Course Overview

Health and Social Sciences
Modular Certification Course
3+ months
Fee Subsidy
Up to 90% SF Funding
Updated: 14 July 2023

Due to recent changes in the Modular Certification Pathway in Elder Health and Rehabilitation, we have temporarily paused the acceptance of new candidate applications for this module. This decision has been made to ensure that we can provide the best possible experience for our current learners and make necessary adjustments to improve the programme.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team here.

Falls in older adults can be reduced by identifying risk factors for falls early and intervening to improve postural balance.

Falls can also be tackled by addressing polypharmacy, poor vision, home environment hazards and more.

Allied health professionals will discuss the epidemiology of falls and other issues such as balance and mobility, polypharmacy, fear avoidance and falls efficacy. Discipline-specific, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nursing perspectives, and inter-professional approaches to fall prevention, mobility and healthy lifestyle promotion will be addressed, along with strategies for enhancing health literacy with regard to healthy ageing.

The module uses blended learning pedagogy and flexible scheduling for adult learners. The learning activities and assessment strategies will reflect workplace demands, upskill module participants and enhance service delivery. Keynote lectures, a workshop and tutorials will support participants’ online learning and personal study

Who Should Attend

  • Any healthcare professionals interested in the health and rehabilitation of elder people
  • Related and relevant health-science-related qualifications and working experience
Documents and information you would need to complete this application:

Please upload documents under Online Applications - Supporting Documents section.

  • Employment support letter (Includes applicant's area of work)*
  • Recognised BSc degree in any of the health sciences registrable with the local regulatory bodies*
  • Transcript of highest relevant qualification*
  • Professional certification
  • English proficiency test, IELTS 7.0 or equivalent^
  • Answers to the following questions:
    • Your reasons for pursuing the module (100 - 150 words)
    • Why did you select SIT over other academic institutions? (100 - 150 words)
    • What do you hope to achieve at the completion of the module? (100 - 150 words)

* Mandatory Documents
^ If applicant's basic professional qualification was not obtained from Singapore, Australia, Canada (except Quebec), New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States of America)

What You Will Learn

  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of the factors contributing to falls incidence in older people
  • Discuss and appraise the implications of the complexity of health issues in older people in relation to the WHO ICF framework
  • Appraise and discuss health professionals’ roles and impact in the prevention and management of falls
  • Understand and evaluate the value and challenges of inter-professional working in falls prevention and management 
  • Critique the competing demands of economic, organisational, political, and sociocultural contexts that impact the delivery and efficacy of falls prevention and rehabilitation
  • Design and propose a community-based initiative that addresses falls in older persons
  • Identify barriers and facilitators in the implementation of different models of services addressing falls
  • Interpret research and other evidence for translation into fall prevention and rehabilitation and the gaps in knowledge

Teaching Team

Dawn Tan
Dawn Tan

Associate Professor, Health and Social Sciences, Singapore Institute of Technology

View profile
Tim Xu
Tim Xu

Associate Professor, Health and Social Sciences, Singapore Institute of Technology

View profile
Lester Jones
Lester Jones

Senior Lecturer, Health and Social Sciences, Singapore Institute of Technology

View profile


Week Topics
Week 1

Introduction to the module
Ageing and falls
Biomechanical, physiological and anatomical factors in ageing that contribute to mobility problems and falls
Frailty: definition, identification and management

Week 2

Falls in older persons: the burden of injury in different settings
Falls prevention from global and Asia perspectives: An evidence-based update

Week 3 Falls prevention in different regional healthcare system in Singapore including value-based care
Week 4

Risk factors for falls and Fall Risk assessment
Impaired mobility and balance as risk factors
Vestibular dysfunction as a risk factor for falls

Week 5

Polypharmacy as a risk factor for falls and its intervention strategies
Nutrition and hydration related to falls risk and injury

Week 6 Interprofessional Workshop on Falls, Mobility and Elder Persons
Week 7 Recess Week
Week 8

Environment as a risk factor for falls
Psychological factors in elderly fallers

Week 9

Falls prevention in older adults
Evidence-based multi-component interventions (including the use of technology)
Evidence-based single-component interventions

Week 10

Interprofessional practice in falls prevention (Part I)
Medical management including managing polypharmacy
Physiotherapy in falls prevention
Occupational therapy in falls prevention
Psycho-behavioural approaches in falls prevention

Week 11

Interprofessional practice in falls prevention (Part II)
Dietary considerations in falls prevention and post-fall management programmes
The role of nursing in falls prevention in the hospital and community settings
Vision and falls
Foot problems, management and footwear in falls and their prevention

Week 12 Promoting wellness among older person in the community
Week 13 Consultation

Certificate and Assessment

A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants who

  • Attend at least 75% of the module
  • Undertake non-credit bearing assessment during the module

A Certificate of Attainment will be issued to participants who

  • Attend at least 75% of the module, and
  • Candidates who pass the Assessment criteria of the respective module will earn 6 credits, which are stackable for Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma qualifications
  • Candidates who pass 4 modules (totalling 24 credits) with a CGPA of 2.5 or more will be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Elder Health and Rehabilitation by Singapore Institute of Technology
  • Candidates who pass 8 modules (totalling 48 credits) with a CGPA of 2.5 or more will be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Elder Health and Rehabilitation by Singapore Institute of Technology

Fee Structure

The full fee for this course is S$4,251.00.

Category After SF Funding
Singapore Citizen (Below 40) S$1,275.30
Singapore Citizen (40 & Above) S$495.30
Singapore PR / LTVP+ Holder S$1,275.30
Non-Singapore Citizen S$4,251.00 (No Funding)

Note: All fees above include GST. GST applies to individuals and Singapore-registered companies.

Course Runs

There are no upcoming course runs at the moment.

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Learning Pathway


Earn a Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma

The Postgraduate Qualifications in Elder Health and Rehabilitation are designed with a clinical focus to deepen and broaden the skills of allied health professionals, enabling them to apply scientific learning and knowledge to the clinical applications of healthcare for elder persons.

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