SzeKee KOH
Associate Professor SzeKee Koh currently serves as Cluster Director for the Business, Communication, and Design (BCD) Cluster at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), overseeing all aspects of faculty planning, management, and development under his cluster.
Previously, he served in various academic appointments within SIT, including Deputy Programme Director for the Accountancy Programme (2014-2015), Programme Director for the Accountancy Programme (2016-2020), Deputy Cluster Director for the former Design and Specialised Businesses Cluster (2017-2020), and Director of Programmes (2021-2023) for the BCD Cluster.
Prior to joining SIT, SzeKee worked in Australia for more than a decade. He held a tenured position with the Business School at The University of Western Australia (UWA), where he served as the Business Practicum Coordinator and the Senior Resident Advisor of Trinity (a Residential College of UWA). He was also a registered University Career Mentor, mentoring students to achieve their career aspirations. SzeKee had also visited various universities for research collaborations, including Monash University, the University of New South Wales, Queensland University, Curtin University, and Nanyang Technological University.
Before his academic career, SzeKee started his profession as a Corporate Tax Consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers, providing corporate tax compliance services and advisory and planning consultation services to a portfolio of local, multinational, and listed companies. Subsequently, he joined the SIA group as an Administrative Officer, where he was posted to various executive positions, including Duty Manager for Operations, Marketing Division, Special Projects Task Force, and Finance Division. His last appointment was as Finance Manager at Singapore Airport Terminal Services (SATS) Limited, performing the role of a financial controller.
SzeKee's prime research interests include the areas of capital structure, corporate bankruptcy, corporate social responsibility, social responsible investments, Environmental Social & Governance, and corporate life cycle. He has published scholarly articles in the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Australia Journal of Management, International Review of Finance, Issues in Accounting Education, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Accounting Research Journal, and Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal. He has also completed applied research with industry partners, including RSM Singapore and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants, with the findings published in ISCA's journal as well as in newspapers, including the Business Times and the Straits Times. SzeKee has also been invited to deliver keynote presentations and panel discussions at various local and international conferences.
SzeKee teaches Accounting and Finance modules and has been nominated for and won multiple Excellence in Teaching Awards in his academic career. He is a Fellow member of CPA Australia and a Fellow member of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA). SzeKee is the Vice President 1 of the ASEAN Accounting Education Workgroup (AAEW), where he works with academics from universities across the ASEAN region with the vision to innovate ASEAN higher education accounting programs and train the next generation of ASEAN graduates who can compete in the global accounting market.
SzeKee holds a Ph.D. and a Bachelor of Commerce (with Honours) from the University of Western Australia. He also completed a Senior Fellowship in Public Policy with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
SIT Appointments
- Cluster Director, Business, Communication and Design– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- Director of Programmes, Business, Communication & Design Cluster–
- Deputy Cluster Director (Applied Research), Design & Specialised Business–
- Programme Director, SIT B (Hons) Accountancy–
- Deputy Programme Director, SIT B (Hons) Accountancy–
- Assistant Professor–
- Senior Fellowship in Public ServicesLee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore , Singapore
- PhD (Accounting & Finance)The University of Western Australia , Australia
- Bachelor of Commerce (Hon)The University of Western Australia , Australia
- 2023 ISCA Research Grant on "Accounting Education - Marking it fit-for-purpose for the new economy" (co-PI)- SGD65,000–
- 2023 ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA) Research Grant (via ASEAN Accounting Education Workgroup) on "Technology Adoption by the Accountancy Profession in ASEAN Countries" - Co-PI - SGD25,000–
- Most cited International Journal of Accounting Information Systems Articles
- 2020 SIT Awards for Learning and Teaching Grant (SGD 9,025) - (Co-PI )–
- SIT FY19 Strategic Initiative Award - Co-PI - SGD404,000
- SIT Ignition Grant (Primary Investigator with Co-PIs: Desi Arisandi, Arif Perdana & Lee Hwee Hoon) SGD18,000
- Winner of the SIT Teaching Excellence Award (for Academic year 14/15)
- SIT Advancement for Learning and Teaching Grant (with Pearpilai Jutasompakorn, Aaron Goh, Karin Avnit) - SGD3,405
- Most Cited Pacific Basin Finance Journal articles
- UWA Business School Excellence in Teaching Award, a. Nominee for the category of “Lecturer - Undergraduate Coursework”
- UWA Business School Research Grant (with Richard Heaney and Yihui Lan) - AUD13,389
- Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Research Grant (with Dianne Massoudi, Lucia Fung and Phil Hancock) - AUD5,843
- Winner of UWA Business School Excellence in Teaching Award (Early Career)
- UWA Business School Research Grant (with Robert Durand) - AUD6,000
- UWA Research Development Award (with Robert Durand) supplemented with UWA Business School Research Grant - AUD28,966
- UWA Business School Research Grant (with Millicent Chang) - AUD16,451
- Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Research Grant (with Robert Durand) - AUD3,670
- UWA Business School Excellence in Teaching Award (Commendation – Best Tutor)
- Financial Integrity Research Network (FIRN) scholarship to attend PhD Workshop in Methods in Empirical Corporate Finance at Sydney University.
Professional Certification
- CPA ProgramCPA Australia–
Professional Memberships
- Member, Institute for Adult Learning (IAL) Council– Present
- Member, Examinations and Curriculum Committee, Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals– Present
- Co-Lead (Diversifying Accountancy Talent Work Group), Implementation Committee for Accountancy Workforce Development (ICAWD),– Present
- Member, Members' Affairs Committee - Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals– Present
- Vice President 1, ASEAN Accounting Education Workgroup– Present
- Fellow CPA, Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) AustraliaPresent
- Fellow, Financial Services Institute of AustralasiaPresent
- Member, The Singapore CA Qualification (SCAQ) Advisory Panel - The Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants–
- Vice President 2, ASEAN Accounting Education Workgroup–
Corporate Experience
- PricewaterhouseCoopers - Tax Consultant
- Singapore Airport Terminal Services Ltd (SIA Group) - Finance Manager
Research Interests
Corporate Finance, Capital Structure, Corporate Financial Distress, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Responsibility Investment, Accounting Education, International Finance, Accountancy Industry Digital Transformatiions
Journal Papers
Ho, YewKee, Liu, Jean, Koh SzeKee, Ng, KaiTeck, Sa-Pyung, Sean Shin, Tan, Tin Wee, Kusnadi, Yuanto, & Zhu, Zinan (2024) "Making Accountancy Education fit for purpose for the new economy", Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants Research (collaborated with Deloitte, Ey, KPMG, PwC, Xero. making-accountancy-education-fit-for-purpose-for-the-new-economy-executive-summary.pdf (Industry Report)
Wai Geat Kang; Joshua Sim; Koh, Sze Kee; Arisandi, Desi; Goh, Shao Lian Benjamin; Gao, Fei- (Phoebe) (2024). Artificial Intelligence for the Accountancy Industry – What Lies Ahead. Report. https://doi.org/10.25447/sit.27134238 (Industry Whitepaper)
Ho, YewKee, Koh SzeKee, Michelle Zou (2023) “Technology Adoption by the Accountancy Profession in ASEAN Countries”, 2023 AFA Research Report: Appendix 10 – Country report for Singapore . 2023 AFA Research Report_01.Professional Report.pdf (Industry Report)
Koh, SzeKee, Perdana, Arif, Lee, Hwee Hoon (2023) "Data Analytics in an Undergraduate Accountancy Programme: The Spaced Retrieval Method." , Handbook of Big Data and Analytics in Accounting and Auditing, Chapter 18, Springer.Handbook of Big Data and Analytics in Accounting and Auditing by Tarek Rana, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
Perdana, Arif , Lee, Hwee Hoon, Arisandi, Desi, & Koh, SzeKee (2022), "Accelerating Data Analytics Adoption in Small and Mid-size Enterprises: A Singapore Context" Technology in Society, Vol 69, 101966 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.101966 (ABDC Ranking: C)
Perdana, Arif , Lee, Hwee Hoon, Koh, SzeKee & Arisandi, Desi (2022). Data Analytics in Small and Mid-size Enterprises: Enablers and Inhibitors for Business Value and Firm Performance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol 44, 100547 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accinf.2021.100547 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Koh, SzeKee, Perdana, Arif, Arisandi, Desi, & Lee, Hwee Hoon (2020), “Data Analytics Adoption Among Singapore SMEs", IS Chartered Accountant Journal, November 2020, pp. 18-22. ISCA Journal (industry journal)
Massoudi, Dianne, Koh, SzeKee, Hancock, Phil & Fung, Lucia (2017), “The Effectiveness of Usage of Online Multiple Choice Questions on Student Performance in Introductory Accounting”, Issues in Accounting Education. November 2017, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.2308/iace-51722 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Heaney, Richard, Koh, SzeKee & Lan, YiHui (2016), “Australian Firm Characteristics and the Cross-Section Variation in Equity Returns”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 37, pp. 104-115. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927538X16300166 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Limkriangkrai, Manapon, Koh, SzeKee & Durand, B. Robert (2016), “Environmental, Social, and Goverance (ESG) Profiles, Stock Returns, and Financial Policy: Australian Evidence.”, International Review of Finance, Vol.17, No. 3, pp 461-471. https://doi.org/10.1111/irfi.12101 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Hossain, Md Mosharraf, Heaney, Richard & Koh, SzeKee (2016), “Director Trading, or Lack Thereof, and Acquiring Firm Performance: Evidence from Australian Mergers and Acquisitions.”, Accounting Research Journal, Vol.29, No. 3, pp 332-347. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/ARJ-12-2014-0109 (ABDC Ranking: B)
Koh, SzeKee, Durand, Robert B., & Limkriangkrai, Manapon (2015), “The Value of Saints and The Price of Sin”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 35, Part A, pp. 56-72. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927538X14000821 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Koh, SzeKee, Durand, Robert B., Dai, Lele & Chang, Millicent (2015), “Financial Distress: Lifecycle and Corporate Restructuring”, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 33, pp. 19-33. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0929119915000498 (ABDC Ranking: A*)
Chow, Gariet, Durand, Robert B. & Koh, SzeKee (2014), “Are Ethical Investments Good?”, Australian Journal of Management, Vol. 39, pp. 645-665. https://doi.org/10.1177/0312896213516327 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Durand, Robert B., Koh, SzeKee, & Paul Tan (2013), “The Price of SIN in The Pacific Basin”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 21, No.1, pp 899-913. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927538X12000492 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Durand, Robert B., Koh, SzeKee, & Limkriangkrai, Manapon (2013), “Saints versus Sinners. Does Morality Matter?”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money , Vol. 24, pp. 166-183. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1042443112001199 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Yahanpath, Noel & Koh, SzeKee (2012), “Strength of Bond Covenants and Bond Assessment Framework”, The Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 2 (June 2012), pp 71-90. http://ro.uow.edu.au/aabfj/vol6/iss2/6/ (ABDC Ranking: B)
Koh, SzeKee, Durand, Robert B. & Watson, Iain (2011), “Seize The Moment: Opportunism in Australian Capital Market”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 19, No.4, pp 374-389. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927538X11000060 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Durand, Robert B, Koh, Sze Kee & Watson, Iain (2001), “Who Moved Asian-Pacific Stock Markets? A Further Consideration of The Impact of The US and Japan”, Australian Journal of Management, Vol. 26, No.2, Dec 2001, pp 125-146. http://aum.sagepub.com/content/26/2/125 (ABDC Ranking: A)
Invited as Keynote Speaker to deliver a topic on “Transform Globally: Realising Potentials and Embracing Possibilities through Research” at the 4th Joint Accountancy International Research Summit organised by The Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants and The University of St. La Salle (6 May 2022)
Invited Speaker on the topic of “Review and Outlook Economics after Covid 19 Pandemic” at the 3rd International Seminar on Accounting for Society organised by Universitas Pamulang (17 March 2022)
Invited Speaker on the topic of “Decent Work and Economic Growth” at The 2020 Thinking Globally: Sustainable development Goals in the 4th Industrial Revolution Conference (15 Jul 2021)
Invited Speaker on the topic of “Preparing for Digital Transformation” at The Yu An Log College of Business and Accountancy of the University of St. La Salle’s webinar The Way Forward: Designing Business Continuity Plan, Identifying Disruptive Innovation and preparing for Digital Transformation (22 Jan 2021)
Invited Panellist speaker on the topic of “Accounting Technology for Maintaining Sustainable Environment” at The Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants – 23rd Accounting National Symposium 2020 (22 Sept 2020)
Invited as a Panellist speaker on the topic of “The Use and Impact of AI for Accounting Entities” at Universitas Pamulang “2nd International Seminar on Accounting for Society with the theme “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting for Society 5.0” (2 Jul 2020)
Interviewed article on the topic of “how to keep yourself in demand” for Certified Practising Accountants Australia published at Business Times. (25 Nov 2019)
Invited as a Panellist of reactors on the topic of “How can we train accountants to embrace the new normal in the digital era”at the University of Santo Tomas “2019 Washington Sycip Lecture – Working Together for a Learned Global Accounting Profession” (6 Nov 2019)
Invited as a Keynote speaker to deliver a topic on Living the role of learned accounting teachers in shaping a learned accounting profession at the National Associations of CPAs in Education – 6th mid-year Accounting Teachers International Conference 2019. (24 Oct 2019)
Invited by Singapore Accountancy Commission to moderate a panel discussion with experts from SAC (Chairman of SAC), ISCA (president of ISCA) and IMDA (Asst Chief Executive- Sectoral transformation) at the Singapore Accountancy Commission’s Accountancy Industry Digital Plan Launch. (23 Aug 2019)
Invited as a Panellist speaker for the Panel Discussion on the topic of “Accounting Futurescape – What The Bosses Are Saying” at the Certified Practising Accountants Australia Congress 2018 Student Symposium. (11 Oct 2018)
Invited as Conference Panel Speaker on the topic of Accounting Industry Development in Singapore at the International Conference on Emerging Accounting Issues (Indonesia) (Aug 2016)
Singapore Institute of Directors, Deloitte, Handshakes, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Institute of Technology, 2023, "The 2023 Singapore Directorship Report" (with support of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority and Singapore Exchange) Singapore Directorship Report (sid.org.sg)
Singapore Institute of Directors, Deloitte, Handshakes, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Institute of Technology, 2021, "The 2021 Singapore Directorship Report" (with support of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority and Singapore Exchange) Singapore Directorship Report (sid.org.sg)
“FINA3304 Banking: Theory and Practice – A McGraw-Hill Custom Publication”,2nd Edition, Prepared by SzeKee Koh, 2011, McGraw-Hill (ISBN: 978-1-12-122889-4)
“FINA3304 Banking: Theory and Practice – A McGraw-Hill Custom Publication”, Prepared by SzeKee Koh, 2009, McGraw-Hill (ISBN: 978-0-07-028520-0)
“FINA3304 Banking: Theory and Practice – Wiley Custom Publication”, Prepared by SzeKee Koh, 2008, John Wiley & Sons (ISBN: 0-4708-1980-4)