Together, our diverse mix team of expert educators, researchers, PIs, innovators, and support staff, are dedicated to advancing the applied and innovative mission of SIT.

Our SIT Engineering Hall of Fame

Teaching Excellence Award Winners

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    Assistant Professor
    Dr Kyrin Liong
    Won in AY2019 & AY2018

    “At its very core, the classroom practice that the students and I have built together is based on the strong relationship we have. We work hard to create a safe space in which:(i) they know they will be encouraged to find the best way to teach themselves, (ii) they may express their honest constructive views without judgement or interference, and (iii) most importantly, one in which they will always be heard and supported.”

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    Assistant Professor
    Dr An Hui
    Won in AY2019 & AY2016

    “To enhance student’s learning, it is important to relate content to them by setting real life examples or by making analogy to the knowledge they have learnt before.”

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    Associate Professor
    Dr Desmond Chong
    Won in AY2019

    “As the Chinese proverb says, “知己知彼,百战百胜”, my teaching philosophy lies with the understanding of my students’ strengths and weaknesses so that I am able to guide them using the most appropriate methods.”

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    Assistant Professor
    Dr Tan Kim Seng
    Won in AY2019

    “Exercise patience and offer extra help when dealing with harder topics.”

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    Associate Professor
    Dr Venkatarayalu Neelakantam
    Won in AY2018 & AY2017

    “We should never give up on any student regardless of their ability. The important thing is they should never feel that they are left alone. That can be achieved if we have patience in us to never give up on them and if we need to repeat something, we should by all means do it any number of times as necessary.”

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    Associate Professor
    Dr Gan Hiong Yap
    Won in AY2018

    “Good decisions come from experience, but experience comes from making bad decisions. When students are able to actually embrace their mistakes with an open mind, I observe that they learn more effectively.”

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    Associate Professor
    Dr Mustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen
    Won in AY2018 & AY2016

    “The key essence of my teaching philosophy is to link students’ learning of a certain topic with application on real-world challenges, be it an everyday-life or a workplace setting. With timely feedback, this makes for a win-win combination for students to appreciate what was taught in class with what should then be applied to the industry.”

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    Associate Professor
    Dr Andrew Ng
    Won in AY2017

    “I integrate case studies, real-world applications, and industry projects into the learning environment, which connects the students’ learning to the real world, makes their learning experience more meaningful, and strengthens their analytical and critical thinking skills.”

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    Associate Professor
    Dr Lee Kwee Hiong
    Won in AY2017 & AY2016

    “For different modules, we will look at what content needs to be delivered and how to enhance the learning process. We try to create an environment for self-learning and self-discovery and to encourage interaction and learning within the group (peer learning) as well as between groups. While in class or when working with the students, we give them our full attention and focus on building their foundation and knowledge.”

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    Associate Professor
    Dr Victor Wang
    Won in AY2017 & AY2016

    “Beyond all that technology that we are trying to introduce into our teaching pedagogy, which I think is very important, the time and commitment that we invest on our students to nurture them, to challenge them, to motivate them, to stretch beyond their perceived capabilities are equally important. I’m very excited to have this opportunity to teach our students and pass the knowledge to them; and the sense of fulfilment will come when I see them being able to apply the knowledge into real-life engineering”

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    Associate Professor
    Dr Alfred Tan
    Won in AY2016

    “People always like to know what the secret behind good teaching is and there are already a lot of best practices out there. Out of all these practices, there’s only one that matters and the place to find it is inside the faculty members, themselves. And, they really have to discover it.”