Tom Joe Hayes Bursary
The Tom Joe Hayes Bursary was established to support financially disadvantaged but deserving undergraduates pursuing selected full-time undergraduate degrees at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Full-time students pursuing an undergraduate degree programme in Nursing or Allied Health offered by the Institute.
Are Singapore Citizens.
Have a household per capita income (PCI) of less than or equal to $1,200.
Tenure and Benefits of the Bursary:
Each Bursary is valued at S$5,000 and is tenable for one academic year.
The Bursary shall be used for the recipient’s educational expenses such as tuition fees, course materials, expenses for study trips and fees for other educational activities organised by the Institute.
Recipients of this Bursary may accept another bursary concurrently.
No bond is required of the recipient.
About the Donor
The bursary is made possible by a gift from Dr Alvin Yeo and his wife Brigid Yeo in honour of Brigid’s father, Thomas Joe Hayes. Born in 1951, Thomas Joe lost both his mother and father while still in childhood. During this time, he was supported greatly by his extended family and neighbours. He trained as a mechanic and his natural affinity to his trade resulted in him being recognised as having great skill and ability to repair all types of vehicles from cars and trucks to heavy agricultural machinery. The role of family, community, friendship and helping others was always very important to Thomas Joe throughout his life and he was well regarded in many circles. Through this bursary, Dr. Yeo and his wife and family aim to inspire students to overcome adversary and to value family, friendship, community and a sense of belonging.
How To Apply
Matriculated students are to submit their Financial Aid application via the SIT Student Intranet - IN4SIT. Do note that students are to connect to the SIT VPN before accessing IN4SIT.
Applicants will need to complete and submit the online application form and upload all required supporting documents through the application portal by the given deadline.
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.