Steven Tay
Dr Steven Tay obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of South Australia in 2013, centred in the area of off-peak thermal energy storage system for refrigeration systems. He played a leading role in the development of patented technology leading to inexpensive thermal storage, and conducted research on novel approaches to designing and optimising Phase Change Material storage systems. These innovations coupled with successful commercialisation have won the highly esteemed ANSTO Eureka Prize for Innovative Use of Technology and Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air conditioning and Heating Research Excellence Award. In 2012, he was awarded a three-year Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, focusing on high temperature phase change thermal energy storage system for concentrated solar power plant applications. He has authored or co-authored more than 45 journal and conference papers, 1 Book and 1 Book Chapter. He was awarded the 2016 Sir George Julius Medal for his paper which demonstrated how phase change materials can be used to reduce energy for cooling buildings. His Scopus citation data gives an H-index of 18, citations over 1,000. Dr Tay is a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy with over 10 years of teaching experience in mechanical design, thermodynamics and heat transfer, project management and energy. He also has over 10 years of industry experience in mechanical design, primarily in automated systems, jigs and fixtures and semiconductor equipment. All these experiences, together with his research works have expanded his knowledge and capability to relate engineering in a holistic approach to students.
SIT Appointments
- Programme Leader, Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Mechanical Engineering– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- PhDUniversity of South Australia , Australia
- Bachelor of EngineeringUniversity of South Australia , Australia
- Sir George Julius Medal (Mechanical College Awards)–
- Winner, ANSTO Eureka Prize for Innovative Use of Technology–
- Runners-up, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Building Services (ARBS) Industry Awards (Refrigeration Project Excellence)–
- Innovation patent (AU2013101456), “A coolroom refrigeration arrangement and a method of operation thereof”–
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency Postdoctoral Fellowship–
- Best PhD Thesis Award from the School of Engineering, University of South Australia–
- Winner, Australia Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) Award (Excellence in HVAC and Refrigeration Research)–
- International Postgraduate Research Scholarship–
- University of South Australia Postgraduate Award–
Professional Memberships
- Chartered Engineer of Institute of Mechanical Engineers– Present
- Member of Institute of Engineers Singapore– Present
Research Interests
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
Design and optimisation of thermal energy storage systems using phase change materials for refrigeration, air-con and solar power plant applications
Heat transfer enhancement techniques
Investigation of transportable heat transfer enhancement techniques
Phase change materials
Development and analysis of phase change materials
Computer Modelling and Simulation
Modelling and simulation of heat transfer process of phase change thermal energy storage systems
Journal Papers
Gasia J., Groulx D., Tay N.H.S., Cabeza L.F., 2020, “Numerical study of dynamic melting enhancement in a latent heat thermal energy storage system”, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 31, 101664.
Gallardo-Gonzáleza J., Martíneza M., Barrenechea C., Fernándeza A.I., Liu M., Tay N.H.S., Bruno F., Segarra M., 2018, “Corrosion of AISI316 as containment material for latent heat thermal energy storage systems based on carbonates”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 186, 1-8.
Riahi S., Saman W, Bruno F., Belusko M., Tay N.H.S., 2018, “Performance comparison of latent heat storage systems comprising plate fins with different shell and tube configurations”, Applied Energy, Vol. 212, 1095-1106.
Tay N.H.S., Liu M., Belusko M., Bruno F., 2017, “Review on transportable phase change material in thermal energy storage systems”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 75, 264-277.
Riahi S., Saman W, Bruno F., Belusko M., Tay N.H.S., 2017, “Comparative study of melting and solidification processes in different configurations of shell and tube high temperature latent heat storage system”, Solar Energy, Vol. 150, 363-374.
Gasia J., Tay N.H.S., Belusko M., Cabeza L.F., Bruno F., 2017, “Experimental investigation of the effect of dynamic melting in a cylindrical shell-and-tube heat exchanger using water as PCM”, Applied Energy, Vol. 185, 136-145.
Riahi S., Saman W, Bruno F., Belusko M., Tay N.H.S., 2017, “Impact of periodic flow reversal of heat transfer fluid on the melting and solidification processes in a latent heat shell and tube storage system”, Applied Energy, Vol. 191, 276-286.
Liu M., Bell S., Segarra M., Tay N.H.S., Will G., Saman W. and Bruno F., 2017, “A eutectic salt high temperature phase change material: Thermal stability and corrosion of SS316 with respect to thermal cycling”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 170, 1-7.
Belusko M., Tay N.H.S., Liu M., Bruno F., 2016, “Effective tube-in-tank PCM thermal storage for CSP applications, Part 2: Parametric assessment and impact of latent fraction”, Solar Energy, Vol. 139, 744-756.
Liu M., Tay N.H.S., Bell S., Belusko M., Jacob R., Will G., Saman W. and Bruno F., 2016, “Review on concentrating solar power plants and new developments in high temperature thermal energy storage technologies”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 53, 1411-1432.
Belusko M., Tay N.H.S., Liu M., Bruno F., 2016, “Effective tube-in-tank PCM thermal storage for CSP applications, Part 1: Impact of tube configuration on discharging effectiveness”, Solar Energy, Vol. 139, 733-743.
Pointner H., de Gracia A., Vogela J., Tay N.H.S., Liu M., Johnson M, Cabeza L.F., 2016, “Computational efficiency in numerical modelling of high temperature latent heat storage: Comparison of selected software tools based on experimental data”, Applied Energy, Vol. 161, 337-348.
Tay N.H.S., Belusko M., Liu M. and Bruno F., 2015, “Investigation of the effect of dynamic melting in a tube-in-tank PCM system using a CFD model”, Applied Energy, Vol. 137, 738-747.
Liu M., Tay N.H.S., Belusko M. and Bruno F., 2015, “Investigation of cascaded shell and tube latent heat storage systems for solar tower power plants”, Energy Procedia, Vol. 69, 913-924.
Liu M., Gomez J.C., Turchi C.S., Tay N.H.S., Saman W. and Bruno F., 2015, “Determination of thermo-physical properties and stability testing of high-temperature phase change materials for CSP applications”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 139, 81-87.
Liu M., Belusko M., Tay N.H.S. and Bruno F., 2014, “Impact of the heat transfer fluid in a flat plate phase change thermal storage unit for concentrated solar tower plants”, Solar Energy, Vol. 101, 220-231.
Tay N.H.S., Belusko M., Castell A., Cabeza L.F. and Bruno F., 2014, “An Effectiveness-NTU Technique for Characterising a Finned Tubes PCM System using a CFD model”, Applied Energy, Vol. 131, 377-385.
Bruno F., Tay N.H.S. and Belusko M., 2014, “Minimising energy usage for domestic cooling with off-peak PCM storage”, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 76, 347-353.
Tay N.H.S., Bruno F. and Belusko M., 2013, “Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Melting in a Tube-in-tank PCM System”, Applied Energy, Vol. 104, 137-148.
Tay N.H.S., Bruno F. and Belusko M., 2013, “Comparison of Pinned and Finned Tubes in a Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage System using CFD”, Applied Energy, Vol. 104, 79-86.
Tay N.H.S., Belusko M. and Bruno F, 2012, “Experimental Investigation of Tubes in a Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage System”, Applied Energy, Vol. 90 (1), 288-297.
Tay N.H.S., Bruno F. and Belusko M., 2012, “Experimental Validation of a CFD and an ε-NTU Model for a Large Tube-in-tank PCM System”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55 (21-22), 5931-5940.
Tay N.H.S., Belusko M. and Bruno F., 2012, “An effectiveness-NTU Technique for Characterising Tube-in-tank Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage Systems”, Applied Energy, Vol. 91 (1), 309-319.
Tay N.H.S., Belusko M. and Bruno F, 2012, “Designing a PCM Storage System using the Effectiveness-Number of Transfer Units Method in Low Energy Cooling of Buildings”, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 50, 234-242.
Tay N.H.S., Bruno F. and Belusko M., 2012, “Experimental Validation of a CFD Model for Tubes in a Phase Change Thermal Energy Storage System”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55 (4), 574-585.
Cabeza L.F. and Tay N.H.S., 2017, High-temperature thermal storage systems using phase change materials, Academic Press, Elsevier, London, UK.
Teaching Modules
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- MME1231 - Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
- MME1171 - Fundamentals of Thermofluid Dynamics
- MME2171 - Applications of Thermofluids
- MME3153 - Industrial Automation
- MME3001 - Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP)
- MME3191 - Capstone Project
Mechanical Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- MEC1112 - Engineering Design Graphics
- MEC2122 - Mechanics of Mechanisms
- MEC2371 - Specialised Engineering Project
Aerospace Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- AEE1161 - Engineering Design Graphics
- MME2131
- MME2184
- MME3111