Course Overview

Short Course
5 days
Fee Subsidy
Up to 90% SF Funding
Professional Development Units

40 PDUs (SCEM)
33 PDUs (PEB)

Effective energy management and sustainability practices are critical for industrial organisations to reduce operating costs, comply with regulatory requirements, and mitigate environmental impact to meet global energy sustainability and environmental challenges.

In this 5-day course, explore the latest trends, best practices, and technologies in energy sustainability. Delve into topics such as decarbonisation, energy conservation strategies, renewable energy technologies, energy management systems and software, greenhouse gas emissions reporting, and carbon footprints reduction.

Learners will gain the skills to identify energy-saving opportunities and set performance targets. The course will also equip the learners to develop and implement effective energy management systems, engage employees, build business cases, and explore financing options for energy management projects.

Who Should Attend

  • Industrial practitioners interested in energy management and sustainability
  • Singapore Certified Energy Managers (SCEMs)
  • Environmental managers, energy managers, and engineers
  • Sustainability professionals
  • Energy auditors
  • Facility and operations managers
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) professionals
  • Academic and research staffs of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

What You Will Learn

  • Overview of energy sustainability
  • Introduction to energy management systems
  • Energy conservation and energy efficiency
  • Energy intensity assessment and baseline setting
  • Energy performance baseline and indicators
  • Setting energy performance targets and developing energy management plans
  • Energy management technologies, standards and international protocols, strategies and programs, implementation and monitoring
  • Energy auditing and measurement
  • Energy monitoring and reporting energy performance
  • Assessment and reporting on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint
  • Energy audit and assessment for energy intensity and energy performance reporting
  • Best practices in energy management by Energy Efficiency National Partnership (EENP) award-winners for SMEs

Teaching Team

Ho Hiang Kwee
Ho Hiang Kwee

Adjunct Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University

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Er. Dr. Lock Kai Sang
Er. Dr. Lock Kai Sang

Professor, Engineering, Singapore Institute of Technology

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Anoop Sharma
Anoop Sharma

Senior Energy Consultant, Energy Management, Siemens Pte. Ltd

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Sundar Viswanathan
Sundar Viswanathan

Senior Data Scientist, Siemens Digital Industries

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Jocelyn Tay
Jocelyn Tay

Project Manager, Exergy Technologies Pte. Ltd.

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Dave Cheng Loon
Dave Cheng Loon

Managing Director, SOCOTEC Certification Singapore Pte. Ltd.

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Dione Tan
Dione Tan

Business Development Manager, PLC Industries Pte Ltd

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Mok Hon Yong
Mok Hon Yong

Chief Strategy Officer, Alterpacks Pte Ltd

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Loh Chin Moi
Loh Chin Moi

Assistant Professor, Business, Communication and Design, Singapore Institute of Technology

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Course Run Dates Time
March 2024 Run 

4 – 8 March 2024

9:00 am – 6:00 pm



    Session Topic

    Morning session

    Overview of Energy Sustainability

    • Energy, energy systems, and energy demand services
    • Overview of energy sustainability and its importance
      • Energy trilemma and energy sustainability
      • Energy security
      • Energy affordability
      • Energy sustainability and the environmental impacts of energy
    • Climate change challenges, goals, and targets
      • Global perspectives
      • Organisational and business perspectives
      • Regulatory requirements, corporate social responsibility, and environmental social governance
    • Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
    • Decarbonising energy along the energy value chain
      • Introduction to reducing energy demand and consumption using energy conservation and energy efficiency
      • Decarbonising supply - renewable energy and zero emission fuels, carbon capture, utilisation, and storage technologies and carbon dioxide removal, nuclear energy

    Afternoon session


    Introduction to Energy Management Systems

    • Optimisation, Energy Sustainability, and Energy Sustainability and Decarbonisation
      • Dealing with multiple sustainability goals and aspirations
      • Life cycle analysis and assessment
      • Managing uncertainty in energy sustainability and de-risking decarbonisation
      • Optimising sustainability and achieving abatement cost minimisation
    • Energy management concepts and principles
    • Importance of energy management in industry
    • Drivers for energy management, including regulatory requirements and corporate social responsibility
    • Benefits of energy management, including cost savings, risk mitigation, and improved competitiveness
    • Overcoming challenges of energy management, including financing, technical, and organisational risks and barriers
    • Energy management systems and their key components
    • Energy management standards and international protocols (ISO/SS 50001, EN 16001, etc.)
    • Comparison of different energy management systems and their benefits and drawbacks


    Session Topic

    Morning session 

    Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency

    • Energy conservation principles and strategies
    • Best practices for energy-efficient operations
    • Energy-efficient equipment and machinery
    • Energy conservation and efficiency in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, electrical, lighting, and process systems

    Energy Intensity Assessment and Baseline Setting

    • Definition and importance of energy intensity assessment
    • Methods for conducting energy intensity assessments
    • Setting energy performance baselines and targets
    • Energy intensity targets and goals
    • Strategies for reducing energy intensity

    Afternoon session

    Energy Performance Baseline and Indicators

    • Understanding energy consumption patterns and identifying energy savings opportunities
    • Developing an energy performance baseline using historical data and benchmarking
    • Types of energy performance indicators, including energy intensity, energy use index, and energy efficiency index
    • Selecting appropriate indicators based on the industry, facility type, and specific energy use
    • Developing and implementing an energy performance indicator tracking system
    • Analysing energy performance data to identify trends, anomalies, and opportunities for improvement
    • Understanding the link between energy performance, indicators, and targets

    Setting Energy Performance Targets and Developing Energy Management Plans

    • Establishing realistic and achievable energy performance targets based on the facility's energy performance baseline and industry benchmarks
    • Developing an energy management plan that includes strategies and actions to achieve energy performance targets
    • Identifying and prioritising energy efficiency measures and renewable energy options
    • Developing effective energy performance indicators and targets
    • Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress towards energy performance targets
    • Implementing the energy management plan, including assigning responsibilities, establishing procedures, and monitoring progress
    • Tracking progress and measuring success
    • Integrating energy management with other management systems, such as quality, environment, health, and safety management systems
    • Aligning energy performance with organisational goals and objectives
    • Establishing a culture of energy efficiency and sustainability within the organisation

    This day will focus on implementing, assessing, and improving the energy management system. The aim is to ensure that the organisation is continuously improving its energy performance. You will acquire the skills to establish an EnMS framework and implement the EnMS policy. You will also develop and execute an action plan for improving energy performance and assess and verify energy performance against targets and benchmarks. Additionally, you will understand how to review and enhance the EnMS. This will involve management review, corrective action, and preventive action processes. You will also be prepared for energy management system certification and recognition. This includes selecting a certification body and undergoing a certification audit.

    Session - Siemens Topic

    Morning session

    (Anoop Sharma and
    Sundaram Vishwanathan)

    Case Studies in:

    • Energy audits: industry perspectives: present and future
    • Energy management information systems (EMIS)
    • Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and IoT applications
    • Energy procurement and supply management
    • Energy management system: set up and challenges
    • Data-driven analytics: chiller plant
    • Machine learning: forecasting demand

    Afternoon session

    (Jocelyn Tay and
    Dave Cheng)

    Case Studies in:

    Energy Management Standards and International Protocols

    • Overview of energy management standards (e.g., ISO 50001)
    • Overview of international protocols for energy management

    Energy Management Strategies and Programmes

    • Energy management policies and regulations
    • Energy efficiency improvement programmes

    Energy Management Implementation and Monitoring

    • Implementation of energy management systems
    • Monitoring and reporting of energy usage and efficiency
    • Continuous improvement of energy management systems
    • Implementation and certification of energy management standards and protocols


    Session - EETC Topic

    Morning session – invited EENP Award-winners

    Sharing of Best Practices in Energy Management by EENP Award-Winners for SMEs

    • Sharing and group discussion on best practices and potential improvement opportunities

    Afternoon session

    Assessment and Reporting on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Footprint

    • Types of greenhouse gases and their sources
    • Definition of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint
    • Calculation and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint – scope, boundaries, protocols and standards
    • Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint

    Energy Audit and Assessment for Energy Intensity and Energy Performance Reporting

    • Conducting an energy audit and assessment
    • Practical exercises in measuring and analysing energy data
    • Reporting on energy intensity and energy performance
    • Reporting on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint
    • Discussion on best practices and potential improvement opportunities


    Session Topic

    Morning session

    Energy Auditing and Measurement

    • Energy auditing processes and techniques
    • Energy measurement and data collection
    • Energy utilisation analysis and benchmarking

    Energy Monitoring and Reporting Energy Performance

    • Establishing an energy monitoring and measurement system to track energy performance and identify areas for improvement
    • Developing energy performance indicators (EnPIs) and energy consumption baselines to track energy performance and benchmark against industry standards
    • Conducting energy audits and energy reviews to identify opportunities for energy efficiency and cost savings
    • Continuously improving energy performance through management review, corrective action, and preventive action processes

    Afternoon session

    Summing up and Class Assessment

    • Summary of key concepts and best practices in energy sustainability and energy management
    • Future trends and developments in energy sustainability and energy management systems
    • Class assessment

    Certificate and Assessment

    A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants who:

    • Attend at least 75% of the course
    • Undertake and pass non-credit bearing assessment during the course

    Fee Structure

    The full fee for this course is S$5,450.00.

    Category After SF Funding
    Singapore Citizen (Below 40) S$1,635.00
    Singapore Citizen (40 & Above) S$635.00
    Singapore PR / LTVP+ Holder S$1,635.00
    Non-Singapore Citizen S$5,450.00 (No Funding)

    Note: All fees above include GST. GST applies to individuals and Singapore-registered companies.

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