SiPSDE - Single-Integrated Platform Using GitHub for Software Development Education

Grant Name
Applied Learning and Innovation Grant (ALIGN)


This project proposal aims to design a process with teaching materials and instructional videos to guide students through the integrated features from various online platforms in one integrated platform that we intend to run on GitHub’s platform. This integrated platform will host the actives throughout the software development lifecycle. For example, source code development, automated testing, and version control functions. It will be managed by the lecturers or professional officers, with fewer privacy concerns. Advantages of developing our materials for the integrated platform are:

  1. we have control over the coverage of the materials
  2. reduction of gaps between materials, and
  3. complete control over the availability of the teaching materials.
Team Members
Assistant Professor
Dr Alex Qiang Chen
Singapore Institute of Technology
Associate Professor
Dr Malcolm Low Yoke Hean
Singapore Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor
Dr Cao Qi
University of Glasgow Singapore