Chen and S.P. Chiew. Effect of welding on the tensile behavior of high strength steel T-stub joints - Part 1: experimental and analytical study, 11th International Conference on Advances in Steel and Concrete Composite Structures, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, December 3-5, 2015.
- C. Chen, M.S. Zhao and S.P. Chiew. Effect of welding on the tensile behavior of high strength steel T-stub joints - Part 2: numerical study, 11th International Conference on Advances in Steel and Concrete Composite Structures, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, December 3-5, 2015.
- S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao and Y.Q. Cai. Towards the use of high strength steel for construction productivity, the 7th Asia Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium (YRGS), 20-21 August, 2015 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- S.P. Chiew, C.K. Lee, M.S. Zhao, Y.F. Jin, Y.Q. Cai and C. Chen. Intensification of Low-Density Development - Functional Bridging Buildings, 12th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite structures, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.
- Y.F. Jin, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and S.P. Chiew. Post-weld heat treatment of high strength steel S690 steel plate-to-plate Joints - Part II: Influence of heat treatment, 12th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite structures, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.
- M.S. Zhao, Y.F. Jin, C.K. Lee and S.P. Chiew. Post-weld heat treatment of high strength steel S690 steel plate-to-plate joints - Part I: ultimate strength, 12th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite structures, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.
- S.P. Chiew, M.S. Zhao and C.K. Lee. Fatigue behavior of rectangular hollow section T-joints fabricated from high strength steel plates, in: Fatigue Congress 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
- Y.F. Jin, S.P. Chiew and M.S. Zhao. Tensile strength evaluation of high strength steel welded plate joints using yield line analysis, The Pacific Structural Conference 2013, Singapore, 2013.
- M.S. Zhao and S.P. Chiew. The post fire mechanical properties of heat treated high strength steel S690, The Pacific Structural Conference 2013, Singapore, 2013.
- M.S. Zhao, S.P. Chiew and C.K. Lee. Fatigue behavior of rectangular built-up hollow section joint made of high strength structural steel S690, 13th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Sapporo, Japan, 2013.
- S.P. Chiew and M.S. Zhao. The difference of mechanical properties between hot-formed and hot-finished hollow sections, 11th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures, Qindao, China, 2012.
- Y.F. Jin, M.S. Zhao, C.K. Lee and S.P. Chiew. Influence of welding on high strength steel plate-to-plate joints - Part I: Simulation of residual stress, 11th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures, Qindao, China, 2012.
- M.S. Zhao, Y.F. Jin, C.K. Lee and S.P. Chiew. Influence of welding on high strength steel plate-to-plate joints - Part II: the Heat Affected Zone, 11th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures, Qindao, China, 2012.
- S.P. Chiew and M.S. Zhao. Comparative study on cold-formed, hot-formed and hot-finished structural hollow sections, 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, London, UK, 2012.
- S.P. Chiew and M.S. Zhao. The influence of different manufacturing processes on the properties of cold-formed, hot-formed and hot-finished rectangular steel structural hollow sections, 10th International Conference on Advances in Steel, Concrete, Composite and Hybrid Structures, Singapore, 2012.
- J. Jiang, C.K. Lee, S.P. Chiew and M.S. Zhao. Numerical modeling of residual stress distributions in high strength steel plate-to-plate T and Y joints. 7th International Conference on Steel & Aluminium Structures, 13-15 July 2011, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Teaching Modules
Civil Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- CVE2321 - Design of Steel and Concrete Structures