Course Overview

Short Course
5 days
Fee Subsidy
Up to 90% SF Funding
Professional Development Units

35 PDUs (SCEM)
31 PDUs (PEB)

Industrial and commercial buildings are predominant users of electric lighting. The recommendations of lighting levels, glare limits, and colour rendering are covered by relevant Singapore Standards and should be followed as per Workplace Safety and Health regulations and BCA Green Mark requirements.

Proper lighting facilitates higher productivity, minimises accidents, errors, and fatigue, and enhances the visual comfort of users. At the same time, there is substantial scope to save energy via proper re-lighting design and installation of more energy-efficient light sources, accessories, and luminaires with capabilities of dimming, occupancy sensing, and daylight harvesting. Participants will learn the intricacies of lighting technology and systems to achieve substantial energy savings in the desired premises, given that the new solutions and retrofits are becoming increasingly affordable and easy to install.

Who Should Attend

  • Energy engineers/managers
  • Facilities engineers/managers
  • Engineers/managers who are required to understand electrical installations in all industries
  • Bachelor degree in engineering or engineering diploma with 2 years of relevant working experience
Haja Mydin
Strongly encouraged for individuals who are interested to know/learn more about lighting, and trainers are equipped with vast industry knowledge.
Jeffrey Lim
Business Development, CDS Technologies Pte. Ltd.
Haja Mydin
Very useful course to let industry players know about new lighting products that promote sustainability.
Yeo Tiang Meng Danny
Head of Department (Bus Infrastructure), SBS Transit Ltd.

What You Will Learn

  • Fundamentals of illumination, definitions, terminologies and measurements
  • Principles of indoor lighting and calculation of no. of luminaires, power density and energy etc.
  • Hands-on lighting design work by participants
  • Electrical characteristics of Lamps-LED-Ballast and drivers
  • Mechanical and light technical characteristics of luminaires
  • Electricity for lighting practitioner
  • Smart control for lighting
  • Human-centric lighting and case studies
  • Standards for safety and performance of LED, driver and luminaires
  • Energy management and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) studies
  • Hands-on work - energy management & TCO studies
  • How to achieve BCA Green Mark award with lighting improvements
  • Mainly dialux application software training
    • An intensive Dialux training session will be conducted for designing the lighting system for an industry space via Dialux
  • Hands-on exercise Dialux application software
  • UVC for indoor environmental quality, disinfection and safeguarding against future pandemics
  • Lighting for outdoor areas of industries and buildings

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and skills to identify and evaluate energy conservation opportunities in lighting systems
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of current and newly emerging lighting technology, systems, design, and controls
  • Survey a lighting installation, take measurements of existing parameters and tabulate different equipment used with their load, Lighting Power Density and other relevant parameters
  • Conduct performance evaluation and energy audit of lighting systems through authentic learning with hands-on practical sessions.
  • Design energy-efficient lighting systems through theory and software based design method for conformity to Singapore standards
  • Select appropriate lighting equipment and control systems conforming to Singapore standards and draw up specifications for procurement
  • Evaluate different lighting offers for their energy performance and total cost of ownership to select appropriate products and systems
  • Put up budget proposals to own or client’s management for new and retro-fit systems showing the quantum of energy-savings and lifecycle economy

Teaching Team

K. Seshadri
K. Seshadri

Senior Consultant, Philips Lighting Asia Pacific

View profile
Chien Szu Cheng
Chien Szu Cheng

Associate Professor, Engineering, Singapore Institute of Technology

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Er. Dr. Lock Kai Sang
Er. Dr. Lock Kai Sang

Professor, Engineering, Singapore Institute of Technology

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Chris Teo
Chris Teo

Director, Lux Consultancy Singapore Pte. Ltd.

View profile

Certificate and Assessment

A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants who:

  • Attend at least 75% of the course
  • Undertake and pass non-credit bearing assessment during the course

Fee Structure

The full fee for this course is S$5,450.00.

Category After SF Funding
Singapore Citizen (Below 40) S$1,635.00
Singapore Citizen (40 & Above) S$635.00
Singapore PR / LTVP+ Holder S$1,635.00
Non-Singapore Citizen S$5,450.00 (No Funding)

Note: All fees above include GST. GST applies to individuals and Singapore-registered companies.

Course Runs

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