Seng Kwee WEE
Dr Wee Seng Kwee is a Senior Principal Physiotherapist who has been working in Tan Tock Seng Hospital Rehabilitation Centre, Singapore, for the past 31 years. He graduated from King’s College London with BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy in 1994, under the Public Service Commission (PSC) Scholarship. He obtained his PhD in Neurorehabilitation from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom in 2015. Currently, he holds the joint appointment as Associate Professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology, teaching in the undergraduate physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing programme. In addition, he has been appointed a Visiting Fellow to the University of Southampton. He is a Research Scientist at the Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS), a joint research institute by National Healthcare Group initiated by TTSH Rehabilitation Centre, Nanyang Technological University and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). Being a passionate clinical educator, he is an active member of the Education Group of the International Industry Society in Advanced Rehabilitation Technology (IISART); contributing to the cause of creating awareness of clinical application of rehabilitation technology. Dr Wee is a Certified Brain Injury Specialist and a Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapist who manages patients with acquired brain injury, balance and vestibular dysfunction. He has been sharing his expertise in neurorehabilitation, vestibular rehabilitation and robot-assisted therapy via workshops conducted in Asia-Pacific and Europe since 1999. Dr Wee has published and presented papers on vestibular rehabilitation, brain injury, stroke, rehabilitation technology and neuromodulation in local and international scientific conferences. He has special interest in Trunk Rehabilitation in neurological patients and has conducted research investigating the relationship between trunk control and upper extremity function. He serves as the Deputy Editor of the Physiotherapy Research International (PRI) journal, an international peer reviewed journal dedicated to the exchange of knowledge that is directly relevant to specialist areas of physiotherapy theory, practice and research. In addition, he is an Executive Committee Member of the Neuro-Vestibular Special Interest Group of the Singapore Physiotherapy Association to advocate for best evidence-based Neurorehabilitation practice in Singapore. Recently, he received the Outstanding Physiotherapist Award 2022 from the Singapore Physiotherapy Association for his impactful and lasting contribution to the profession, strong leadership, positive learning spirit and being a role model. In 2022, he was also awarded the Honour Roll Outstanding Clinical Educator Award by Tan Tock Seng Hospital. For the recognition of his dedication and numerous contributions to health technology innovation efforts in Tan Tock Seng Hospital and National Healthcare Group, he was honoured with the Clinician Innovator of the Year 2024 Award.
Currently, he is one of the pioneer physiotherapists who is involved in the First-in-Asia groundbreaking clinical trial on using epidural spinal cord stimulation combined with conventional physiotherapy and robotic exoskeleton therapy to improve functional mobility in people with sensorimotor complete spinal cord injury. He is pivotal in developing the intensive rehabilitation protocol post spinal cord stimulator implantation.
Dr Wee has been active in international volunteer work for numerous years since graduation as a physiotherapist. These works include teaching physiotherapy skills and knowledge to Laos physiotherapists, occupational therapistsand doctors; training community lay volunteers post Aceh earthquake relief work; working with children with disabilities in orphanages in India and Romania; and working in a lepers’ colony in India.
SIT Appointments
- Associate Professor– Present
- Assistant Professor–
- PhD (Neurorehabilitation)University of Southampton , United Kingdom
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) PhysiotherapyKing’s College London , United Kingdom
- Academy of Clinician Scientists and Innovators (ACSI) Clinician Innovator of the Year Award 2024
- COVID-19 Resilience Medal 2023
- Honour Roll TTSH Outstanding Clinical Educator Award 2022
- Singapore Physiotherapy Association (SPA) Outstanding Physiotherapist Award (Public & Intermediate and Long-Term Care Sector) 2022
- National Healthcare Group (NHG) Outstanding Citizenship Award 2021
- Outstanding Clinical Educator Award, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
- Best Poster Presentation Award 2021: Relationship between energy expenditure and walking endurance post intensive robotic exoskeleton gait training. Singapore-International Physiotherapy Congress 2021
- Singapore Institute of Technology Teaching Excellence Award 2020
- National Day Award 2019 - The Long Service Medal
- National Day Award 2019 - The Commendation Medal
- Best Oral Presentation Award 2018: Robot-assisted gait training for physically disabled adolescents in Singapore. CaREhab Conference 2018
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital Staff Excellence Award (Gold)
- Long Term Reviewer Award for Singapore Health Biomedical Conference (SHBC)
- National Healthcare Group (NHG) Teaching Award for Allied Health Senior Educators
- Outstanding Clinical Educator Award, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
- University of Southampton Doctoral College Director's Award 2016 - Runner-up for category “Citizenship and Community”: For an exceptional contribution to the Postgraduate Research or wider University community: in mentoring, pastoral support, peer-to-peer
- Best Poster Presentation 2014: Impact of trunk control on the performance of upper extremity functional tasks in healthy individuals and chronic stroke patients. Health Technologies Poster Exhibition, University of Southampton, United Kingdom.
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital Scholarship 2012-2015–
- Outstanding Clinical Educator Award, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
- Critical Talent Special Recognition Award, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
- Team HMDP (Health Manpower Development Plan) – Telerehabilitation
- Best Paper on Neurology 2009: Prevalence and treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in traumatic brain injury patients. 7th Singapore Physiotherapy Association National Congress
- Excellent Service Award - STAR
- Best Paramedical / Nursing Paper 1996: Normative Values of Unipedal Stance Time in Healthy, Asian Elderly. Tan Tock Seng Hospital Annual Scientific Meeting
- Public Service Commission Scholarship 1990-1994–
Professional Certification
- Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS)Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists, United States
Professional Memberships
- Registered Physiotherapist with the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC), Singapore
- Executive Committee Member, Neuro-Vestibular Special Interest Group, Singapore Physiotherapy Association
- Member, Singapore Physiotherapy Association
Corporate Experience
- Panel of Clinical Experts (PACER), Motus Academy
- Member of the Hocoma Scientific Advisory Board
- Deputy Editor, Physiotherapy Research International journal
- International Industry Society in Advanced Rehabilitation Technology (IISART): Education Group member
- Nanyang Polytechnic Physiotherapy Student Conference 2016: Judge for Best Oral Presentation Award and Best Poster Award
- Nanyang Polytechnic School of Health Sciences Final Year Project 2016: Judge for Best Poster Award
- Invited Speaker: International Conferences -8th Annual Southern Stroke Forum Conference, United Kingdom 2014: “Relationship between Trunk Control and Upper Extremity Function in Healthy Individuals and Chronic Stroke Patients”
- Manuscript Reviewer: Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2011, 2014–
- Abstract Reviewer: NHG-NUHS 2nd Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress
- International Lokomat Instructor–
- Invited Speaker: International Conferences - Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine 2010: “Robot-Assisted Gait Rehabilitation”
- Invited Speaker: International Conferences - 5th Beijing International Forum on Rehabilitation 2010: “Lokomat Evidence: Looking Beyond the Robotic Exoskeleton”
- Abstract Reviewer: NHG-NUHS 1st Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress
- Abstract Reviewer: National Healthcare Group (NHG) Annual Scientific Congress 2009 Scientific Competition Panel
- Manuscript Reviewer: Physiotherapy Singapore Journal
- Abstract Reviewer: International Convention for Rehabilitative Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe)
- Specialist Team Singapore Volunteers Overseas (SVO)–
Research Interests
Brain Injury, Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Robotics, Virtual reality, Wearable Sensors, Rehabilitation Technology, Neuromodulation
Current Projects
- Co-Investigator: Smart Textile for Gamified Fitness– Present
National Innovation Challenge (NIC) on Active and Confident Ageing - Healthy Longevity Catalyst Award
SGD$69,600 over 2 years [1/11/2021 – 31/10/2023]
- Co-Investigator: Next-Generation Brain-Computer-Brain Platform – A Holistic Solution for the Restoration & Enhancement of Brain Functions (NOURISH)– Present
RIE2020 Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) Programmatic Fund
SGD$9,950,280 over 4 years [15/10/2020 – 14/10/2024]
- Co-Investigator: Towards Data-Driven Ability Gap Modeling– Present
Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) Rehabilitation Research Grant 3 (RRG 3) 2020
SGD$300,000 over 2 years [1/7/2020 – 31/3/2022]
- Collaborator: - Robots as Medical Professionals: Unpacking and Mitigating Public’s Resistance towards Rehabilitation Robots– Present
Nanyang Technological University Accelerating Creativity and Excellence (ACE) Award
SGD$160,000 over 2 years [1/10/2020 – 30/9/2022]
- Co-Investigator: Connected rehabilitation technology and assistive technology to go beyond hospital to community for post-stroke treatment– Present
Future Health Technologies (FHT) programme
- Future Health Technologies programme was established collaboratively between ETH Zurich and the National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore
SGD$10,618,327 over 5 years [1/3/2020 – 28/2/2025]
Past Projects
- Co-Investigator: Development and Proof of Concept of Care Assistant and Rehabilitation Enabling (CARE) Robots–
National Robotics Programme – Robotics Domain Specific (RDS): SG Health Assistive and Robotics Programme (SHARP) Grant
SGD$2,879,131 over 2 years [8/7/2019 – 7/6/2022]
- Clinical Principal Investigator: Exosuit for Fall Prevention (MOH/NIC/EIG01/2017)–
Ministry of Health (MOH) Enabling Innovation Grant: National Innovation Challenge (NIC) on Active and Confident Ageing 2017
SGD$1,064,814 over 3 years [18/12/2017 – 17/12/2020]
- Co-Investigator: Smart Rehabilitation Exosuits for Clinic and Home Assistance (RRG2/16007)–
Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) Rehabilitation Research Grant 2 (RRG 2) 2017
SGD$500,000 over 3 years [1/2/2017 – 31/1/2020]
- Co-Investigator: Outpatient and Home Advanced Rehabilitation Therapeutics Using Jintronix Virtual Reality elerehabilitation System (NTF_NOV2016_IN_C1_A1)–
Ng Teng Fong Health Innovation Programme Grant 2016
SGD$100,000 over 2 years [1/10/2016 – 31/3/2018]
- Co-Investigator: Evaluation of Robotic-assisted Treadmill Therapy and Nutritional Optimisation on Gait Performance in Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy (CNIG15nov008)–
National Medical Research Council (NMRC) Clinician-Scientist Individual Research Grant New Investigator Grant (CS-IRG NIG) 2016
SGD$200,000 over 2 years [16/11/2016 – 15/11/2018]
- Co-Investigator: Exploring new treatment of spinal cord injury by synergizing regenerative medicine and rehabilitation (RG1/16004)–
Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) Rehabilitation Research Grant (RRG) 2016
SGD$250,000 over 2 years [1/7/2016 – 30/6/2018]
- Clinical Principal Investigator: Mobile Robotic Balance Assistant (RRG1/16018)–
Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore (RRIS) Rehabilitation Research Grant (RRG) 2016
SGD$250,000 over 2 years [1/7/2016 – 30/6/2018]
Journal Papers
Tanczak N, Yurkewich A, Missiroli F, Wee SK, Kager S, Choi H, Cho KJ, Yap HK, Piazza C, Masia L, Lambercy O (2025). Soft Robotics in Upper Limb Neurorehabilitation and Assistance: Current Clinical Evidence and Recommendations. Soft Robotics 2025 Jan 6. doi: 10.1089/soro.2024.0034. Epub ahead of print.
Wan KR, Ng V, Wee SK, Rahim FMA, Lui WL, Phua MW, So RQY, Maszczyk TK, Premchand B, Saffari SE, Ker JRX, Ng WH (2024). Recovery of volitional motor control and overground walking in participants with chronic clinically motor complete spinal cord injury: RESTORES trial - A preliminary study. J Neurotrauma doi: 10.1089/neu.2023.0265 Dec 19 Online ahead of print.
Li L, Foo MJ, Chen J, Tan KY, Cai J, Swaminathan R, Chua KSG, Wee SK, Kuah CWK, Zhuo HT, Ang WT (2023). Mobile Robotic Balance Assistant (MRBA) - A Gait Assistive and Fall Intervention Robot for Daily Living. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (2023) 20:29 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12984-023-01149-0
Wang Y, Yuan M, Li L, Chua KSG, Wee SK, Ang WT (2023). Graceful User Following for Mobile Balance Assistive Robot in Daily Activities Assistance. eprint arXiv:2304.08695. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2304.08695
Cheng HJ, Chin LF, Kanzler CM, Lehner R, Kuah CWK, Wee SK, Liang P, Chua KSG, Lambercy O, Wenderoth N (2023) Deep Phenotyping of Upper Limb Sensorimotor Recovery in Asian Stroke Survivors: A Study Protocol. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 104 (3), e21-e22.
Alhossary A, Ang WT, Chua K, Tay MRJ, Ong PL, Murakami T, Quake T, Binedell T, Wee SK, Phua MW, Wei YJ, Donnelly CJ (2022) Identification of Secondary Biomechanical Abnormalities in the Lower Limb Joints after Chronic Transtibial Amputation: A Proof-of-Concept Study Using SPM1D Analysis. Bioengineering 2022, 9(7), 295
Noronha B, Ng CY, Little K, Xiloyannis M, Kuah CWK, Wee SK, Kulkarni SR, Masia L, Chua KSG, Accoto D (2022). Soft, lightweight wearable robots to support the upper limb in activities of daily living: a feasibility study on chronic stroke patients. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation vol 30. doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2022.3175224
Kanzler CM, Cheng H-J, Chin LF, Kuah CWK, Josse E, Samkharadze T, Ibrahim M, Liang P, Wee SK, Wenderoth N, Chua KSG, Lambercy O (2022). Deep phenotyping of upper limb sensorimotor recovery in Asian stroke survivors: Protocol for a longitudinal observational study. International Journal of Stroke 17, Issue 3_suppl, October 2022, Page 217
Alhwoaimel N, Turk R, Hughes AM, Ferrari F, Burridge JH, Wee SK, Verheyden G, Warner MB (2021) Instrumented Trunk Impairment Scale (iTIS): A Reliable Measure of Trunk Impairment in the Stroke Population. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 28:6, 456 – 463 doi.org/10.1080/10749357.2020.1834273
Lambercy O, Lehner R, Chua K, Wee SK, Rajeswaran DK, Kuah CWK, Ang WT, Liang P, Campolo D, Hussain A, Aguirre-Ollinger G, Guan C, Kanzler CM, Wenderoth N and Gassert R (2021) Neurorehabilitation From a Distance: Can Intelligent Technology Support Decentralized Access to Quality Therapy?. Front. Robot. AI 8:612415. doi:10.3389/frobt.2021.612415
Wee SK, Warner MB, Hughes AM, Burridge JH (2022) Longitudinal analysis of the recovery of trunk control and upper extremity in people with subacute stroke: An individual growth curve approach. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 29:1, 58-73, DOI: 10.1080/10749357.2021.1878333
Wee SK, Ho CY, Tan SL, Ong CH (2021) Enhancing quality of life in progressive multiple sclerosis with powered robotic exoskeleton. Multiple Sclerosis 2021, 27(3): 483–487 doi:10.1177/1352458520943080.
Alhwoaimel N, Warner MB, Hughes AM, Ferrari F, Burridge JH, Wee SK, Verheyden G, Turk R (2020) Concurrent Validity of a Novel Wireless Inertial Measurement System for Assessing Trunk Impairment in People with Stroke. Sensors 2020, 20, 1699; doi:10.3390/s20061699
Liang P, Kwong WH, Sidarta A, Yap CH, Tan WK, Lim LS, Chan PY, Kuah CWK, Wee SK, Chua K, Quek C, Ang WT (2020) An Asian-centric Human Movement Database Capturing Activities of Daily Living. Scientific Data-Nature 2020, 7(1): 290. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00627-7
Er JK , Donnelly CJW, Wee SK, Ang WT (2020) Fall inducing movable platform (FIMP) for overground trips and slips. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 17:161
Liang P, Kwong WH, Sidarta A, Yap CH, Tan WK, Lim LS, Kuah CWK, Chua K, Chan PY, Wee SK, Quek C, Ang WT (2020) Normative and Stroke Human Movement Database: Potential for Predicting Recovery. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 101(11):e68
Anopas D, Lin JQ, Sei EK, Wee SK, Tow PE, Chew SY, Ang WT (2019) Development of a novel force sensing system to measure the ground reaction force of rats with complete spinal cord injury. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019.
Anopas D, Jatesiktat P, Lim GM, Lin JQ, Wee SK, Tow PE, Chew SY, Ang WT (2019) Automatic inference of rat's hindlimb trajectory to synchronize with forelimb gait through phase. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2019:4615-4618. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857411.
Lin J, Anopas D, Milbreta U, Lin PH, Chin JS, Zhang N, Wee SK, Tow A, Ang WT, Chew SY (2019) Regenerative rehabilitation: Exploring the synergistic effects of rehabilitation and implantation of bio-functional scaffold in enhancing nerve regeneration. Biomaterials Science. 7(12):5150-5160 doi: 10.1039/C9BM01095E
Alhwoaimel N, Turk R, Warner MB, Verheyden G, Wee SK, Hughes AM (2018) Do trunk exercises improve trunk and upper extremity performance, post stroke? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Accepted for publication in Neurorehabilitation 43(4): 395-412
Anopas D, Chew SY, Lin JQ, Wee SK, Tow PE, Ang WT (2018) A Developmental Rehabilitation Robotic System for a Rat with Complete Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury in Quadruped Posture. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3(3): 2109-2115
Wee SK, Hughes AM, Warner MB, Brown S, Cranny A, Mazomenos EB, Burridge JH (2015) Effect of trunk support on upper extremity function in people with chronic stroke and healthy controls. Physical Therapy 95(8):1163-1171
Wee SK, Hughes AM, Warner MB, Brown S, Cranny A, Mazomenos EB, Burridge JH, Yeo SCD, Kong KH, Chan KF (2015) Impact of trunk control on upper extremity function in subacute and chronic stroke patients and healthy controls. Physiotherapy 101(Supplement 1): eS1619
Wee SK, Hughes AM, Warner MB, Burridge JH (2014) Trunk restraint to promote upper extremity recovery in stroke patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 28(7): 660-677
Lee WK, Koh SW, Wee SK (2012) Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in people with traumatic spinal cord injury: incidence, treatment efficacy and implications. American Journal of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery 33(6): 723-730
Lambercy O, Dovat L, Hong Y, Wee SK, Kuah C, Chua K, Gassert R, Milner TE, Teo CL, Burdet E (2011) Effects of a robot-assisted training of grasp and pronation/supination in chronic stroke: a pilot study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 8:63
Wee SK (2010) Management of multiple canal involvement in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Physiotherapy Singapore 13(2): 8-11
Kong KH, Wee SK, Ng CY, Chua K, Chan KF, Venketasubramanian N, Chen C (2009) A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized phase II pilot study to investigate the potential efficacy of the traditional chinese medicine Neuroaid (MLC 601) in enhancing recovery after stroke (TIERS). Cerebrovascular Diseases 28(5): 514-521
Lambercy O, Dovat L, Hong Y, Wee SK, Kuah C, Chua K, Gassert R, Milner T, Teo CL, Burdet E (2009) Rehabilitation of Grasping and Forearm Pronation/Supination with the Haptic Knob. 2009 IEEE 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Kyoto, Japan, 23-26 June, 2009
Lambercy O, Dovat L, Hong Y, Wee SK, Kuah C, Chua K, Gassert R, Milner TE, Teo CL, Burdet E (2009) Exercises for rehabilitation and assessment of hand motor function with the Haptic Knob. 3rd International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology (i-CREATe), pg 74-78, Singapore, 22 – 26 April, 2009.
Wee SK (2007). Dizziness and balance problems after traumatic brain injury. In Coping after Brain Injury: Empowering Families, Moving Ahead. Singapore: Future Print Pte Ltd.
Wee SK (2002). Vestibular rehabilitation for a patient with severe traumatic brain injury: a case study. Physiotherapy Singapore 5: 59-65
Wee SK (2000). Serial casting and splinting. In Coping with Brain Injury: A guide for Patients and Families. Singapore: Future Print Pte Ltd.
Niam S and Wee SK (1999) Relationship of unipedal stance time, age and falls in healthy Asian elderly. Physiotherapy Singapore 2: 124-127
Wang Y, Yuan M, Li L, Chua KSG, Wee SK, Ang WT (2023). Graceful User Following for Mobile Balance Assistive Robot in Daily Activities Assistance. eprint arXiv:2304.08695. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2304.08695
Cheng H-J, Chin LF, Kanzler CM, Lehner R, Kuah CWK, Kager S, Josse E, Samkharadze T, Sidarta A, Gonzalez PC, Lie E, Zbytniewska-Mégret M, Wee SK, Liang P, Gassert R, Chua K, Lambercy O, Wenderoth N (2023) Upper limb sensorimotor recovery in Asian stroke survivors: a study protocol for the development and implementation of a Technology-Assisted dIgitaL biOmaRker (TAILOR) platform. Front. Neurol. 14:1246888. doi:10.3389/fneur.2023.1246888
Relationship between trunk control and recovery of upper extremity in subacute stroke patients
- 9th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation 2016, Philadelphia, USAIs there a relationship between trunk control and recovery of upper extremity in the first 6 months post stroke?
- 10th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) World Congress 2016, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaImpact of trunk control on upper extremity function in subacute and chronic stroke patients and healthy controls
- World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) Congress 2015, SingaporeImpact of trunk support on upper extremity function in chronic stroke patients and healthy controls: clinical and kinematic analysis
- 4th Singapore Rehabilitation Conference 2015Is this the missing link to better arm recovery in stroke patients? A peek into the core: trunk control
- 3-Minute Thesis Competition 2014 , University of Southampton, United KingdomImpact of trunk control on the performance of upper extremity functional tasks in healthy individuals and stroke patients
- 8th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation 2014, Istanbul, TurkeyPrevalence and treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in traumatic brain injury patients
- 7th Singapore Physiotherapy Association National Congress 2009
- awarded the Best Paper on Neurology for originality of paper and its impact on clinical practiceManagement of multiple canal involvement in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- 6th National Congress of the Singapore Physiotherapy Association 2006Vestibular Rehabilitation for a patient with severe traumatic brain injury - Case Report
- World Confederation of Physical Therapy (Asia-Pacific region) Congress 2001, SingaporeNormative Values of Unipedal Stance Time in Healthy, Asian Elderly
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital Annual Scientific Meeting 1996
- awarded the Best Paramedical/Nursing Paper
Wee SK (2007). Dizziness and balance problems after traumatic brain injury. In Coping after Brain Injury: Empowering Families, Moving Ahead. Singapore: Future Print Pte Ltd.
Wee SK (2000). Serial casting and splinting. In Coping with Brain Injury: A guide for Patients and Families. Singapore: Future Print Pte Ltd.