Wean Sin CHEOW
SIT Appointments
- Cluster Director, Food, Chemical and Biotechnology– Present
- Programme Leader, Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Pharmaceutical Engineering– Present
- Deputy Cluster Director, Food, Chemical and Biotechnology–
- Associate Professor–
- Assistant Professor–
- Lecturer–
- PhD (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering)Nanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)Nanyang Technological University , Singapore
- Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) Innovation Award
- Elsevier Woman in Chemical Engineering Award – Runner Up
- NanoFormulation 2012 (Barcelona) Travel Grant
- Best Presentation Award (International Symposium on Exploring the Frontiers of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Singapore)
Research Interests
Probiotics Encapsulation
Polymeric nanoparticles for controlled release
Particle Engineering, Powder Technology
Dry Powder for Pulmonary Delivery
Spray Drying
Current Projects
- Cradle-To-Gate Life Cycle Assessments of API solid dosage from manufacturing aimed towards the development of green pharmaceutical excipient selection guide (GSK-EDB Trust Fund, co-PI)– Present
Past Projects
- New Production Method for Naturally Healthier Spray Dried Low-Caloric Instant Beverages (SIT Ignition Grant, PI)–
- Development of a Flipped Classroom Model for Laboratory Practicals in the Pharmaceutical Engineering Programme (SIT SALT Grant, PI)–
Journal Papers
H. Yu, M.H. Nguyen, W.S. Cheow, and K. Hadinoto, "A new bioavailability enhancement strategy of curcumin via self-assembly nano-complexation of curcumin and bovine serum albumin", Mat Sci Eng C 75:25-33 (2017).
L.M. Lim, T.T. Tran, W.S. Cheow, K. Hadinoto, Re-evaluating the presumed superiority of amorphous nanoparticles over amorphous microscale solid dispersion in solubility enhancement of poorly soluble drugs“, Eur J Pharm Sci, 109: 455-463 (2017).
W.S. Cheow, T.Y. Kiew and K. Hadinoto, "Effect of adding resistant and waxy starches on cell density and survival of encapsulated biofilm of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG probiotics", LWT Food Sci and Technol 69: 497-505 (2016).
W.S. Cheow, T.Y. Kiew, and K. Hadinoto. Amorphous nanodrugs prepared by Complexation with Polysaccharides: Carrageenan versus Dextran Sulfate. Carbohydrate Polymers 117:549–558 (2015).
M. Kutscher, W.S. Cheow, V. Werner, U. Lorenz, K. Ohlsen, L. Meinel, K. Hadinoto, O. Germershaus. Influence of salt type and ionic strength on self-assembly of polyelectrolyte-drug nanoplexes. Int J Pharm 486: 21–29 (2015).
T.Y. Kiew, W.S. Cheow, and K. Hadinoto. Preserving the Supersaturation Generation Capability of Amorphous Drug-Polysaccharide Nanoparticle Complex After Freeze Drying. Int J Pharm 484:115–123 (2015).
W.S. Cheow, T.Y. Kiew, and K. Hadinoto, "Combining inkjet printing and amorphous nanonization to prepare personalized dosage forms of poorly-soluble drugs", Eur J Pharm Biopharm, 96: 314-321 (2015).
K. Hadinoto and W.S. Cheow. Nano-antibiotics in chronic lung infection therapy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Colloid Surface B 116:772–785 (2014).
T.Y. Kiew, W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Importance of biofilm age and growth medium on the viability of probiotic capsules containing Lactobacillus rhamnosusbiofilm. LWT Food Sci. and Technol. 59:956–963 (2014).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Antibiotic polymeric nanoparticles for biofilm-associated infection therapy. In G. Donelli (Ed.), Microbial Biofilms – Methods and Protocols, 2014. Humana Press. [Book Chapter]
W.S. Cheow, T.Y. Kiew, Y. Yang and K. Hadinoto. Amorphization strategy affects the stability and supersaturation profile of amorphous drug nanoparticles. Molecular Pharmaceutics 11:1611–1620 (2014).
K. Hadinoto, A. Sundaresan and W.S. Cheow. Lipid–polymer hybrid nanoparticles as a new generation drug and gene delivery platform: A review. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 85:427–443 (2013).
W.S. Cheow, R. Xu and K. Hadinoto. Towards sustainability: New approaches to nano-drug preparation. Curr Pharm Des 19:6229–6245 (2013).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Biofilm-like Lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotics encapsulated in alginate and carrageenan microcapsules exhibiting enhanced thermotolerance and freeze drying resistance. Biomacromolecules 14:3214–3222 (2013).
W.S. Cheow, T.Y. Kiew and K. Hadinoto. Controlled release of Lactobacillus rhamnosus biofilm probiotics from alginate-locust bean gum microcapsules. Carbohydrate Polymers 103:587–595 (2013).
Y. Yang, W.S. Cheow, and K. Hadinoto. Dry powder formulation of lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles via electrostatically-driven nanoparticle assembly onto microscale carrier particles. Int J Pharm 434:49–58 (2012).
Y. Wang, K. Kho, W.S. Cheow, and K. Hadinoto. A comparison between spray drying and spray freeze drying for dry powder inhaler formulation of drug-loaded lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles. Int J Pharm 424:98–106 (2012).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Green amorphous nanoplex as a new supersaturating drug delivery system. Langmuir 28:6265–6275 (2012).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Green preparation of antibiotic nanoparticle complex as potential antibiofilm therapeutics via self-assembly amphiphile-polyelectrolyte complexation with dextran sulfate. Colloid Surface B 92:55–63 (2012).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Self-Assembled amorphous drug-polyelectrolyte nanoparticle complex with enhanced dissolution rate and saturation solubility. J Colloid Interface Sci 367:518–526 (2012).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Lipid−polymer hybrid nanoparticles with rhamnolipid-triggered release capability as anti-biofilm drug delivery vehicles. Particuology 10:327–333 (2012).
W.S. Cheow, M.W. Chang, and K. Hadinoto. The roles of lipid in anti-biofilm efficacy of lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles encapsulating antibiotics. Colloid Surface A 389:158–165 (2011).
W.S. Cheow, M.L.L. Ng, K. Kho, and K. Hadinoto. Spray-freeze-drying production of thermally sensitive polymeric nanoparticles aggregates for inhaled drug delivery: Effect of freeze drying adjuvants. Int J Pharmaceutics 404:289–300 (2011).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Factors affecting drug encapsulation and stability of lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles. Colloid Surface B 85:214–220 (2011).
W.S. Cheow, M.W. Chang, and K. Hadinoto. Antibiotic loaded polymeric nanoparticle formulation for inhaled antibiotic therapy against bacterial biofilm. J Biomed Nanotechnol 6:391–403 (2010).
W.S. Cheow, S. Li, and K. Hadinoto. Spray drying formulation of hollow spherical aggregates of silica nanoparticles by experimental design. Chem Eng Res Des 88:673–685 (2010).
W.S. Cheow, M.W. Chang, and K. Hadinoto. Antibacterial efficacy of inhalable levofloxacin loaded polymeric nanoparticles against E. coli biofilm cells: The effect of antibiotic release profile. Pharm Res 27:1597–1609 (2010).
K. Kho, W.S. Cheow, R. H. Lie, and K. Hadinoto. Aqueous re-dispersibility of spray dried polycaprolactone nanoparticle aggregates for inhaled anti-biofilm therapy. Powder Technol. 203:432–439 (2010).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Enhancing encapsulation efficiency of highly water-soluble antibiotic in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles: Modifications of standard nanoparticle preparation methods. Colloid Surface A 37:79–86 (2010).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Preparations of dry powder therapeutic nanoparticle aerosols for inhaled drug delivery. Japan J Aer Res 25:155–165 (2010).
K. Hadinoto and W.S. Cheow. Hollow spherical nanoparticulate aggregates as potential ultrasound contrast agent: Shell thickness characterization. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 35:1167–1179 (2009).
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Amorphous drug nanoplex for saturation solubility enhancement, NanoFormulation, Barcelona, Spain, May 2012.
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Dry Powder Nano-aggregates for Lung Biofilm Therapy by Spray-Freeze-Drying, 2011 Singapore Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems, Singapore. April 2011.
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Inhaled antibiotic formulation for bacterial biofilm therapy, 4th Asian Conference on Colloid and Interface Science, Taiwan. Nov 2011.
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Antibiotic-Loaded Nanoparticles for Inhalation: From Suspension to Dry Powder, 4th Asian Conference on Colloid and Interface Science, Tainan, Taiwan. Nov 2011.
W.S. Cheow and K. Hadinoto. Inhaled antibiotic formulation for bacterial biofilm therapy,The International Symposium on Exploring the Frontiers of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Singapore. May 2010.
Teaching Modules
Pharmaceutical Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- PHE1014 - Mass and Energy Balance
- PHE1024 - Programming for Pharmaceutical Engineering
- PHE2038 - Downstream Processing I
- PHE3022 - Capstone Project
- PHE3021 - Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP)
Chemical Engineering, BSc
- CE2502/3 - Chemical Engineering Design Course
Food Technology, BFoodTech(Hons)
- FTE1013 - Mass and Energy Balance
- FTE1023 - Programming for Engineering
Chemical Engineering, BEng (Hons)
- CHE1014 - Mass and Energy Balances
- FTE2014 - Heat and Mass Conservation and Transfer
- CE1301 - Advanced Math 1