Grading System - University of Liverpool
Progression is subject to the University of Liverpool's progression requirements. In summary, a student must pass all 120 credits to progress to the next year of study. A student may have 15 credits, compensated with a score of 35-39, in accordance with the university’s rules. There are re-sit opportunities for Year 1 and Year 2 students during the summer assessment period.
Progress of Students on Taught Programmes of Study
To progress from study years 0, 1 and 2, and to progress from levels of study 1 and 2, students must:
- Pass (i.e. achieve 40%) all mandatory modules; and
- Pass (i.e. achieve 40%) in modules amounting to 90 credits; and
- Achieve an average of at least 40% across all modules and a minimum mark of 35% in all modules.
The university’s progress procedures are designed to monitor student performance and to investigate any reasons for an individual student’s inability to make satisfactory progress in their studies.
At the end of each assessment period and after re-sitting for examinations, Boards of Examiners (acting as Progression Boards) should review the progress of students in conjunction with any reviews carried out by Directors of Studies. In particular, consideration should be given to the following:
- Students whose performance in the examination/assessment gives cause for concern;
- Students whose progress in academic, professional, or clinical studies gives cause for concern;
- Students whose attendance is exceptionally poor;
- Students who are repeating the whole or part of a year of study, including the final year;
- Students who have failed a continuously assessed module for which a re-sit opportunity is not offered
University Marks Scale, Marking Descriptors and Qualification Descriptors
Marks scale
For undergraduate non-clinical modular degrees, marks awarded on individual modules are categorised as follows:
70 - 100 First Class 60 - 69 Upper second class (2.1) 50 - 59 Lower second class (2.2) 40 - 49 3rd Class 35 - 39 Narrow fail (but compensation may be allowed in accordance with the University's rules) Less than 35 Fail -
Degree Classification
The system is based on the use of an overall average of the weighted marks for Year 2 and Year 3 as the first indicator of the degree classification, with a system of profiling being employed in cases of students whose averages are at the borderline between classifications. The system will operate as follows for three-year non-clinical undergraduate degrees.
Credits passed
If modules totalling 330 credits or more have been passed, i.e. the module has been awarded a mark of 40% or above (this includes compensated marks of 40% gained in Years 1 and 2) and all mandatory modules have been passed, the student will be considered for the award of a classified honours degree. The credits passed must be at the appropriate level, as detailed in Appendix A on the Code of Practice on Assessment. If students fail Year 3 modules totalling more than 30 credits , i.e. the module has been awarded a mark of less than 40%, the candidate will not be eligible for the award of an honours degree, but may be eligible for the award of a pass (non-honours) degree.
The marks for Year 2 and Year 3 are used to determine the degree classification, with a 30:70 Year 2/Year 3 weightage applied.
A mark is allocated for each module. Each mark is multiplied by the number of credits allocated to the module to which it relates. The resulting numbers for each module in the year of study (or level of study in the case of flexible degree students) are totalled and divided by 120 (the total number of credits in a year of study), resulting in the average mark. This calculation is done for both Year 2 and Year 3, and an overall average calculated, weighted 30:70 between Year 2 and Year 3.
The overall average for Year 2 and Year 3 is rounded to the nearest whole number (decimal places up to four are rounded down, decimal places of five or more are rounded up). The initial indication of degree classification is then reached as follows:
70%+ 1st 60-69% 2.1 50-59% 2.2 40-49% 3rd Less than 40% Pass degree -
Eligibility to graduate
Graduate requirements are:
- You must have completed your programme of study.
- For those on taught programmes of study: your name must appear on an official pass list.
- You must have no outstanding debts owed to the University of Liverpool.
- Any academic assessment appeal must have been satisfactorily concluded.