Course Overview

Health and Social Sciences
Professional Examination
2 days

The Qualifying Examination provides certification for Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Diagnostic Radiographers seeking registration with the Allied Health Professional Council (AHPC) in order to practise in Singapore.

Applicants whose credentials are not included in the AHPC’s List of Recognised Qualifications must first apply to AHPC to obtain an In-Principle Approval letter to be eligible for the Qualifying Examination. Applicants with a Restricted Registration need not provide an In-Principle Approval letter.

Read more about the Qualifying Examination process and eligibility here.

Who Should Attend

  • Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Diagnostic Radiographers seeking registration with the Allied Health Professional Council (AHPC) in order to practise in Singapore


Release of Results
  • Results will be released within four to six weeks after the examination. The results are final and appeals will not be entertained. According to guidelines set out by AHPC, candidates will be allowed a maximum of TWO (2) attempts for the Qualifying Examinations. Candidates who do not pass in TWO (2) attempts may appeal to the AHPC if they have valid reasons, and AHPC will consider these appeals on a case-by-case basis.
Scope of Examination

1. Physiotherapy

  • Day 1: 2-hour paper comprising 125 Multiple Choice Questions covering areas in Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, Musculoskeletal, Cardiopulmonary, Neurology, and Women’s Health. The paper is to test the candidate’s knowledge on Physiotherapy across all area of practice. Each question is worth 1 mark.
  • Day 2/3: 1-hour practical examination covering 3 scenarios of 20 minutes each in the following areas: Neurology, Musculoskeletal, Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy. For all 3 areas, candidates will be given 5 minutes to read and prepare for the scenarios. For Neurology, candidates to note that the observation of a video will be removed to align with Musculoskeletal and Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy stations. All requirements pertaining to the demonstration of an assessment and intervention on a patient model remain the same.
  • Scenarios will be similar to clinical cases. Candidates will be asked to demonstrate appropriate assessment, related management techniques and interventions on a patient model. Candidates are required to 1) identify the problems, 2) elaborate on the goals and rationale for chosen management on each clinical case, 3) identify any precautionary measures or contraindications during assessment, and 4) provide evidence-based justification for choice of management techniques and interventions used. Candidates are expected to provide correct analysis and assessment of case study, appropriate choice of treatment techniques on patient model and justification on treatment techniques. To obtain an overall pass in the Physiotherapy Qualifying Examination, candidates are required to pass the written paper and achieve an overall passing score across the three practical stations.

To prepare for the examination, candidates can refer to major Physiotherapy texts used by Physiotherapy students worldwide including SIT. These can be found here.

2. Occupational Therapy

  • Day 1: 2-hour paper comprising 100 Multiple Choice Questions of which 2/3rd of the questions cover all areas of occupational therapy theories, assessments and interventions and the remainder 1/3rd cover foundational knowledge areas of anatomy, physiology, psychology and sociology or professional ethics applied to occupational therapy practice. The purpose of the MCQ section is to test the candidates' knowledge on general occupational therapy practice across all domains of practice. Each question is worth 1 mark.
  • Day 1: The 30 minute oral viva will cover practice area of occupational therapy in Physical Dysfunction, Mental Health and Children Across the Care Continuum. The viva will mimic a typical case discussion with a clinical supervisor/senior peer. The candidate will be given 10 minutes to prepare a therapeutic plan to manage the chosen case study. The candidate will then present orally and conduct a professional dialogue with the examiners on the theoretical underpinnings of the assessment and treatment plans including contraindications and precautions. Emphasis will be on the use of evidence and theoretical concepts to justify management of a case. Examiners will ask specific questions in relation to the candidate’s response or provide progress scenario for appropriate response to the case. Marks will be awarded based on the soundness of clinical reasoning (e.g. choice of assessment, interventions), ability to identify outcomes, ability to present management strategies methodically, use of research evidence and use of occupational therapy theories.

To prepare for the examination, candidates can refer to major occupational therapy texts used by occupational therapy students worldwide including SIT. These can be found here.

3. Diagnostic Radiography

  • Day 1: A 3-hour paper consisting of 200 Multiple Choice Questions divided into 3 parts. Each question is worth 1 mark. The first and second part covers areas of Radiation Protection, Radiobiology, Patient Care, General Radiography and Radiation Sciences. The third part covers Radiological Anatomy Radiography, Imaging and Instrumentation, special imaging modalities (such as CT, ultrasound, MRI, NM, Angiography, Fluoroscopy), Medical Informatics, and Pathology. Candidates are required to pass all 3 parts to obtain a pass in Diagnostic Radiography Qualifying Examination.

To prepare for the examination, candidates can refer to major Diagnostic Radiography texts used by Diagnostic Radiography students worldwide including SIT. These can be found here.

Fee Structure

The full fee for this course is S$2,180.

There will be no refund of fees upon confirmation of registration.
Note: All fees above include GST. GST applies to individuals and Singapore-registered companies.

All applications for each examination run will be reviewed after the application deadline. Once your registration is approved, you will receive an email about the change in status and to make payment. Follow the instructions in the email to make payment for the examination.

Course Runs

August 2025
25 Aug 2025 - 26 Aug 2025
2 days
SIT Punggol Campus, 1 Punggol Coast Road, Singapore 828608
SGD $2,180.00
Apply By:
13 Jul 2025 23:59

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. chevron--up
    More questions?

    You may refer to the FAQ on the Qualifying Examination.