
Effective from AY2025/26 Trimester 2 (January 2026), the Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Engineering will be transiting to the Graduate Certificate in Civil Engineering*.

For existing learners, if you wish to receive the award of the existing Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Engineering, you must complete all remaining modules by end of AY2025/26 Trimester 1 (December 2025).

This decision comes as part of our ongoing efforts to streamline our curriculum and provide the most relevant and impactful learning experiences to our students. We are working on further updates and will communicate with you as soon as they are available. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team here.
*Certificate name and details are subject to final approval.

In an urban nation like Singapore, civil engineering is critical for achieving and maintaining our economic development and quality of life. Sustained building and infrastructure development within such environments require engineers to possess up-to-date knowledge and skills of the field.

This includes expertise in areas such as structural design, construction methods, and project management, as well as an understanding of emerging trends and technologies.

The SIT Postgraduate Certification in Civil Engineering (PGCert CVE) is designed to equip engineers with specialised technical and practical skills to help the industry address increasingly complex civil engineering problems in a creative and sustainable way.

The modules can be taken individually or stack towards a PGCert CVE, and are each worth 6 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits.

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"I certainly find the module very useful, and I am thankful to SIT and professor Mr. Paolo Del Linz for their guidance. I will surely recommend this module to my friends."
Course Participant
Attended CVE6005 Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Structures

Modules Available

Modules are stackable towards a Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Engineering. They can also be taken individually.

Candidates will be awarded an PGCert CVE if they pass 4 modules totalling 24 credits with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of ≥ 2.5. The PGCert CVE is also stackable to SIT’s Master of Science in Civil Engineering.

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering

List of Modules

Modules are stackable towards a PGCert CVE or can be taken individually:

*Modules subsidised by SkillsFuture Singapore.

Certificate and Assessment

A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants who:

  • Attend at least 75% of the module; and
  • Undertake non-credit bearing assessment during the course

A Certificate of Attainment for each module will be issued to participants who:

  • Attend at least 75% of the module; and
  • Undertake and pass credit bearing assessment during the course

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. chevron--up
    What is the prerequisite knowledge for the course?

    Students should be familiar with basic geotechnical engineering design methods and rules from Eurocodes.

  2. chevron--up
    Is any software required for the course?

    Any analysis software used will be provided as part of the course.