Paul Nicholas Sharratt
I trained as a chemical engineer at Cambridge and then UMIST, where I obtained a PhD in Reaction Engineering.
I joined Imperial Chemical Industries as a process engineer in the process innovation, development, plant design and commissioning. I then returned to UMIST as a Lecturer and worked in areas related to chemical and pharmaceutical process development. This was reflected in both my teaching (design, safety, environmental protection among other subjects) as well as my research. My research in process innovation resulted in the award of a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Innovative Processing and the establishment of a company BRITEST that still uses my methods today to help industry partners in process understanding and innovation.
I moved to Singapore in 2008 and joined A*Star to work at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences. There I led a large team working in process innovation, scale-up, safety and modelling, including the ICES Kilolab pilot facility. I joined SIT in 2020.
I am a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Singapore and have been actively involved with academic accreditation and chartered engineer vetting. I am also a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and am a Chartered Engineer myself.
I live in Bukit Gombak with my family and enjoy travel, good food, cycling and DIY.
SIT Appointments
- Professor– Present
- Programme Leader, Doctorate of Engineering–
- Programme Leader, Master of Engineering–
- Cluster Director, Food, Chemical and Biotechnology–
Professional Certification
- Chartered Chemical EngineerIChemE and IES
Professional Memberships
- Fellow of the Institution of Chemical EngineersPresent
- Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Singapore, Chartered Chemical Engineer
Journal Papers
Hsien H. Khoo* , Rafael M. Eufrasio-Espinosa, Lenny S.C. Koh, Paul N. Sharratt, Valerio Isoni (2019) “Sustainability assessment of biorefinery production chains: A combined LCA-supply chain approach, Journal of Cleaner Production 235, 1116-1137
Feng, Ruili; Ramchandani, Sushil; Salih, Noorulameen; Lim, Xiu Yan; Tan, Song Wei ; Lee, Lai Yeng; Teoh, Soo Khean; Sharratt, Paul (2019) "Process Intensification Strategies and Sustainability Analysis for Amidation Processing in the Pharmaceutical Industry" , Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 58,11, pages 4656-4666
Valerio Isoni, Khoo Hsien Hui, Daniel Gait Anak Kumbang, Paul Sharratt (2018) “Biomass to levulinic acid: a techno-economic analysis and sustainability of biorefinery processes in Southeast Asia”, Journal of Environmental Management, 2018 May 15;214:267-275
Khoo Hsien Hui, Valerio Isoni, Paul Sharratt (2018) “LCI data selection criteria for a multidisciplinary research team: LCA applied to solvents and chemicals”, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 16, October 2018, Pages 68-87
Ruili Feng, Sushil Ramchandani, Balamurugan Ramalingam, Song Wei Benjamin Tan, Chuanzhao Li, Soo Khean Teoh, Kamelia Boodhoo, and Paul Sharratt (2017) “Intensification of Continuous Ortho-Lithiation at Ambient Conditions—Process Understanding and Assessment of Sustainability Benefits”, Org. Process Res. Dev., 2017, 21 (9), pp 1259–1271
Teoh, Soo Khean; Toh, Qiao Yan; Noorulameen, Mohammad Salih; Sharratt, Paul (2017) "Sustainability Improvements through Catalyst Recycling in a Liquid-liquid Batch and Continuous Phase Transfer Catalysed Process", Org. Process Res. Dev., 21 (4), 520-530 [Impact Factor 3.584]
Ying Zhou, Cher Kian Lee, and Paul Sharratt (2017) “Bridging the Gap from Pilot Plant Experimental Records to Life Cycle Inventory”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 56 (37), pp 10393–10412
Pavan Kumar Naraharisetti, Probir Das, Paul N. Sharratt (2017), Critical Factors in Energy generation from Microalgae, Energy, 120, 138-152
Valerio Isoni, Loretta Wong, Hsien Hui Khoo, Iskandar Halim and Paul Sharratt (2016) “Q-SA√ESS: A methodology to help solvent selection for pharmaceutical manufacture at the early process development stage.”, Green Chem., 8, 6565-6572, DOI: 10.1039/C6GC02440H
Yeo Tze Yuen, Paul N. Sharratt & Bu Jie (2016) “Carbon dioxide mineralization process design and evaluation: concepts, case studies, and considerations”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer, 23, 22, 22309-22330
Iskandar Halim, Arief Adhitya, Ying Siew, Paul Sharratt and Chew Wee (2016) “Systematic Framework for Design of Environmentally Sustainable Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Network”, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation,11, 3, 250-263
Soo Khean Teoh, Kanicha Sa-ei, Noorulameen Mohammad Salih, Qiao Yan Toh, Yi Ling Ng, Paul N. Sharratt (2015) “Sustainability Benefits of a Continuous Phase Transfer Catalyzed Process for a Model Pharmaceutical Intermediate”, Trans IChemE, 100, pp. 467-480
Hsien H. Khoo, Loretta L. Wong, Jonathan Tan, Valerio Isoni, Paul Sharratt (2015) “Synthesis of 2-methyl tetrahydrofuran from various lignocellulosic feedstocks: Sustainability assessment via LCA” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 95, 174–182
Teoh, Soo Khean; Rathi, Chetankumar; Sharratt, Paul (2015) "A Practical Assessment Methodology for Converting Fine Chemicals Processes from batch to Continuous", Org. Process Res. Dev., 2016, 20 (2), pp 414–431
Ian R. Baxendale, Richard D. Braatz, Benjamin K Hodnett, Klavs F. Jensen, Martin D Johnson, Paul Sharratt, Jon-Paul Sherlock, Alastair J. Florence (2015) “Achieving Continuous Manufacturing: Technologies and Approaches for Synthesis, Workup, and Isolation of Drug Substance May 20-21, 2014 Continuous Manufacturing Symposium”, JPharmSci, 104/3, 781-791
“Handbook of batch process design”, Blackie A&P, London, ISBN 0-7514-0369-5
This handbook is a useful reference for industrial technologists and students in the design of batch chemical processes, and is relevant to the pharmaceutical, fine chemical, agrochemical and specialty sectors. It brings together in one place the central issues that need to be considered in the design and scale-up of batch processes - including scheduling, solvent selection, key unit operations, mixing and safety issues.