CSIT Book Prize in Secured Software Development

The CSIT Book Prize in Secured Software Development is established at SIT to encourage and recognise academic excellence among students pursuing the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information and Communications Technology (Software Engineering) degree programme.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must meet the following criteria:

  • Pursuing a full-time Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Information and Communications Technology (Software Engineering) degree programme at SIT
  • Achieved the top score in the Secure Software Development module
  • The prize will be shared equally in the event that more than one student achieves the highest score

Benefits of the Award

Cash Prize of S$1,500 

About the Donor

This book prize was made possible with a gift from Centre for Strategic Infocomm Technologies (CSIT), a technical agency in the Ministry of Defence that harnesses cutting-edge digital technologies to meet Singapore’s security needs. CSIT’s technical focus includes Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Software Engineering, and Cloud Infrastructure and Services.  

CSIT analyses data to discover potential threats, conduct technical investigations, develop new capabilities and provide threat intelligence to support national security missions such as Cyber Defence, Counter-Terrorism, and Counter Hostile Information Operations.

CSIT is a member of the Defence Technology Community.