Course Overview

Food, Chemical and Biotechnology
Short Course
2 days
Fee Subsidy
Up to 90% SF Funding

Sensory evaluation is a scientific test that is popularly used to gauge and interpret human responses to food products. More and more food companies adapt sensory evaluation to help in their business decision making, be it in new product development, quality control, or market study.

However, it is important to note that such test should be performed upon understanding of objectives and principles prior to the activity. Our trainers, with extensive industry and academic experiences, will demonstrate how food products can be evaluated by simple approaches, and how easily a tasting session can be set up and managed in a controlled environment where consumers’ perceptions on food products are measured and analysed objectively without psychological bias.  This 2-day short course will introduce concepts, principles and techniques required in sensory evaluation that are applicable to food industry. Participants will have hands-on experience in role play as both panelists and sensory leaders, to design and conduct various sensory tests (e.g. discrimination test and affective test) to meet different objectives in workplace and perform statistical analysis (e.g. X2-test and ANOVA test), before drawing meaningful conclusions in business. The statistical analysis can be easily done on Microsoft Excel with its free functions. No additional cost on other App or software will be incurred. A user-friendly Excel template will be offered FOC to participants at the end of course.

Who Should Attend

  • This course is appropriate for food technologists, QA/QC executives, as well as marketing personnel who need scientific proof to improve / justify product quality, or to analyse market information from consumers’ feedback prior to making business plan or decision
  • Participants with qualification of diploma in life science related fields are preferrable.
  • Participants shall have basic IT literature skills, especially in the use of Microsoft Excel and Word Documents.

What You Will Learn

Topic 1: Introduction – Understanding of Sensory Science

  • This topic will cover the principles, terminologies, factors and control measures used in sensory evaluation. 

Topic 2: Experimental Design for Discrimination Tests

  • In this topic, two discrimination tests will be exemplified for experimental design. Hands-on activities towards purposes of experiment will be carried out. 

Topic 3: Experimental Design for Affective Tests

  • In this topic, two affective tests will be exemplified for experimental design. Hands-on activities towards purposes of experiment will be carried out. 

Topic 4: Statistical Analysis for Sensory Tests

  • Statistical methods appropriate to the sensory tests will be illustrated. Data analysis will be guided and performed on a provided Excel template.

Teaching Team

Mabel Wang Rong
Mabel Wang Rong

Lead Professional Officer, Singapore Institute of Technology

View profile


    Time Activity
    8:30 am Welcome and Registration
    9:00 am Topic 1
    10:30 am - 10:45 am Tea Break
    12:30 pm Lunch
    1:30 pm Topic 2
    3:00 pm - 3:15 pm Tea Break
    5:00 pm Quiz / Q&A
    Time Activity
    8:30 am Welcome and Registration
    9:00 am Topic 3
    10:30 am - 10:45 am Tea Break
    12:30 pm Lunch
    1:30 pm Topic 4
    3:00 pm - 3:15 pm Tea Break
    5:00 pm Quiz / Q&A

    Certificate and Assessment

    A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants who:

    • Attend 75% of the course
    • Undertake and pass non-credit bearing assessment during the course

    Fee Structure

    The full fee for this course is S$1,962.00.

    Category After SF Funding
    Singapore Citizen (Below 40) S$588.60
    Singapore Citizen (40 & Above) S$228.60
    Singapore PR / LTVP+ Holder S$588.60
    Non-Singapore Citizen S$1,962.00 (No Funding)

    Note: All fees above include GST. GST applies to individuals and Singapore-registered companies.

    Course Runs

    There are no upcoming course runs at the moment.

    Subscribe to our mailing list to learn about the latest dates as soon as they become available.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. chevron--up
      What is included?

      Course materials such as lecture notes, sensory test manual, and an Excel template for data analysis will be provided at the course. Participants are required to bring their own laptop.

    2. chevron--up
      What IT skills do I need for this course?

      Basic skills in the use of Microsoft office tools such as Excel will suffice. No programming skills are required for this course.

    3. chevron--up
      What attire shall I prepare for this course?

      No specific attire is required. Comfortable clothing, long pants and shoes are preferred as there are hands-on activities in the classroom and sensory laboratory.

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