Course Overview

Short Course
5 days
Fee Subsidy
Up to 90% SF Funding
Professional Development Units

40 PDUs (SCEM)
PDU (PEB) – Pending approval

Singapore’s industrial sector accounts for about 60% of Singapore’s CO2 emissions. The process and petrochemical subsectors are the leading industrial energy consumers, contributing to the bulk of CO2 emissions.

From the perspectives of corporate ESG responsibility and the economic cost of carbon pricing, it is essential for the industry sector to adopt energy efficiency as a core strategy to reduce emissions while lowering total energy costs and boosting industrial competitiveness. This 5-day course is designed to enable energy managers and plant facility engineers in the process and petrochemical industries to identify energy-saving opportunities within their plants.

Who Should Attend

  • Energy managers
  • Plant and facility engineers
  • Internal and external energy auditors
  • Energy efficiency opportunity assessors
  • Engineers of Energy Services Companies (ESCOs)
  • Professional engineers with responsibilities for designing or integrating process & facility equipment for the petrochemical industry

What You Will Learn

In this 5-day course, participants will be able to gain insights on the following:

  • Review the energy efficiency performance of the facility under their charge
  • Benchmark energy intensity and carbon footprint reduction
  • Identify process improvement for energy efficiency
  • Apply pinch analysis for process improvement and optimum energy usage
  • Assess process integration with retrofit
  • Minimise waste and identify energy-saving opportunities for major energy-consuming systems:
    • Fired equipment
    • Boilers and steam systems
    • Compressed air systems
    • Pumps and piping networks
    • Distillation systems

Teaching Team

James Neale
James Neale

Principal Engineer, Energy Systems Management Ltd., and Chair of the Maintenance Engineering Society of New Zealand.

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Li Chuanzhao
Li Chuanzhao

Associate Professor/Prog Leader, Food, Chemical and Biotechnology, Singapore Institute of Technology

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Dominic Foo
Ir. Dominic Foo

Professor, of Process Design and Integration at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and Founding Director for the Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies

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Schedule Topic
Day 1 Morning
  • Review of energy efficiency performance of the process industry
  • Energy performance monitoring, KPIs and energy influence variables (EIVs)
  • Energy intensity metrics & benchmarking
  • Technologies and systems to consider for energy efficiency improvements


  • Pinch analysis and heat integration
  • Benchmarking for maximum energy recovery
  • Heat exchanger network synthesis
  • Case studies
Day 2 Morning
  • Process integration opportunity assessment with retrofit
  • Co-generation (combined heat and power)


  • Carbon footprint reduction
  • Case studies
Day 3 Morning
  • Fired equipment (furnaces, boilers, kilns, ovens, dryers)
  • Combustion optimisation, flare minimisation
  • Industrial insulation
  • Cooling towers & refrigeration systems
  • Case studies


  • Steam boilers & steam systems
  • Benchmarking steam system performance
  • Steam systems assessment and optimisation
  • Case studies
Day 4  Morning
  • Compressed air systems
  • Case studies
  • Pumps and piping systems
  • Fans and industrial gaseous flow systems
  • Case studies
Day 5 Morning
  • Distillation system design and analysis
  • Distillation system assessment and optimisation
  • Case studies
  • Workshop on energy audit for the process industry
  • Identifying process improvements for energy efficiency
  • Case studies
  • Course assessment

Certificate and Assessment

A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants who:

  • Attend at least 75% of the course
  • Undertake and pass non-credit bearing assessment during the course

Fee Structure

The full fee for this course is S$5,450.00.

Category After SF Funding
Singapore Citizen (Below 40) S$1,635.00
Singapore Citizen (40 & Above) S$635.00
Singapore PR / LTVP+ Holder S$1,635.00
Non-Singapore Citizen S$5,450.00 (No Funding)

Note: All fees above include GST. GST applies to individuals and Singapore-registered companies.

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