Chong Yook Yin Book Prize in Principles and Practice of Population Health
The Chong Yook Yin Book Prize in Principles and Practice of Population Health is established at SIT to recognise exceptional students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree programme.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
The candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Pursuing a full-time Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree programme at SIT
- Achieved the top score in the Principles and Practice of Population Health module
- The prize will be shared equally in the event that more than one student achieves the highest score
- This award will be given out from Academic Year 2020/21 onwards
Benefits of the Award
Cash Prize of S$1,500
About the Donor
This book prize is made possible with a gift from The Estate of Chong Yook Yin. Throughout her career as a nurse for over 20 years, Mdm Chong Yook Yin cared for countless patients, and would always amaze family and friends with her boundless enthusiasm for helping others through the medical profession. This Book Prize was established to honour Mdm Chong’s strong belief in education, and her wish to support students pursuing a similar, joyful calling in nursing.