Victor WANG
SIT Appointments
- Programme Leader, Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Aerospace Engineering– Present
- Programme Leader, Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Aircraft Systems Engineering– Present
- Deputy Cluster Director– Present
- Deputy Director, Center for Learning Environment & Assessment Development (CoLEAD)– Present
- Associate Professor– Present
- Deputy Programme Director - SIT BEng (Hons) Aircraft Systems Engineering–
- Deputy Programme Director - UofG BEng (Hons) Aerospace Systems–
- Deputy Programme Director - UofG BEng (Hons) Aeronautical Engineering–
- Assistant Professor–
- Lecturer–
- PhD Aeronautical EngineeringLoughborough University , United Kingdom
- B.Eng (1st Class Hons) Aeronautical EngineeringLoughborough University , United Kingdom
- Teaching Excellence Award (Nominated) AY2014 - AY2017–
- RAeS Aerospace Speakers’ Travel Grant for 20th AIAA CFD conference
- Loughborough University Graduate School Conference Fund for 20th AIAA CFD conference
- ORSAS (UK higher Education) Award and Loughborough University Postgraduate Studentship (Oct 08 - Dec 12)–
- Research Excellence Award AY2022
- Teaching Excellence Award AY2017
- Teaching Excellence Award AY2016
Professional Memberships
- Member of Institute of Engineers Singapore (MIES)– Present
- Member of Royal Aeronautical Society (MRAeS)– Present
- Member, Loughborough University - Rolls Royce UTC–
Corporate Experience
- Teaching and Teacher EducationPresent
- Applied Thermal EngineeringPresent
- Fluid Dynamics ResearchPresent
- Desalination and Water TreatmentPresent
- Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyPresent
- Judge for SAFMCPresent
- Journal Reviewer for Sustainable Cities and SocietyPresent
- Specialist Adult Educator (Curriculum Developer)Present
- Judge for Singapore Science and Engineering FairPresent
- Organising Committee for IRC-SET SingaporePresent
- Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Sustainable Cities and Society by ELSEVIER–
- Technical Reviewer for Cities of Tomorrow (R&D) Programme (Singapore)
- Consultant to SMRT – since July 2015–
- Journal Reviewer for: Aeronautical Journal–
- Journal Reviewer for: IMechE Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering–
Research Interests
Applied Computational Fluids Dynamics
Mesh Generation
High speed flows
Large Eddy Simulation
Applied Aerodynamics
Focus on Experimental and numerical Applied Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics related research
Ventilation Systems
Train Aerodynamics
Current Projects
- Machine Learning Aided Multi-scale Droplets Evaporation Model for Engineering Application– Present
PI (S$ 1,077,420)
MOE Tier 2
- Physics Informed Neural Network for Conjugate Heat transfer– Present
Co-PI (S$150,000)
MOE Tier 1 - School- to-Work Transfer of Learning Model with Authentic Modelling and Simulation Applications in Undergraduate Engineering Education– Present
Co-PI (S$245,676)
- Development of Risk Assessment Model for Infectious Respiratory Diseases Considering Human Mobility– Present
PI (S$ 705,250)
- Development of 3D chemical plume tomographic algorithm with different types of chemical sensor– Present
DSO Funded (S$278,400)
- Gravity Driven Membrane for Sustainable Utility-Scale Water Treatment– Present
Co-PI (S$150,000)
Ignition GrantCompany: AteraWater Pte Ltd
- Understanding the Transmission Risks of SARS CoV-2 and the Fundamental Rethinking of HVAC System Design in the Post-Pandemic World– Present
Co-PI (S$779,181)
MOE Tier 2 - Development of Numerical Model and Design Framework For Mixed Mode Ventilation Systems For High Rise Buildings– Present
PI (Main supervisor for Industrial Masters)
Student: Luke BehCompany (BSD)
- Supporting Academically Weaker Students by Improving their Self-regulation for Online Learning– Present
Co-PI (S$207,125)
- Transporter Drone– Present
Co-PI (Collaboration with DSO, SIT Innovation Capability Fund, S$500,000)
- Pollution Dispersion Control in Urban Environment– Present
Co-PI (HTX Funded, S$504,000)
- Dual Passive Displacement Coil System (Dual PD Coil): Design and System Performance Evaluation as Alternative Cooling Technologies to Achieve Super Low Cooling Energy Consumption– Present
2021 - 2022
Co-PI (BCA Funded, S$567,336)
Collaborator: Shinhan Tech Engineering
Past Projects
- Solar powered smoking cabin for a smoke free Singapore–
Co-PI (S$99,000)
Ignition GrantIndustry Partner: AOM
- Design and Development of Wastewater Auto Sampler–
Co-PI (SIT Ignition Grant, S$243,000)
Collaborator: NEA
- Design and Fabrication of a Cooler Vest for Tropical Climate–
PI (MOE-TIF, S$251,000)
Collaborator: LTA, SMRT
- Contamination Studies on Outdoor Environment–
PI (DSO funded, S$215,400)
- COVID-19 Wastewater-based Epidemiology with Monte-Carlo based algorithms–
Co-PI (Ignition Grant, S$100,000)
Collaborator: HTX
- A Scalable and Intelligent Tutoring System for Air Traffic Control Training–
Co-PI (MOE-TIF, S$340,590)
Collaborator: RSAF
- Aeronautics and Astronautics 2030–
Main Co-PI (S$1379950)
In Collaboration with Neo Aeronautics and Science Centre - Wall Fan Design and Optimisation for Human Comfort–
PI (SIT Ignition Grant, S$110,000)
Collaborator: Khind Systems
- Co-Principal Investigator, Cell separation using microfluidics technology, Ignition and Innovation Grant, Singapore Institute of Technology–
Co-PI Ignition Grant (S$100,000)
- Co-Principal Investigator, Optimizing the design of Saccardo nozzles for tunnel ventilation–
Collaborator - LTA
2018-20, ($294,000)
- Principal Investigator, MICRO FAN ENGINE DESIGN STUDY, DSO Singapore–
DSO Funded: ($50,000)
Collaborator: DSO
- Co-Principal Investigator, Aeration diffuser design for membrane bioreactor water filtration application–
Collaborator - Hyflux
2018-20, (MOE TIF funded $264,000)
- Principal Investigator, Use of Virtual tools to Enhance Teaching of complex flow behavior in Wind Tunnel Study, SIT Advancement of Learning and Teaching Grant, Singapore Institute of Technology–
2018-19, ($15,000)
- Principal Investigator, CFD Modelling & Simulation for Fuel Cell Car Engine Design, Ignition and Innovation Grant, Singapore Institute of Technology–
SIT Ignition Grant, $130,000
- Co-Principal Investigator, Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Ultrafiltration Membrane Modules, Innovation Grant, Singapore Institute of Technology–
2016-17, ($147,500)
- Collaborator, Development of Gas Turbine Lab, SIT Advancement of Learning and Teaching Grant, Singapore Institute of Technology–
2016-17, ($8,000)
- Principal Investigator, Numerical Analysis and Optimisation of a Hollow Fibre Membrane Module, Ignition Grant, Singapore Institute of Technology–
SIT Ignition Grant $93,000
- Principal Investigator, Combustor Thrust Optimisation, DSO Singapore–
DSO Funded, S$248,000
- Co-Principal Investigator, Adaptive Online Physics learning platform, SIT Advancement of Learning and Teaching Grant, Singapore Institute of Technology–
2014-15, ($5,000)
Journal Papers
J.Joy, P.C.Wang, and S.C.M.Yu , “ Effect of geometric modification on flow behaviour and performance of reverse flow combustor”, IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018
KB Lim, H An, PC Wang, G Liu, SCM Yu, "Theoretical and Computational Analysis on Double-End Submerged Hollow Fibre Membrane Modules" Energies 11(5), 1-25, 2018
K.B.Lim, P.C.Wang, H.An and S.C.M.Yu , “Computational Studies for the Design Parameters of Hollow Fibre Membrane Modules”, Journal of Membrane Science Vol.529, 263-273, 2017
K.B.Lim, P.C.Wang and H.An, “Numerical Investigation on Packing Density and Inlet Configurations of Hollow Fibres and their Effects on Flow Pattern within Ultrafiltration Modules”, Scientific Journal of Environmental Science 5(11), 269-278, 2017
P.C.Wang and J.J.McGuirk, “Large Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Jet plumes from Rectangular Con-di nozzles” Special issue of International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 2013
P.C.Wang, ‘Modelling of civil and military exhaust Systems-High speed jet plume experimental Study’. Loughborough University (Report No: TT10R017), June 2011
P.C.Wang,’ Initial RANS Assessment of Open Rotor Duct Flows’. Loughborough University (Report No: TT09R003), March 2009
C. Ong, W.H. Lim, P.C.Wang,“Learning Mathematics through Technology-Enhanced Pedagogy”, Applied Learning Conference, SIT, Jan 25, 2018.
HJ Loy, P.C. Wang, "Aerodynamic studies of train travelling along a curvature track using dynamic meshing", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
B Tan, P.C. Wang "Design Analysis of a Turbojet Engine", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
R.Z.Tan; C.Ong; P.C.Wang; K.Avnit; W.H.Lim, "Early Prediction of Students' Mathematics Performance", International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE), 4-7 December 2018, Wollongong, Australia
J Fernandez, P.C. Wang, H An, G Liu, "A voltage drop analysis on a proton exchange membrane fuel cell", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
C. Ong, W.H. Lim, P.C.Wang“An Adaptive Online Learning System for University Preparatory Courses”, The Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Kobe, March 28, 2018.
K.J.B. Tan, P.C. Wang, S. Srigrarom,"Low-Speed Post-Stall Wing Wake Impingement on Horizontal Stabilizer of the Common Research Model", 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 3898
XZ Heng, P.C. Wang, H An, G Liu "Novel Design of Anode Flow Field in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
D Soh, P.C. Wang, "Simulation of Train aerodynamics using Dynamic Meshing", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
I Kwong, P.C. Wang "Design Analysis of a Gas Turbine Engine", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
J. Lee, K.J.B. Tan, P.C. Wang,"Parametric Investigation of Box Wing Configuration in Viscous Flow Regime", 2018 Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 3814
JT Panisilvam, P.C. Wang, G Liu, H An, "Predicting the dynamic performance of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) in vehicular applications", International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 4 June 2018, Level 4, Matrix @ Biopolis, A*STAR, Singapore
K.J.Benjamin Tan, P.C.Wang and S.S.Srigrarom, ’Computational Modelling of Wing-Tail Interaction for Longitudinal Stability’, 23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, CO, USA
M.V.Patidar, J.Joy and P.C.Wang, “Effects of RANS and URANS Methodology on Flow Behaviour of a Mini Gas Turbine Reverse-flow Combustor”, International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 10th August 2017 Matrix@Biopolis, A*Star, Singapore
C. Ong, W.H. Lim, P.C.Wang, Y.T. Lim, and Y.L. Foo, “Adaptive Online Learning System” Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, 31st May – 2nd June 2017, Singapore
W.Z.Alvin Poh, K.D.Nicholas Ng, P.C.Wang, Y.Zeng & C.M.Yu, “Investigation of Mesh Resolution and turbulence model effects on flow field in an unconventional Gas Turbine” 2016 Applied Aerodynamics: Evolution & Innovation Continues- The Next 150 Years of Concepts, Design and Operations conference, 19th July 2016, Bristol, UK
K.J.Benjamin Tan and P.C.Wang, ’Computational Modelling and Aerodynamics Analysis of a Conventional Fixed Wing Aircraft’, Advances in Simulation, The Future of Flight Simulation. Royal Aeronautical Society, Flight Simulation Group Conference, 7-8 June 2016, London, UK
K.B.Lim, H.An and P.C.Wang, “Evaluation of Optimum Packing Density for Cross-flow Hollow Fibre Membranes of Different Lengths using CFD”, International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 16th May 2016 Matrix@Biopolis, A*Star, Singapore
Y.Z.Lun and P.C.Wang, “Numerical Modelling of Train Aerodynamics in Confined Space”, IEEE TENCON 2016,Technologies for Smart Nation, Invited paper for special session in Recent Advances in Security and Safety for Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22nd to 25th November 2016, Singapore
X.Wen, P.C.Wang and C.M.Yu, ‘Numerical study of performance of reverse flow combustor’ IEEE Aerospace Conference 2016, 5-12 March 2016, Big Sky Montana, United States
J,Joy, P.C.Wang and C.M.Yu, ‘Numerical Investigation of Cooling Effects on a Mini Gas Combustor’ The 2nd International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology, 13-15 September 2016, Singapore
Y.Z.Lun and P.C.Wang, “Numerical Simulation of Train Aerodynamics”, International Researcher Club conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IRC-SET), 16th May 2016 Matrix@Biopolis, A*Star, Singapore
K.B.Lim, P.C.Wang and H.An, “Numerical Investigation on Packing Density and Inlet Configurations of Hollow Fibres and their Effects on Flow Pattern within Ultrafiltration Modules”, I The 2nd International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology, 13-15 September 2016, Singapore
P.C.Wang and J.J.McGuirk, “Large Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Jet plumes from Rectangular Con-di nozzles” 7th Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, 24-27 Sept 2012, Sicily, Palermo, Italy
P.C.Wang and J.J.McGuirk, “Large Eddy Simulation of High Speed Nozzle Flows - Assessment & Validation of Synthetic Turbulence Inlet Conditions” 20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 27-30 June 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii
Teaching Modules
Sustainable Built Environment, BEng (Hons)
- SIE2011 - Fluid Mechanics
- SIE3001 - Group Design Project I
- SIE3002 - Group Design Project II
- SIE2009 - Aerospace Engineering Discovery Course
- SIE3012 - Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP)
- SIE4001 - Capstone Project
Engineering Systems, BEng (Hons)
- SIE2002 - Fluid Machineries
- SIE3004 - Rolling Stock and Permanent Way Systems
- SIE3001 - Group Design Project I
- SIE3002 - Group Design Project II
- SIE2009 - Aerospace Engineering Discovery Course
- SIE3012 - Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP)
- SIE4001 - Capstone Project
Aerospace Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- SIT3014 - Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 3S
Chemical Engineering, BSc
- CE1101 - Physics
- Engineering Design Graphics
- ThermoFluids