Paolo Del Linz
- PhD in Mechanical EngineeringImperial College London , United Kingdom
- LLBBirkbeck, University of London , United Kingdom
- MEng in Civil EngineeringImperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine , United Kingdom
Corporate Experience
- Structural Engineer, Hyder Consulting, United Kingdom–
- Graduate Structural Engineer, Faber Maunsell (AECOM), United Kingdom–
Research Interests
Protective structures
High strain rate beaviour of materials
Shock loading of structures
High strength steel
Journal Papers
M. M. Rana, A. Khan, P. Del Linz*, C. K. Lee, T.C. Fung, "Effect of cased charges on plain steel and steel-concrete sandwich targets", Thin-Walled Structures, vol. 136, pp. 302-314, 2019.
P. Del Linz, X. Liang*, P. A. Hooper, H. Arora, L. Pascoe, D. Smith, et al., "A numerical method for predicting the deformation of crazed laminated windows under blast loading", Engineering Structures, vol. 172, pp. 29-40, 2018.
P. Del Linz*, P. A. Hooper, H. Arora, Y. Wang, D. Smith, B. R. K. Blackman, et al., "Delamination properties of laminated glass windows subject to blast loading", International Journal of Impact Engineering, vol. 105, pp. 39-53, 2017.
P. Del Linz, X. Liang*, P. A. Hooper, L. Z. Wang, and J. P. Dear, "An analytical solution for pre-crack behaviour of laminated glass under blast loading", Composite Structures, vol. 144, pp. 156-164, 2016.
P. Del Linz, Y. Wang, P. A. Hooper, H. Arora, D. Smith, L. Pascoe, , D. Cormie, B.R.K. Blackman, J.P. Dear*, "Determining Material Response for Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) in Blast Loading Situations", Experimental Mechanics, vol. 56, pp. 1501-1517, 2016.
P. Del Linz, P. A. Hooper, H. Arora, D. Smith, L. Pascoe, D. Cormie, B.R.K. Blackman, J.P. Dear*, "Reaction forces of laminated glass windows subject to blast loads", Composite Structures, vol. 131, pp. 193-206, 2015.
P. Del Linz, T. C. Fung, and C. K. Lee, "Modelling of the effect of cased charges on concrete walls", presented at the 6th International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS 2017), 2017.
P. Del Linz, S. Giversen, P. A. Hooper, L. Pascoe, D. Smith, B. R. K. Blackman, et al., "Modelling of the delamination of laminated glass resisting blast loading", presented at the 19th International Conference on Composite Materials 2013, Montréal, Canada, 2013.
Teaching Modules
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
- CVE6003 - Design of Tall Buildings
- CVE6005 - Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Structures
- CVE6001 - Structural Stability and Dynamics
Civil Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- CVE1112 - Engineering Physics