Pei Wang
Pei Wang received his BAS (1st class honors) and PhD degrees at the National University of Singapore. He is currently an assistant professor at Singapore Institute of Technology, and a research scientist at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR. He’s leading the Metal Additive Manufacturing group in the Department of Structural Materials in IMRE. His research focuses on 3D printing of magnetic materials, high performance steels, high entropy alloys, machine-learning accelerated alloy discovery, metal powder production, and sustainable metal economy. He is leading or co-leading a number of research projects including advanced materials discovery for manufacturing programme, structural metals and alloy programme, industry alignment programmes, and individual research grant.
SIT Appointments
- Assistant Professor– Present
- Ph.DNational University of Singapore , Singapore
- Bachelor of Applied Science (1st Class Honors)National University of Singapore , Singapore
Research Interests
Sustainable Metal Economy
Metal powder waste recycling and reuse for additive manufacturing
Waste metal conversion and reuse for high value products
Machine Learning for Metal and Additive Manufacturing
Machine learning accelerated alloy discovery
Process optimization for additive manufacturing using machine learning
Journal Papers
Bai, Kewu, Chee Koon Ng, Ming Lin, Fengxia Wei, Shuang Li, Siew Lang Teo, Dennis Cheng Cheh Tan, Pei Wang, Delvin Wuu, Jing Jun Lee, and Yong-Wei Zhang. "Short-Range Ordering Heredity in Eutectic High Entropy Alloys: A New Model Based on Pseudo-Ternary Eutectics." Acta Materialia 243 (2023). https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2022.118512.
W.H. Teh, V. Chaudhary, S. Chen, S.H. Lim, F. Wei, J.Y. Lee, P. Wang, S.P. Padhy, C.C. Tan, R.V. Ramanujan, High throughput multi-property evaluation of additively manufactured Co-Fe-Ni materials libraries, Additive Manufacturing 58 (2022).
X. Shen, F. Meng, K.B. Lau, P. Wang, C.H.T. Lee, Texture and microstructure characterizations of Fe-3.5wt%Si soft magnetic alloy fabricated via laser powder bed fusion, Materials Characterization 189 (2022).
G. Chen, S. Liu, C. Huang, Y. Ma, Y. Li, B. Zhang, L. Gao, B. Zhang, P. Wang, X. Qu, In-situ phase transformation and corrosion behavior of TiNi via LPBF, Corrosion Science 203 (2022).
Q. Li, B. Zhang, Y. Wen, G. Chen, Y. Wang, P. Wang, X. Qu, A comprehensive study of tantalum powder preparation for additive manufacturing, Applied Surface Science 593 (2022) 153357.
Cheng, Baisong, Fengxia Wei, Wei Hock Teh, Jing Jun Lee, Tzee Luai Meng, Kwang Boon Lau, Li Tian Chew, Zheng Zhang, Kok Heng Cheong, Chee Koon Ng, Pei Wang, Cheng Cheh Tan, and Upadrasta Ramamurty. "Ambient Pressure Fabrication of Ni-Free High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion Method." Additive Manufacturing 55 (2022). https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2022.102810.
C.K. Ng, K. Bai, D. Wuu, K.B. Lau, J.J. Lee, A.K.H. Cheong, F. Wei, B. Cheng, P. Wang*, D.C.C. Tan, Y.-W. Zhang, Additive manufacturing of high-strength and ductile high entropy alloy CoCrFeNiW0.2 composites via laser powder bed fusion and post-annealing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 906 (2022) 164288.
F. Wei, S. Wei, K.B. Lau, W.H. Teh, J.J. Lee, H.L. Seng, C.C. Tan, P. Wang, U. Ramamurty, Compositionally graded AlxCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion, Materialia (2021) 101308.
F. Wei, B. Cheng, P. Kumar, P. Wang, J.J. Lee, H.L. Seng, K.H. Cheong, K.B. Lau, C.C. Tan, A comparative study of additive manufactured and wrought SS316L: Pre-existing dislocations and grain boundary characteristics, Materials Science and Engineering: A 833 (2022) 142546.
K. Xue, F. Wang, A. Suwardi, M.-Y. Han, P. Teo, P. Wang, S. Wang, E. Ye, Z. Li, X.J. Loh, Biomaterials by design: Harnessing data for future development, Materials Today Bio (2021) 100165.
R. Jayaraj, P. Kumar, H.L. Seet, S.M.L. Nai, P. Wang, U. Ramamurty, Cascading of the as-built microstructure through heat treatment and its role on the tensile properties of laser powder bed fused Inconel 718, Materialia (2021) 101272.
A. Suwardi, F. Wang, K. Xue, M.Y. Han, P. Teo, P. Wang, S. Wang, Y. Liu, E. Ye, Z. Li, X.J. Loh, Machine Learning-Driven Biomaterials Evolution, Advanced Materials (2021) e2102703.
S. Li, K.B. Lau, D. Wuu, F. Wei, M. Lin, A. Cheong, P. Wang*, C.C. Tan, U. Ramamurty, 3D printing of ductile equiatomic Fe-Co alloy for soft magnetic applications, Additive Manufacturing 47 (2021).
S. Wei, K.B. Lau, J.J. Lee, F. Wei, W.H. Teh, B. Zhang, C.C. Tan, P. Wang*, U. Ramamurty, Selective laser melting of Fe–Al alloys with simultaneous gradients in composition and microstructure, Materials Science and Engineering: A 821 (2021).
Y. Zhao, K.B. Lau, W.H. Teh, J.J. Lee, F. Wei, M. Lin, P. Wang*, C.C. Tan, U. Ramamurty, Compositionally graded CoCrFeNiTi high-entropy alloys manufactured by laser powder bed fusion: A combinatorial assessment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 883 (2021).
Wen, Yaojie, Baicheng Zhang, Shuying Liu, Wei Cai, Pei Wang, Coryl Jing Jun Lee, Junda Ma, and Xuanhui Qu. "A Novel Experimental Method for in Situ Strain Measurement During Selective Laser Melting." Virtual and Physical Prototyping 15, no. S1 (2020): 583-95. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17452759.2020.1842137.
Y. Wen, B. Zhang, R.L. Narayan, P. Wang*, X. Song, H. Zhao, U. Ramamurty, X. Qu, Laser powder bed fusion of compositionally graded CoCrMo-Inconel 718, Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101926.
Zhang, Baicheng, Pei Wang, Youxiang Chew, Yaojie Wen, Maohang Zhang, Pan Wang, Guijun Bi, and Jun Wei. "Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Evolution of Selective Laser Melting Inconel 718 Along Building Direction and Sectional Dimension." Materials Science and Engineering: A 794 (2020): 139941. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.139941.
Zhang, Baicheng, Mingzhen Xiu, Yong Teck Tan, Jun Wei, and Pei Wang. "Pitting Corrosion of Slm Inconel 718 Sample under Surface and Heat Treatments." Applied Surface Science 490 (2019): 556-67. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.06.043.
Zhang, Baicheng, Guijun Bi, Youxiang Chew, Pei Wang, Guangyi Ma, Yongfeng Liu, and Seung Ki Moon. "Comparison of Carbon-Based Reinforcement on Laser Aided Additive Manufacturing Inconel 625 Composites." Applied Surface Science 490 (2019): 522-34.
P. Wang*, T. Li, Y.-F. Lim, C.K.I. Tan, D. Chi, Sintering and mechanical properties of mechanically milled Inconel 625 superalloy and its composite reinforced by carbon nanotube, Metal powder report 72(4) (2017) 271-275.
B. Zhang, G. Bi, P. Wang, J. Bai, Y. Chew, M.S. Nai, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 625/nano-TiB2 composite fabricated by LAAM, Materials & Design 111 (2016) 70-79.
P. Wang*, B. Zhang, C.C. Tan, S. Raghavan, Y.-F. Lim, C.-N. Sun, J. Wei, D. Chi, Microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced Inconel 625 parts fabricated by selective laser melting, Materials & Design 112 (2016) 290-299.
Wang G, Wang P, Luo HK, Hor TA. Novel Au/La‐SrTiO3 microspheres: Superimposed Effect of Gold Nanoparticles and Lanthanum Doping in Photocatalysis. Chemistry–An Asian Journal. 2014 Jul;9(7):1854-9.
Wang P, Shannigrahi S, Yakovlev NL, Hor TA. Magnetocaloric effect of a series of remarkably isostructural intermetallic [Ni II 3 Ln III] cubane aggregates. Dalton Transactions. 2014;43(1):182-7.
Wang P, Shannigrahi S, Yakovlev NL, Hor TA. Facile Self‐Assembly of Intermetallic [Ni2Gd2] Cubane Aggregate for Magnetic Refrigeration. Chemistry–An Asian Journal. 2013 Dec;8(12):2943-6.
Wang P, Shannigrahi S, Yakovlev NL, Hor TA. General One-Step Self-Assembly of Isostructural Intermetallic CoII3LnIII Cubane Aggregates. Inorganic chemistry. 2012 Nov 19;51(22):12059-61.
Srinivasan R, Chen-Nan S, Baicheng Z, Jack SW, Pei W, Sharon NM, Tao L, Jun W. Mechanical properties and microstructures of as printed and heat treated samples of selective laser melted IN625 alloy powder. InMATEC Web of Conferences 2015 (Vol. 30, p. 02002). EDP Sciences.
Wang, P., Li, T., Lim, Y.F. and Chi, D., 2015. Non-Ferrous and Special Materials: Sintering and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Inconel 625 Superalloy. In European Congress and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy. European PM Conference Proceedings (p. 1). The European Powder Metallurgy Association.