Senior Professional Officer
Binte Abu
Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Radiation Technology) (Diagnostic Radiography), The University of Sydney, Australia
- Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Radiation Technology) (Diagnostic Radiography)The University of Sydney , Australia
Professional Certification
- Diagnostic RadiographerAllied Health Professions Council (AHPC)–
Professional Memberships
- Member, Singapore Society of Radiographers (SSR)– Present
Industry Experience
- Canon Medical Asia–
- KK Women's & Children's Hospital–
- Singapore Airlines Limited–
- Singapore General Hospital–
Applied Research
Technical Skills
- Sonography (General Imaging)
- Medical Ultrasound Instrumentation and Clinical Applications
- Diagnostic Radiography
Research Interests
Clinical Education
Dose Reduction in diagnostic radiography
Medical Ultrasound Application
Teaching Modules
Diagnostic Radiography, BSc (Hons)
- DRG1004 - General Radiographic Practice 1
- DRG3004 - Sonography and Mammography
- HSC1107 - Patient Management in Healthcare
- DRG2005 - Radiographic Practice in Specialised Settings
Radiation Therapy, BSc (Hons)
- HSC1107 - Patient Management in Healthcare
- DRG1002 -General Radiographic Practice 1
- DRG1902 - Clinical Radiography Practice 1
- DRG2001 - General Radiographic Practice 2
- DRG2003 - Radiographic Practice in Specialised Settings
- DRG2901 - Clinical Radiography Practice 2
- DRG2904 - Clinical Radiography Practice 3
- DRG3901 - Clinical Practice in Medical Imaging 1
- DRG3902 - Clinical Practice in Medical Imaging 2
- DRG4901 - Clinical Practice in Medical Imaging 3
- HSC1001 - Anatomy and Physiology 1
- HSC1002 - Anatomy and Physiology 2
- HSC1007 - Anatomy and Physiology 1
- HSC1101 - Patient Care and Safety
- OTY2009 - Professional Development and Handling Skills