
Effective management of pain and dysfunction is crucial in Singapore’s dynamic healthcare landscape.

The SIT Graduate Certificate in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (Gcert MSK PT) is designed with a clinical focus to deepen and advance expertise in addressing musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction in both the upper and lower quadrants.

Learners will engage in peer-based learning, supplemented by instructor feedback, which allows them to refine their skills while fostering critical clinical reasoning and decision-making in musculoskeletal practice.

They will also gain hands-on experience through clinical practice education in a healthcare setting, further enhancing their proficiency in musculoskeletal physiotherapy.

Each module, worth 6 credits, can be taken individually or stack towards a Graduate Certificate in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy.

Modules Available

Modules are stackable towards a GCert MSK PT. They can also be taken individually.

Candidates will be awarded a GCert MSK PT if they pass 3 modules totalling 18 credits (including 1 Core Module) within 2 years with a CGPA of ≥ 2.0., which can then be stacked to SIT's Master of Health Sciences.


Each module is around 12 – 14 weeks in duration. Candidates are expected to set aside time for self-directed learning for the entire duration of the module.

  • Relevant musculoskeletal practice experience with at least 2 years of working experience or individuals managing persons with musculoskeletal conditions
  • Submission of the following documents:
    • Employment support letter (Includes applicant's area of work)*
    • Recognised BSc degree in physiotherapy registrable with the local regulatory bodies*
    • Transcript of highest relevant qualification*
    • Professional certification
    • Answers to the following questions:
      • Your reasons for pursuing the module (100 - 150 words)
      • Why did you select SIT over other academic institutions? (100 - 150 words)
      • What do you hope to achieve at the completion of the module? (100 - 150 words)

* Mandatory documents

Core Modules

You are required to complete either one of the Core Modules.

Code Module Credits
HSC6002 Evidence-based Practice and Ethics 6
HSC6003 Health and Ageing 6

Specialist Modules

You are required to complete the following two Specialist Modules.

Code Module Credits
PTY6201 Advanced Musculoskeletal Practice 1 6
PTY6202 Advanced Musculoskeletal Practice 2 6


  • The above modules are subsidised by SkillsFuture Singapore.

  • Specialist Modules are known as Discipline Electives under SIT's Master of Health Sciences programme.

  • Specialist Modules require learners to partake in clinical placements to meet module requirements.

Certificate and Assessment

A Certificate of Attainment for each module will be issued to candidates who

  • Attend at least 75% of the module; and
  • Undertake and pass credit-bearing assessment during the module

Participants who meet the attendance requirement but do not pass the assessment will receive a Certificate of Participation.